Mr Turnbull has a problem???

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by garry17, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Well what can be said??? While the grubs run around trying to score some points off child abuse and their obvious racism and bigotry, let us get on with the political forum and decent discussions about politics and not just the justification of opinion of contrary nature.

    Turnbull has suffered an interesting loss of face in the last week (which surprises me nobody commented on) the vote that almost carried a waste of money to create a Royal Commission into the banking industry because several politicians left early for the weekend break.

    Clearly the Coalition has been found lacking last week which I would suggest comes from bad leadership. Turnbull has had couple months, to formulate a leadership model that should have stop this type of thing from occurring but NO.
    How unprofessional does this current PM look when he does not appear to have decent support of his members. Turnbull needs to get his act together, sure this is first sitting of his elected government. Clearly there is a very large issue with his leadership he needs to address before the government can get back to work for the people, because apparent it is just for the party at the moment…
  2. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    No. It comes from poor discipline and strategic awareness which is the job of the Whips and the Leader of the House. There is no doubt Labour executed a carefully planned ambush and it was a huge success. Why would it come as a surprise to the Libs after Morrison boasted and taunted Labour about who won the election, and the Lib's frequent claims of having a 'workable majority.' A lesson they deserved, and one they were given quite brilliantly. Just goes to show, comparatively, how successful the Gillard minority Government was in managing the House and the numbers.
  3. robot

    robot Active Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Now the big question is, "can they do it again?" If they can then it would be an even bigger embarrassment. I wonder what legislation the Labor party CAN pass this way?
  4. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Ummm... So you say that statement is wrong because the leadership is bad... Clearly, your objection to my comment is that YOU assume leadership is just the PM... Me, I suggest you stop splashing around the shallows and consider what you want to say, not just opposing who is saying it...
    Frankly it does not show how Gillard worked, it clearly shows how Turnbull is not working. If you consider that means Gillard is great then why stab her in the back???

    Obviously it was planned and executed well, but not on Shorten's behalf, I would not give that grub the credit to think of such a thing.

    Since Turnbull stabbed Abbott to get the top job that in many ways now appears to be the case to not only line his own nest but to save his political career. NBN management not looking too good under his leadership of that portfolio, however, still beats the incompetence of ALP in the same area. So far nothing from the populist leader of any credibility, I just wonder how the rest of the world is receiving his flopping about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well yes, I do think they will be able to because Turnbull and his cronies will be trying to appear they have everything in hand while ALP will set out to do a job...
  5. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    How cute. There I am demonstrating that I consider that the term 'Leadership' includes the Whips and the Leader of the House!

    I would have made the same comment if someone who actually knows what they are talking about said it.

    Just as well you said 'frankly' 'cause that made me take extra special notice. My point was obvious ~ Gillard, whose position numerically was weaker that Turnbull's never lost a vote in years. Turnbull et al lost three in less than a week.

    'Atta boy, you keep underestimating your 'enemy' and you will get caught again, soon enough.

    Dunno whether you noticed but it was not just Turnbull's knife in Abbott's back.

    So, when will your 'God' return?
  6. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Really, so you were not trying to split hairs??? I believe the rest of your comment brings this into focus...

    Do you try to get people to insult you, so you can pretend to be the better??? And before you complain otherwise, why would you attempt valed insult to say... well, NOTHING.

    Well, I had previously asked you not to comment on my posts for this very reason. The fact remained your party stabbed her in the back for supposedly doing a bad job, suddenly she did a great job. But hey, not my issue...

    Oh, I am shaking in fear that Shorten (my supposed enemy) will catch me out. I have to say, just how do you know it was Shorten who thought up this little scheme, Oh wait, you blindly believe anything he does until the next leader is elected...

    Just like it was not only Gillard's knife, Rudd's knife in their backs either. Got a point or is it just more emotive attempt to extrote that victim state.

    Ummm, who is my "god"???

    Now it appears the new tactic of the ALP supporters is to attempt to manuvour everybody into being the victim status. As we can see by these and others who have commented just recently they will attempt to manipulate comments to attempt to say they innocently commented and were savagely attacked by posters.So we mislead the forum by making emotive comments about what others are saying no matter if they address the comment or not.

