Question For "Conservatives"

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by BobbyJoe, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. mpw8679

    mpw8679 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    Turned hard core conservative beginning of Obama’s second turn. I work in the coal industry. My wife and I faced constant threats of layoffs. She is a registered nurse at the local hospital. Our insurance premiums tripled due to Obama care and both our work hours were cut drastically. Thought about moving to escape the coal industry but the housing market went to crap as well and would have lost big if we sold our home. Couldn’t afford to move and couldn’t afford to stay. Decided to weather the storm and hope for the best. We both hold college degrees.
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  2. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    Yeah.. but Trump has told over ten thousand lies!!!! /sarc off
    Pres Trump is braggadocios.. we've all known people like that, but his 'lies" nowhere near had the impact the actual lies from the Obama Administration.. serious falsehoods.. "not one smidgeon of scandal" sheesh.. nothing that Admin did would be dissected by the MSM and in fact they were willing participants in the scandals and coverups.. Don't even have the time to start listing the Obama lies that actually
    left people dead.
  3. mpw8679

    mpw8679 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    What I find very comical is everything that Trump says the left takes to heart. Trump is a very sarcastic and outspoken person. Most Trump supporters realize this and can relate. When he said Mexico would pay for the wall I knew it was total BS and so did all the other Trump supporters in my area. All we cared about was the wall being built and didn't care one bit who ate the bill. The left makes us out to be simple minded, uneducated white trash. Not so much. After two years of Trump, my wife and I have received raises for the first time in years due to the tax cuts and deregulation. My salary has increased 14% and my wife's a little less at 8%.
    We still get raped over our insurance premiums but we do have a much healthier income now.
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    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I was raised in a Democratic family.

    My father identified as a Truman Democrat.

    My mother always supported the best looking Democrat.

    During the 1960's the Democrats in particular JFK and LBJ got us in a shooting war in Southeast Asia in particular in South Vietnam. A war that the Democrats started and refused to win or allow the military to win.

    In 1969 I became a draft dodger and enlisted in the Marine Corps.

    The voting age was 21 but I suppose I was a Democrat.

    One day in June of 1969 I exited a Cathay Pacific, Boeing 707 at the DaNang Air Base where I spent 13 months in-country.

    It was the Democrats who got us into a shooting war and it was the Democrats who backed stabbed the American soldiers while they were still on the battlefield.

    My peers back home were aiding and abetting the enemy on the streets of America didn't help vary much.

    The leadership of the anti war movement (SDS) who were mostly Marxist and are the leadership base of the Democratic party today weren't really against the war in Vietnam but were against the United States and the Saigon government from winning the war.

    By the time I boarded that "Freedom Bird" at DaNang in July of 1970 I identified myself as a Republican but still not 21 and old enough to vote.

    By 1978 I identified myself as a conservative.
    ToddWB likes this.
  5. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    And despite the Democrats.. you stopped the communist dominos falling in SE Asia.. Kudos and it's an honor to be able to respond to you Apacherat!
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  6. Jimmy79

    Jimmy79 Banned

    Nov 28, 2014
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    I see this is just another clickbait article but I will take the bait.

    I decided I was conservative when I started working as a teen in Chicago. High taxes, plus high union dues that I was being extorted for gave me a pretty clear understanding of things I dont like.

    Later in life, after becoming more politically astute, all of labels and obvious racism, elitism, and wealth envy, of the leftists were a huge turnoff.

    Today my views are pretty socially liberal, and fiscally conservative. I'm for for a strong military, strong borders, and international non intervention.
  7. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    We came out pretty good on the insurance.. before we got our medical care right across the border, but my wife wanted insurance here "ebbythin better in America!". Before we were looking at $5000 and increasing fines.. my wife went looking but was getting quoted premiums ($1000 to 800 in premium.. $10K deduct) so it was hard to hold out, Trump won and the first thing was no $5000 fine, a couple of years later, at the Last chance" here in Texas I took a call and signed up with Texas BC/BS and we can use it some in Mexico (great for us.. emergency room 3 miles instead of 95, and specialist 160 miles instead of 250.) I looked at my wife and said..."we must be po' folk", got it for $75.50 a person and up to a $5000 deduct plus some preventative med free (colonoscopy i.e.). It's about what I paid 10 years ago, before Mr. "if you want your doctor you can keep your doctor" came along. If not for President Trump, we'd be decades living under that man's disastrous policies. and I can tell my clients have more money.
  8. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Actually, hatred is an emotion. Slobbering hatred is an intense, uncontrollable emotion. Conservatives tend to be pragmatic. Emotions have little to do with motivations of conservatives.

    I was a Liberal in college. Had every reason to be as I was in college when Johnson started his war. I was first year during the Kent State massacre. I was apolitical during the bulk of my studies and work life. In 2008, I wandered onto the web and found that almost without exception, Bush was the only one being blamed for the meltdown. I knew that what I was reading online couldn't be fact, so I did what I do --- researched. I found my way to the House Capital Markets Subcommittee in which Republicans were trying to install an independent regulator for the mortgage market. Maxine Waters fought viciously for irresponsible lending. On the Senate side, Schumer was laying guilt numbers on Senate Republicans who also wanted and independent regulator installed. When the mortgage crisis came to a head and Democrats ducked for cover, I knew i had nothing in common with them. At that point I didn't even know that HUD Secretary under Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, loaded up the mortgage market with toxic paper written to put minimum wage workers in houses they couldn't afford and that the Democrats came along and threw them out of their jobs and their houses by raising the minimum wage. I learned to distrust Liberals and their media the hard way.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  9. BobbyJoe

    BobbyJoe Banned

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Hmmm, I googled around on the housing crisis, and I found things about Cuomo, etc. It is hard to trust whatever anyone says about that sort of thing, or anything really.....

    But I also found this article. What do you make of it?
  10. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Good thread!

    I grew up conservative, and, despite my support for Dems, my wife would probably argue that I still am. I run my household very conservatively: No debt, live below our means, work hard, never been divorced, family values etc. So did my parents, who taught me their values. My dad was a staunch conservative, he despised the German green party.

    I turned around in my political views in my early to late twenties. Not sure why, but becoming a scientist probably had something to do with it. I view society through the scientific lens and feel that conservative individualism is against the principles that make society work and that made the human race successful, which is based on cooperation.

    I also think that in the US, conservatism has been perverted. Polluting the environment for profit is NOT a conservative principle. Wasting natural resources, like oil, because we can, is NOT a conservative principle. Cutting taxes without paying for the revenue loss is NOT a conservative principle. Advocating for competition, but not from people from other countries is NOT a conservative principle. And the list could probably go on. My father was a true compassionate conservative. In the US, "compassionate" conservatism is a misnomer, I see nothing compassionate in it.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  11. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    I agree, and I disagree that Conservatives are responsible for it.

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