Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Oh Yeah, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    I would like to see the constitution be more restrictive of government to be sure. I would support rewriting it as long the trusted, wise noble and educated people were not involved in government and were not lawyers. They could have political hacks and lawyers provide input for them but have no final input into the document. For me there isn't much trust or nobility in those folks.
    Oh Yeah likes this.
  2. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    No there isn't but you would think with thousands of examples we would know better, sigh.
  3. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    The question is gradually becoming more complex over time. But one crucial step we can take now to alleviate much of its impact, is to vote for Biden & enough Democratic Senators to take control of the Senate. Another help would be to convert as many state legislatures to Democratic control as possible. I say this because Trumpism & Trump's control of the Republican Party, with his strong tendency toward believing & spreading conspiracy theories, racism, hatred of anyone who dares have a different perspective, and science, is now a danger to the U.S. as a government & as a nation. Trump & Trumpism has to go. Then those caught in Trump's conspiracy webs need to reevaluate their views in light of the facts, & hopefully rejoin society in a healthy way again. We've experienced far too much division from Trump & his minions. We need to reunite our people & our country.
    Quantum Nerd and Lucifer like this.
  4. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Sure, join the democrats if you are for tax paid abortions, open borders, defunding the police, shutting down petroleum products, higher taxes, government run health care, food stamps for illegals, free college for illegals, tearing down our statues, burning, looting, stealing, defunding the military, eliminating the electoral college, eliminating gun ownership, freeing felons from prison, making drugs legal, and protecting criminals with sanctuary cities. Then we can all be reunited.
  5. PPark66

    PPark66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Essentially we’re on the precipice of a new era and being bombarded by dooms day scenarios from the power brokers of the dying era that capture the imagination of the fearful.

    How do we resolve the issues we’re facing?

    That’s an exciting question. Focusing on the resolutions rather than the perceived inadequacies of the other fosters the adaptive innovations that will sustain us. We’ve always had the ability to answer the questions if not the focus. That focus is where leadership comes into play.

    Attempting to recreate the past won’t move us forward.

    How do we adapt to the new normal of the virus? Certainly we’re not going to surrender, pretend it doesn’t exist, and whine about how it distances from our past. We’re going to march forward to solve its challenge. If we can’t do old, what’s the new?

    We’ve got a lot of exciting questions to answer it’s pastime we stopped running from them.

    United, if we focus.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
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  6. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    If there was a kerfuffle involving any of the Trump children of course it would because Trump IS the incumbent. In addition to that, is all the misdirection and lies that have come out of this White House that prejudices the public. So there is no comparison.
  7. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    If all three branches were under one party (Democrats in your case) and the Senate decided to make a 51 majority vote all you needed to pass legislation what do you think would be the outcome on such topics as:
    1. The First Amendment and the freedom of speech.
    2. The exception of religious church's exemption from taxes.
    3. The freedom of the internet to ban or censorship political speech?
    4. To allow only approved political party speech?
    5. Authorization to confiscate all firearms from private citizens.
    6. The right of the citizens to protest the government in a peaceful manner.
    7. The right to arrest those who would do harm to peaceful protestors.
    8. The right to protect our borders against drugs, sex traders, & illegals.
    9. The rights of the citizens who may have grievances against the government to be free from search and seizures.
    10. Would the 10th Amendment and States Rights be safe?
    11. Would the 17th Amendment and the Electoral College be repealed and the rights of the minority states be abolished?
    12. Will the Supreme Court be safe from interference from the legislative bodies?
    13. Will the wealth of our retirement plans be safe from higher taxes?
    14. Will those who have their own health care plans be forced to support a one payer system ?
    15. Will we go back to interfering in foreign country affairs and resend our troops overseas?
    16. Will we restore useless and dangerous Treaties with countries who do not play by the rules?
    17. Will we be taking the word GOD off all things government?
    18. Will the American flag no longer be flown at any government building or ceremony?
    19. Will all books be summited to a government agency for censorship?
    20. Will all indoctrination of those who go to public schools and college be government approved?
    21. Who will pay reparations to citizens who lose their job and health care to illegal aliens?
    22. Will we reverse our stand on trying to have peace with North Korea and in the Middle East?
    23. Will we rejoin the Paris Peace Accord and finance the majority of the burden ?
    24. Will we ban all fracking and oil exploration?
    25. Will we the principles of Life, Liberty, Property ownership and the Pursuit of Happiness and become a socialist nation ?

