My Poltical Idology?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Purch, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    I know what I generally classify myself as, but I wanted to see what members of this forum would classify me as.

    Age: 23

    Race: African American


    Religion- Atheist. Nothing more to really say

    Abortion-Against, except in the case of Rape, Incest or Danger to the mother’s life. I generally feel that people should be provided with all the birth control options possible, however it's up to them to actually use them responsibly. After a life is conceived I don't believed we should terminate that due to our own convince. The right to live is the most essential American right in my opinion.

    Death Penalty- Against. Just like with abortion, this comes down to the most fundamental right of all Americans, which is the right to life. I don't believe the state has any authority to kill of individuals, due to their past actions. I feel the role of the court is to judge an individual’s actions, and remove him from society. When the courts decided to take someone’s life I feel it's a violation to liberty.

    Euthanasia - Pro. Just like with the previous two issues, the fundamental concept is the right to life. As I've expressed every person conceived should have the right to their own life. However, that also means that in cases where the individual determines that their life is too painful to continue to live, they should have the option of ending it in a medically efficient and relatively painless way.

    Capitalism- I'm pro capitalism, in most instances. However, what I'm not pro is this "crony capitalism" that has existed since around the 1920's. I blame that on a lot of things, including the devaluing of our currency (By terrible federal reserve actions), the fact that the Federal reserve is literally made up of investment bankers putting monetary policies in place that suck the value out of the middle class, and bail out corporations/banks that operate in bad faith, monetizing debt.. Ext.

    Federal Reserve- Won't get too much into it... However, the Federal Reserve needs a full audit, and to be abolished. At the very least every Federal Reserve action should need an approval from congress. The reserve has caused too much damage, due to practically operating with no limits or regulation. A reserve that by its very makeup benefits bankers and corporations.

    Gay marriage- Pro. This is simple, if you want to marry someone, it's not the governments roll to tell you that you can't.

    Marijuana legalization- Pro. We need to treat Marijuana like we do cigarettes/alcohol. Set potency limits on commercial Marijuana. Make sure all industries adhere to strict composition standards. Let the FDA research/regulate medical Marijuana (Which can be given at higher levels with a prescription, than what's allowed to be sold at stores). Tax it highly, like what we do with cigarettes.

    Electoral College- Abolish. Absolutely terrible, not a single reason I think this institution should still be in place.

    Super delegates- Abolish. These systems meant to protect the voter from themselves, are absolutely just a system put in place to benefit the establishment.

    Environmental Protection- This is an example of "Good government". The government has to play a major role in the management of climate change, even at the expense of the people/businesses. We need to incentivize businesses to research and innovate in alternative fuels and nuclear technology.

    Estate Tax- Con. Think transfers of money between families, isn't for the Government to profit off of.

    Flat Tax vs Progressive Tax- Truthfully I don't have any real preference of one over the other. The only thing that I care about is paying or national debt/balancing the budget. If that included a Flat tax, or if that includes a progressive tax then so be it. However, either tax is worthless if it doesn't get us closer to balancing the budget.

    TPP- Absolutely terrible, these attempts at huge global markets have shown to have disastrous effects on economies and citizens. It's not a true free trade agreement at all, it's an attempt by global governments to maintain complete control over trade. If it's implemented it'll crash.

    EU- Terrible for the same reasons as TPP, yet for some reason there was less resistance to it than TPP.

    Gun Rights- A person should be able to use a firearm to protect their property. However, firearms shouldn't be allowed in the hands of people with criminal records/certain mental disabilities.

    Foreign Policy. Our current foreign policy is absolutely mindboggling. I would prefer a conversion back to the policies leading up to World War 2. The policy of non-intervention, where we were skeptical of getting involved in conflicts that don't threaten us directly. We have military bases in 1400 military bases scattered along 120+ countries. We invest heavily in a foreign policy that doesn't make us safer, but instead just causes both our enemies/allies to hate us more (What the FBI calls blowback). We need to massively cut back our defense spending, because it's the prime reason why our nation debt continues to grow. I propose that we get out of Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan as quickly as possible, and we cut down our military bases by at least 40% over the next 4 years. We need to get back to a policy of non-intervention, and stop acting as the world’s police. We also need to stop interfering in the politics/civil wars of other countries, and stop overthrowing governments in an attempt to put "Puppet dictators" that support American interest. I think after decades of interfering in the Middle East (Ever since overthrowing the Shaw in 1957), we'll see that terrorism dramatically decreases when we leave them to self-govern, without American bases scattered across their land. We need to follow our constitution meaning “Every war/military intervention must have a formal vote/declaration from congress".

