American Public Schools. Should they continue to be funded?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by A random man, Jan 16, 2017.


American Public Schools. Should they continue to be funded?

  1. Yes. American Public Schools should continue to be funded.

    43 vote(s)
  2. No. American Public Schools should have all funding Ended.

    14 vote(s)
  3. Other (explain)

    7 vote(s)
  1. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I didn't give my opinion on colonialism, I just stated that Europe in the century prior to democracy(after WW2) embraced Colonialism. As it regards the political difficulties regarding Donald Trump, the same true can be said for Barack Obama. It wasn't a truly progressive congress, there was a split between Blue Dogs and Progressives.(The Progressives 'won' in the party, but as a consequence of shifting the Blue Dogs to the right and now the country is effectively splintered in a way, not unlike the Civil War.)

    Basically, I believe if we as a country elect a POTUS(of any party), it is incumbent on us as a nation to elect a partnering Congress. Insofar as the political parties are incapable of supporting the executive(and therefore, of the Nation), it serves to handicap the president. We have this oxymoronic view that this is a 'good thing', that it 'checks and balances' him. Well, maybe if we presume that we need checks and balances. But if the president(or insert leader here) is acting on the interests of the country, the checks and balances serve to undermine the country.

    I'd rather have authoritarian leadership, then slowed down and incapable leadership. People were surprised with how fast Trump acted. I'd act just as fast in that position, because I believe that a government as an engine must move. Our inability to move, has hindered us. That's why for example a lot of our problems were problems for over 30 years. Such is slogging and wasting time and energy.

    Basically, authoritarian leadership+ respect for the Bill of rights/constitution=the ultimate. It'd be even better if we could get that useless organization Congress to be actually useful. It exists not for Schumer and Warren to whine, but to actually do something with the power they possess.

    Now on Colonization: At one point in the 19th-20th century, it was needed for developing countries. But we by and far acknowledge that land and cultural development has largely finished. On the other hand, the powers tried to replace it with proxy states and proxy fighters and I'd argue that's been worse for human history than Colonization. At least the colonized state would be in effect ruled by the ruling power. Now these broken states are divided into warring factions that have either attacked America or impoverished themselves(to create gurella fighters who would then attack America.)

    I hold proxy states to be worse than Colonization, so if I had to pick which demon, give me the demon that can rebuild countries(America as you know was a colony.).

    I was formerly a Liberal believe it or not, I was a Liberal up until opposing President Obama on the ACA was deemed racist. Between that and a HS teacher telling me my opinion didn't matter because I couldn't vote(I was talking to a Clinton supporter when I was pro-Obama). I left the Dems, always hated the Right and that led me to my journey to the Third Position.

    Now, of course people can agree to disagree, but philosophically speaking I don't think there was a better time in hindsight than to be totally disheartened and removed from the political mainstream. There's few times in your life when you can really look into the core of your being and ask "what do you believe in?" Those years, in a very weird one were the best in my life.
    The Mandela Effect likes this.
  2. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Ok. I feel like we've had this conservation before. Have we?
  3. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    We might have. I'm a bit guilty of overhashing things, in an attempt of making myself understood. Or perhaps to add relevance to myself where I feel I lack all sorts of relevance. I apologize. It might also be in order to cover up my own faults, I like to talk alot. Presuming that my 'talk' might make me look smarter then I actually am.
  4. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    No, I think you're really smart. I understand so much more of right wing ideologies (though that's a bad way to put it) because of you. I consider you to be on the brightest people here on PF bar none.
  5. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Why thanks. I'm sure there's a sort of conflict going on, between my self-depreciation and yet the egotism to want to hear such comments. But I think it's the same for anyone who chooses a goal or a passion in life. They want to do their best, strive to reach as high as they can and want to hear praise. If I knew of an area of life where you excelled at, I'd give you much the same praise(for what it's worth, I enjoy talking with politics with you too.)

    And I've found that in politics, I not only want to be considered 'right' but I've carried my long held dream of wanting to be friends. But what I've also realized is that it's impossible to make everyone happy, and therefore everyone to agree with you. Nothing has made that more true, than the divisions and utter confusion that exists because of Donald Trump.

    So what I realized(literally, as I woke up last night) is that I shouldn't be basing my beliefs on what Donald Trump does, or on what other people may do or think about me. I realized that I got into philosophy, wanting to be my own trailblazer. Why should I stop that now? I really only tried to pick and propel a side in 2016 because I felt I had to. Now, I should go back to promoting what I believe, and not what others believe.
  6. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    That certainly sounds like an admiral goal. I spent the last few years realizing the far right were gearing up for a major power play and I prepared myself for when it would eventually happen. Now we're here and I don't feel prepared at all. No offense to the far right but they're not exactly my cup of tea, let alone anyones. I'm glad for the experiences, but now it looks like we both have to face the curtain and get ready for the real world.
  7. cupAsoup

    cupAsoup Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Total disaster it what it would be.