    This post, clear demonstration.
  7. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Ima going to ignore all that except this bit:

    How do you have the slightest idea which is 'my party?'

    Whatever you want to say about Gillard, she never lost a vote on the Floor for three years and her position was mathematically much weaker than Turnbull's is. He lost three in a week, do you agree?
  8. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    That stands to reason…

    simply from your comments and how you imagined the ALP years compared the Coalition. The fact you ignore many issues of the ALP and yet wish to demonise the Coalition over issues YOU perceive to have occurred. This being one of them… As I point out
    Yes, Gillard lost many votes on the floor all to be expected of a minority government. Trying to suggest Gillard never lost a vote on the floor is either from wilful ignorance or… well you get the picture. Many votes were lost on the ALP boat people issues just to name ONE.

    The difference is that Turnbull is in supposed majority government, Gillard was a minority government… As for being mathematically weaker… WELL DUH… And Turnbull lost Three in two hours that majority government should not have lost… Only lost due to lack of leadership and no other reason…
  9. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Garry, please post one link which backs your claim of the Gillard Government losing a vote in the HoR.

    You are as lousy reading the tea leaves on who 'my party' is as you are in knowing the next lotto winning numbers.
  10. LeftRightLeft

    LeftRightLeft Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I get what you said.. all you said is the Gillard GOVERNMENT did a good job MANAGING THE HOUSE with a minority government
    WHILE the Turnbull GOVERNMENT is having problems managing a majority government.

    To interpret that as to say that you believed that Julia Gillard did a good job in government (whether you do or not is irrelevant), is typical of how "that mob" take what was said and twist it, or edit it out of context.
  11. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I will point out, your comparison between the occurrence of what happened in a majority government compared to a minority government.

    BUT hey

    Yeah, Yeah, but here is classic example of ignoring the reality of the situation. So either you have rose coloured glasses on when looking at the ALP or you simply intend to oppose the poster. Thus clearly demonstrating my wish for you not to comment… But hey, Attempt to disparage me all you like. I know I am not the victim…
  12. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I see, you intend to run your grubby attacks on the sidelines. Talk about trolling threads...
  13. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Garry, as I think I have already posted ~ there is no need for me (or anyone) to attempt to disparage you. I can only speak for myself, but if there is to be a victim, there needs to be an attacker. I am not attacking you. There is, as I have said, no need. You do a good job on yourself.

    I am interested in the contents of that link you posted which is in direct conflict with this:


  14. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Yeah, Yeah, you do not make emotive comments because... well... you don't think anybody else is smart enough to know... BUT yes, you do attack and yes others do see.
    Now claiming fabrication??? Maybe lie??? And you say you’re not attacking…
    And??? As already pointed out, Gillard was in minority government Turnbull in majority so you complaint at me is wrong. Just as the grub who wishes to snipe from the sidelines.

    Both you and the Grub have decided there is reasonable comparison of Gillard government and Turnbull government and thus wish to highlight some hypocrisy over this point. Just as I say there is serious lack of leadership you post.
    Do we need to mention the obvious??? Oh, I think I already did…

    I could go on, but if you think you have something, spit it out. While I don’t like the grubby tactics of your supporter, I am prepared to have my opinion changed, if you can back it…
  15. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Garry, I have absolutely no idea what you are saying. Spit what out? Change your opinion on what? What 'supporter?' Sheesh, Garry, not everything is a hand grenade tossed at you. All I am saying is that Gillard never lost a vote in her years as PM in the HoR and she had fewer numbers than Turnbull who lost three in a week. That tells me she and her Team understood the need for discipline. Turnbull and his Team did not, last week. I guess they now do after being bloodied three times in quick succession. Do you agree?
  16. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Seriously, you try and claim failure of fact, then when it is pointed out that Gillard's situation was completely different you try you come back with this.

    First of all, Gillard’s numbers were actually better than Turnbull’s due to the Coalition she entered into so the numbers were on her side. Putting slipper in the speaker box also worked in her favour. Turnbull has no such deal. Thus you comparison relies entirely on what YOU perceive and not on truth.