    Social Programs/Healthcare/Education- I group these topics together because just like our foreign policy, we waste a lot of money domestically on these things, yet we don't get back the value we put into it. Our education system is lagging... We spent more on Healthcare than any other country yet it's still inefficient, and we spend way too much on inefficient social programs. I think that we need to completely remake our welfare system/healthcare system/education, into an efficient system that will cost tax payers less money for a better result. Welfare should exist with individual plans to transition people off welfare and into stability based on time periods determined by each individual situation. I'm not against spending for programs if they work. However, it's clear to me that our solution of throwing more money at every problem, isn't producing results. Another reason why our budget is never balanced, just so much government waste domestically.

    Foreign Aide - All our foreign aid to other countries should be stopped immediately. Just like what I outlined previously about voting for war, any attempt to send foreign aid to any country should be scrutinized and voted on by congress. There should be no reason why homeless individuals can suffer yet Israel, The Philippines and Saudi Arabia can get hundreds of Billions of dollars in American Aide. Our foreign policy needs to change dramatically.

    Immigration- Our immigration policy just doesn't work. We have to make it easier for people to come into this country legally, but make it harder for people to enter this illegally. We need to incentivize legalization, and incentivize illegals already in the country to become citizens. The concept of building a wall is another example of wanting to implement an inefficient method, which cost a lot, but wouldn't solve the problem.

    Prisons- Another area of huge government waste. We incarcerate a ton of people for petty crimes connected to our failed war on drugs. Prisons need to be separated from corporate interest, and can be reduced by nearly 40% by reforming our drug policy, and retroactively releasing inmates. Also, if prisoners were allowed to vote, it would actually incentive politicians to propose solutions to the system. Also be a prisoner doesn’t mean you should have your voice stripped from the political process.

    Minimum Wage- I'm pro a minimum wage based on age. A livable wage as an adult is completely different than a livable wage as a teenager. However, minimum wages shouldn't be national, but instead should be determined by states, based on their "cost of living".

    Social Justice Activism- Absolutely against, what has become one of the most toxic movements in America. People who use the blanket of social justice to limit free speech and criticism are absolutely having a negative effect on this country. These people attack comedians, politicians, businesses, celebrities, ext... And use the blanket of social justice to label everyone who disagrees with them or offends them as racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist or any other buzz word meant to negatively label someone. These individuals seek to make people lose their jobs over making them uncomfortable. It all starts on college campuses, and this focus on identity politics. Whenever people are confronted with opinions that make them feel insecure about an aspect of their "identity", they run for their safe spaces, and try to demonize the other party. That’s not to say there’s not legitimate social justice causes, however this kind of activism just takes attention away from those causes. For example, something like Police and prisons disproportionately targeting minorities is something that is a legitimate reason to be outraged about and try to advocate for change.

    3rd Wave Feminism- Absolutely against. Third wave feminism has an overwhelmingly negative effect on our current society. This brand of feminism blames patriarchy for every issue that they encounter in society, attacks anything associated with masculinity, and hides behind the traditional definition of feminism, which is "the fighting for the equality of both sexes". The practices of third wave feminist have evolve so far from the traditional definition, that the current ideology in no way mirrors a push for equality. Men's rights activist are constant berated for bringing the spotlight to legitimate male issues such as suicide rates, dropout rates, homicide rates, the demonization of masculinity, male rape, and male mass incarceration... Also another big issue I have with 3rd wave feminism is their completely disregard and chipping away at due process, for anyone accused of Rape/Domestic violence. Men are considered guilty until proven innocent, and their reputations are completely destroyed without remedy in the case of false rape allegations. Feminist have pushed for a culture on college campuses, where rape accusations cause individuals to be suspended/expelled and assumed guilty, on a much lower standard than would ever be acceptable in a court of law. Victims of false rape accusations are consistently told that they shouldn't press charges against their accusers because "It might make it harder for real victims to come forward". It's a system where a person’s reputation can be destroyed, with little evidence, and a complete disregard for their due process and any assumption of innocence.

    Social Issues- The government has no role in legislating morality. The government has to ensure through law that people have the right to pursue their own self interest and lifestyles.

    #1 Issue- National Debt- The nation debt needs to be reduced period. That means cutting down domestically (Excess government spending in all areas). Cutting down our national defense budget (Adopting an economically proven system of non-intervention). Stop sending aid to other countries (Israel, Philippines, and Saudi Arabia). End the Federal Reserve and its policy of printing money, and artificially lowering interest rates. And after all that excess spending/bad monetary policy is cut, we can finally get our bills under control. Once we get our bills under control, we can invest in our infrastructure, alternative fuels and our middle class.
  2. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    At first glance, it looks to me like someone that would consider themself to be a left leaning Libertarian, but without knowing how you prioritize each issue in terms of importance, it is impossible to say for certain.
  3. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    You are a democrat.
  4. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    You know this is actually really interesting. I posted this thread on the other "political forum" site and a guy was adamant that I was a conservative. It's interesting to see how people can come to such polar opposite conclusions lol.
  5. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    I don't really prioritize things outside of the Nation debt and the foreign policy. I would literally put every other issue on hold, if we could stop spending trillions of dollars on the military industrial complex, nation building, and foreign aide and put it towards the American people and our countries debt.