    - - - Updated - - -

    How do you think this will produce better educated children? I know it's a knee jerk reaction for you to say get the federal government out, but why? What positive results would you expect from such a move?
  8. cupAsoup

    cupAsoup Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    This is as close to a compliment as you're ever going to get from me. I wish more people on the right shared your sentiment.
  9. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Well, I won't be sharing left-wing sentiments anytime soon ;). That part of my life has gone by the wayside.
  10. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Been in the public eye for years. Of course it wouldn't happen in 10 minutes, evil is very patient. See #17
  11. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    What is known as the 'far right' in America is about as divided as the rest of the country. I will be the first to admit that the disgusting parts of it are indeed disgusting. It's why I didn't join a third positionist party in this country, because of their xenophobic views to the contrary of my own. In fact, I hope to perform well enough to be elected to the 13th District seat and through my politics, eventually carve a following of my own which will unify the Third Positionists around my brand of politics.

    Generally, I'll outline the differences here:

    -I have a very fond appreciation of our Western-European way of life(that we atypically call the Middle Class) but that is not the same thing as denouncing anyone's race or nationality.(In short, I focus more on Culturalism. Whereas there's "Multiculturalism", I believe in Secularism. "Out of many, one". People forget the "one" part. And instead want the many. Many separate individuals can lead to conflict, if they aren't coherently together.)

    -On that same front, regarding the terrorist issue, if we can neatly separate the terrorists from all other moderate Muslims, then I hold no objection to Muslims on their sake. Though I heavily dislike the whole "Press 2 for English" or seeing some signs with arabic, I feel as though English should be the National Language of the country and those who want to assimilate should be learning English. I guess you could day, my thoughts on Culturalism are akin to former US President Teddy Roosevelt. That being said, while it would be desirable it is not punitive. I can live with it, hell, I am living with it.

    -On Economics, I want to actually have an increase in spending. That might surprise you, but as a Fascist-Technocrat(And I suppose we can use "Nationalism" as an all-encompassing word for the Third Position.), I do believe we can spend. The 'problem' in spending is where we spend on wasteful items, and where those dollars aren't returning in the form of a net gain.

    We were spending money, even as we had a surplus under the Clinton Administration. It was because the money was going to roads and bridges, and not to missiles. Basically, infrastructure investment(and education investment) will lead to long-term pro growth dividends over a period of time. This is where I differ from the Conservative, who would like to return to a time of shorter budgets but that's no longer possible.

    Instead, I want to focus on a surplus. If the national output is greater than the debts incurred, the nation will prosper. The problem with the "spending economy" is how we've spent. We've basically built a bunch of black holes in our wallets, instead of wisely using that money in a productive manner.

    I believe we hashed out on education in this thread as well, so there's no need for me to repeat my love for the beauty and aesthetics of private school(even though I didn't like how I was treated in my own private school, but I think that was more due to the special behavioral aspect of it, rather than as a learning institute. Yeah, for my educational life up until middle school, I was deemed mentally incompetent. How cruel was that? Lol.)

    But I do believe private schools to be a superior model, and the aesthetics would prompt a "this is amazing" feeling in young people and they take pride and culture into learning and want to learn.

    Ignoring terrorism for a bit here, I do believe in the right for self-defense. But I'd like to keep funding at a 10-15% level. Basically, military/defense funding should be a constant and stationary. We say we have very little threats, well let's fund like it. That money should be going to major infrastructure instead.
    The choice between being a military power and an economic power, and I'd rather be an economic power than a military one. Military powers rarely last.

    Controversially, I do understand the ideology behind the Bush Doctrine and even adhere to it within a specific guideline: IE: If there's a known threat, I do believe we should preserve the right to unilaterally engage the enemy. Historically, our wars happened when an attack occurred(Luistana, Pearl Harbor and the Twin Towers), but if it's a known fact(and can be proven) of a planned assault against our country, I don't see why we can't/shouldn't strike first to send a clear message that it's not something they should or would want to do.

    In terms of diplomacy, I feel like Hillary got away from Smart Power, and it got her in that mess when she abandoned it. But Smart Power was ingenious for diplomatic and foreign policy goals, and I adhere to that even more. I suppose a combination of Smart Power and the Bush Doctrine is how I'd go about being a commander in chief if I were in Trump's shoes.

    So we're very open to negotiations, but I'm not afraid to get down and dirty if I have to.
  12. cupAsoup

    cupAsoup Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I agree, the campfires and kumbaya's will have to wait.
  13. Stephen Blackpool

    Stephen Blackpool New Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    That can't be correct. Communitarianism only emerged in the last 40 years or so, while conservatism goes back centuries. I understand what you mean. But please remember that ommunitarianism is a distinct social theory and doesn't just mean civic organization.
  14. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Deleted as I already commented on thread.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2017
  15. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    American Public Schools. Should they continue to be funded?