    Also, you wish to try to entertain some sort of claim of failure of fact, as you say "All I am saying is that Gillard never lost a vote in her years as PM in the HoR" which is clearly wrong, but you persist in making such comments due to your inability to understand the difference of government. NOT MY ISSUE.

    If you want to continue to fabricate your evidence then so be it. I am not interested in continually posting links and explanations on people who simply wish to oppose because of the poster and not the post. This is clearly demonstrated in the fact you ignore the evidence to attempt to make a lie fact...

    Come back if you get something to support your claims and wish to discuss them, until then not much more to be said…
  17. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    What is a 'failure of fact?' You use that expression as though it was some sort of voodoo pin into a doll.

    Slipper was put there after Wilkie withdrew support, as I am sure you knew. Simple fact is......Turnbull has the numbers in his own right. Gillard had to negotiate and hold ongoing support which she did. Turnbull could not control his own herd in the first week.

    See above.

    It is clearly correct.

    ...'the difference of government.' Huh?

    Well, Elde Fruit, that is a step too far. You are now calling me a liar. Nasty, that.

    I'll oppose any poster who posts rubbish, and I'll address the rubbish, not the poster.

    Dear oh dear, there is that ad hom abuse again. Nasty, that. Is it allowed here?
  18. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    We see the truth below.

    Seriously, you talk about others examining what they say before they hit reply...

    So, YOU claim I am fabricating the fact Gillard lost many votes on the floor because... Oh wait I remember...
    which overrules the comment...
    So you right because you cannot read or comprehend either comment.

    Gillard Minority government
    Turnbull Majority government

    Maybe that will get through...

    See above, comprehension not strong

    Simply returning the favour with one sight advantage, I am right.

    And you say you’re not attacking, Woe is me...

    Isn't that interesting, Do you really consider others don't see??? But hey, whatever you want to believe, not my issue.

    The problem is, YOU created this situation in attempt to get some point and have been found lacking. YOUR attempt to label my comments as lies has found you to be the person with the problem. Simply the reason I don't want you to comment. You did nothing but fabricate you issues before and nothing has changed...
    So we see who has the failure of fact…
  19. Bennelong

    Bennelong New Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    That is at least the second time you have falsely accused me of being someone else. Wrong. I have never been here before. Get over that paranoia.
  20. LeftRightLeft

    LeftRightLeft Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    See, this poster is RIGHT even when proven wrong ..... He ignores the proof, changes tact, and turns it personal as clearly demonstrated here. The opponent is not right, he is either looking through rose coloured glasses or just trying to be antagonistic. How utterly arrogant as usual especially with the right, which really is it's major problem.

    We won, we won they say jumping up and down beating their hairy chests, they're my bananas now.

    "The people of Australia gave us a mandate", I wouldn't call such a close election a mandate for anything except to watch your R's.

    "Give the money to big business, they will fix all the problems", bull's manure, they caused all the problems in the first place.

    You cannot win an argument against a person who is always right. Now for the vicious personal attack.
  21. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I believe it was you who talked about stalking other forum members, My guess is that this trolling attempt is because you have some serious issues with the fact you’re a grub...

    Not interested in anything you have to say...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yeah, Yeah, Your words betray you..
  22. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Yep pseudo-intellectual. There is no discussion just lectures :roflol: utterly delusional but hope he can learn to converse and make it a learning experience not just some little petty game.

    IQSRLOW New Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    "Your party" stands out like the dogs proverbials. Your attempt at denying when you've been picked like a nose in the desert is cute.
  24. LeftRightLeft

    LeftRightLeft Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Can you explain how so we can all share your insight.
  25. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Turnbull is a conundrum. I never bought his progressive social views, they were fairly irrelevant to the job of PM. His political judgement stinks (Utegate, Gretch). He really shouldn't be in politics. But he is not well served by a divided party and a cabinet that must surely have rats in it. I'm afraid Malcolm is merely a wearer of an office, not an inhabitant. He should go if he can't stand up to the trogs. Let the Chief Trog back in and allow us all to consider how the government goes at the next election.

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