    I say it quite often that "Social issues are the opiate of the masses", it makes people feel good to yell at each other from their moral high grounds... But in reality it serves to distract from our debt, budget, monetary policy and foreign policy, the things that threaten our actual existence as a country. It's weird to me that people are much more outraged when they hear about a social policy potentially being changed by the courts, than when they hear that Obama approved 38 billon dollars worth of foreign aide for Israel for weapons.
  6. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    I am not seeking further clarification on your beliefs. You laid them out there, and I said to me you sound like someone that considers them self to be a left leaning Libertarian. I am not personally interested in playing a game of "20 questions".
  7. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Ok? That was quite a change in tone. I didn't disagree with your assessment at all. I was just responding to the part where you seem to want some clarification on how I prioritized the issues. If that wasn't you wanted than that's fine. My bad.
  8. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    LOL....I'm sorry, perhaps my tone came across more harshly than I intended. I guess I was trying to say that I already feel like I have a general idea where you are coming from, and I believe my assessment to be mostly correct. As a left leaning Libertarian, you have some ideas that fall on both sides of the aisle, although at the same time I see you as definitely more left than right. Because you espoused views that fall on both sides of the aisle, I don't find it confusing at all that you will have people that judge you as left or right. A lot of that has to do with the receiver of that message. If that receiver is a leftist whose most important issue is far and away abortion, then he is going to tend to see you as a rightist. If the receiver is a rightist whose main issue is gay marriage, then they are going to tend to see you as a leftist etc etc. People are going to have a tendency to define you based on your positions on the issues that are most important to them.
  9. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Okay. There are such things as conservative democrats, but you are still a democrat. You are a pragmatic secular humanist to boot. You don't want to legislate morality but you want to ban most abortions. I assume you are a male. Your big tell though is that you want to abolish the electoral college. I have never ever encountered a republican who advocated for that because they would never see the White House ever again.
  10. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It sounds like you're a college student.

    Basically, a list is just a list until it hits across some particular issue, then we'll see where you are really at, so I'll just wait and see how you post here.
  11. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    It seems you may be more Libertarian than anything. I like your argument against the death penalty. I disagree with it but it shows you put some thought into it and other positions.
  12. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    That's kind of hard to nail down with a limited expression of values.

    I'd say center-rightish which isn't a bad thing.
  13. lemmiwinx

    lemmiwinx Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 29, 2016
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    How do you feel about first time offenders caught with less than an ounce of pot getting off with just a warning in New Mexico?
  14. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Thanks for the insight.
  15. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    It's a move in the right direction. The war on drugs has been a complete failure, and the money we waste on mass incarceration is rididicolous. Legalizing marijuana and regulating it in the same way we do Cigarettes and Alcohol is the way to go. It'll generate revenue, put a lot of illegal dealers out of businesses, and allow for safer regulation of the contents in marijuana.
  16. lemmiwinx

    lemmiwinx Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Of course it is that's why we need to secure our borders with BleachBit.

  17. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Eh, I see the border/immigration as a completely different conversation than the war on drugs/mass incarceration.
  18. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    It's ok, and I definitely agree with your assessment. I took the "isidewith" quiz the other day and ended up siding 88% with Gary Johnson and 82% with Jill Stein, so I think that backs up your assessment.
  19. Purch

    Purch New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Someone on another forum I posted this on, thought I should clarify my religious views, and views on religious freedom in general.

    1. As an atheist I personally have no investment, in religion or faith in really any capacity.

    2. However, I'm the kind of person who's never drunk alcohol, smoked anything, or was ever invested in any crazy activities growing up. So because of the way I grew up, I naturally tends to surround myself with people who were similar to me in the way they approached the world, and socializing. As a result, a ton of my closest friends are actually pretty strong in Christian faith, that seems to lend itself to those values. So I think I've seen a lot of positive affects of Christianity on people's lives. So naturally, I'm not as antagonistic towards it as other atheist tend to be. I personally don't care much what people believe, as ling as they don't harass other people about it.

    3. My libertarian side of views really come into play in the conversation over gay marrige. The government has no role in legislating morality. The government's only role is protecting peoples ability to pursue their own self interest. So religious people are free to think whatever they want about homosexual, as long as the law allows protects peoples right to marry who they choose. It seems like a lot of progressives tend to go the route, of condemining anyone who has opposition opinions about homosexuality, I never really go down that route. All I concern myself with, is that they have equal protection under the law.
  20. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    I'd say you're a potential libertarian.

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