    What's the alternative? Private schools for the wealthy? Already there. No public schools--where do the middle class and impoverished children go to get educated? Do they get educated? If not, how will that impact American society in the next generation? Questions worth thinking about.
  16. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I'm not a socialist, and frankly, I don't care about some intangible concept like the "value" of the "community" except for roads, bridges, necessary infrastructure, police and fire protection, and the other things that ALL of us, parents and non-parents, rely on, and should pay for to live civilized lives in the 21st-century.

    My parents were forced by the system to pay for my public school "education". I never had children (that I know of...). So, exactly who the hell have I been paying school taxes for all MY life...?! :buggered:
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
  17. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Of course they would. Most of the controversy about Texas or any other state that teaches variations from the standard, is on one or two small points, not on the overall curriculum. Also, as it is, there is no national curriculum except Common Core, and even it isn't very descriptive.

    Please elaborate on what Texas students would miss out on. Be specific.
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
  18. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    You've been paying for educating your fellow Americans. Without that education the society you've excelled in ceases to exist, and America becomes a threat to themselves and the world around them. You are part of a society and a culture and a nation and a planet. You are NOT simply an individual separate from everyone and every thing else, as the conservatives like to imagine.
    Sallyally likes this.
  19. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Unfortunately Zer0, education HAS become a racket for the UFT and other unions who use education as a political pawn to extort money from city and local governments. I know about this because one of my sisters is a Teachers-aide in a public school. What she tells me about how the schools are run and how the teachers lack control over the classrooms is no laughing matter. Yes, it is an administrative problem to some degree and the rest falls on the teachers and the parents.
  20. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    Here is some news for you, XploreR, "America" has become a threat to itself and to the world, thanks to globalism (imperialism). The purpose of education is to bring the child or adult up from the level of thinking they had before being educated. Unfortunately, education does not do this any longer in this country for the most part. Education used to include civics class which it does not. Civics class would teach the students their responsibilities in maintaining the community, and society as a whole by teaching The Constitution for the United States (Civil Responsibilities). This is no longer being taught and what has replaced it is a curriculum on being a robot who lacks thinking skills, taking tests, the so-called Curriculum of Inclusion which teaches about masturbation, homosexuality, and the like. Read the article from this link: The children are being perverted by degenerates who disguise their perverse thinking under education, and many wonder why the children behave in the manner in which many of them do. From taking prescription drugs, to school rapes, to teachers having sexual relations with students. I say to scrap the entire thing because it is well-known that government only harms and does not help. This is one of the reasons why I state that government (those within it) seek to incorporate despotic control over the public and they go about this incrementally. What better way to accomplish this feat than through an ignorant, perverse, and lazy populous. Rome is at her end as the crowd in the Colosseum cheer (football, baseball, hockey, wrestling, basketball and other forms of sport and play).
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  21. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    I would move funding and control of education to counties and their cities and townships, the only oversight should be when Federal rights protections are at risk so those should be the only limits on K through 12 education. The Department of Labor could advise on education as could other departments but only to better education at that level.
    PrincipleInvestment likes this.
  22. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    See my comments above in Italics.
  23. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    For conversation and factual purposes, when you mention occurrences it is sound to show in proof our viewpoint for the sake of validity and legitimacy.
    You and others can chant all that you like in support of public education and government involvement in education, but the facts show a very different reality. Government is useless and so are most of the enterprises that those who enter government champion and establish. If public education and government involvement in the endeavor of "education" was such a success, it wold show in testing scores and the product output, i.e., THE STUDENTS who attend such schooling. Yes I did attend public schooling but it was before widespread government involvement. Where I attended school, the education was funded by property taxes, as in most cases today, but the difference was it was in a farming district and because of the large land tracts, the education was duly funded. Now take inner-city education, there are very few who live in inner-cities who own land, said land or property is owned by outside entities so the money is siphoned out of those areas and placed where the property/land owners live. I am not saying that funding is the problem, but it is one of the causative factors of the school systems within said inner-cities. The other parts of the equation are the students, and faculty of said schools.

    I mentioned in the opening of this post, the manner in which a side in a discussion is soundly presented, and I did it again with this response. I mention this because in order for your side of the discussion to "hold water", I suggest that you to present evidence, outside of anecdotes to support your pro-government involvement in education premise.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
  24. PrincipleInvestment

    PrincipleInvestment Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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    Progressives are doing everything the can to create a hostile, unhealthy learning eviroment in our public schools. They've infiltrated the nations universities as well, and frankly liberal academia has transformed schools into indoctrination centers.
    AlifQadr likes this.
  25. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    "I Wanna Know" - Robert Earl Keen Jr.

    This song reminds me of one of my uncles who was born in 19 and 07.

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