    These were my concerns so that is why I voted for Trump. So what can expect if Biden/Harris win.
  8. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Good questions. I'll try to respond to as many as I feel comfortable with. :)
    1. I've never met a Democrat anywhere or anytime that opposed the First Amendment or Free Speech. I'm a Democrat & I regard both as sacred.
    2. Speaking for myself only, I support the freedom of any religious institution having to pay no taxes, except when that institution becomes an active spokesman for a political agenda or party. Then it crosses that line of separation of state & religion, & becomes just another political entity, which disqualifies it from tax deferment. That doesn't change the rule, just the one institution that fails to qualify anymore.
    3. Most Democrats, including myself, fully support freedom of speech & freedom to express differences of opinion. Unfortunately, there's a growing list of examples of extremist groups--hate groups, white supremacists, etc.--who have utilized the internet & social media effectively to spread their hate-based propaganda. That is destructive to society & a growing threat to the security of our nation. I along with many others--Democrats & Republicans--feel there's a growing need to address this new, recent threat with some kind of controls. But it's a touchy subject that demands sensitive responses.
    4. The only party I'm aware of presently uncomfortable with allowing their opponents to have complete freedom to express different political views, is the Trump led Republican Party. Throughout the Trump administration, every Republican Congressman has been scared to death to utter a word of opposition on any issue Trump mentions. I've never before seen such behaviors. I've always seen discordant opinions on every topic within both major parties--until Trump. Biden likes to hear every possible perspective on important issues before he makes a decision. Trump doesn't. I seriously prefer Biden's way.
    5. I don't know anyone personally or any public official who has advocated such an action. Democrats own firearms too. Many Democrats are hunters. The only place Democrats seriously disagree with Republicans here is on the issue of access to automatic weapons, which are useless for hunting, but often used in violent crimes. That's the only place the 2nd Amendment might be altered if Democrats take over.
    6. That's a Constitutional Right. I join every Democrat in full support--the key word here being "peaceful." Biden has addressed this several times in his campaign, asserting his total support. He has also noted repeatedly, he does NOT support violent protests. Neither do I or any Democrats I know.
    7. Agreed. I join with every Democrat I know in supporting your statement here.
    8. I & every Democrat I know personally, agrees that the U.S. joins every other nation on Earth in their mutual right to protect their borders from drugs, sex traders, illegals & every other kind of criminal or criminal activity. Where we disagree with Trump Republicans is in the act of dividing families--especially minor children from mothers--& incarcerating them for unlimited time frames. Most Democrats regard that kind of response as criminal in itself, & a non-starter. For sure, our immigration laws need revision & improvement. That is the job of our Congress, not our President. Legally speaking, entering the U.S. illegally is NOT a felony, but a misdemeanor--not unlike running a stop sign, or driving with an expired license. Misdemeanors don't generally demand harsh punishments. But Trump has imprisoned ALL illegals as if they were hard core criminals--even infants--& kept them locked up for months or even years. That's a form of human rights abuse. It's unAmerican & needs to stop.
    9. I suspect most Americans, including most Democrats would agree with your statement, unless there was some form of criminal activity (not political opposition) associated with the parties involved.
    10. I am not aware of any major issues regarding state's rights that Democrats are upset about. Are you? I see no changes in the state's rights category if Democrats take over.
    11. I am not aware of any discomfort with or misgivings toward the 17th Amendment by Democrats, & anticipate no changes there. The Electoral College is used only in the election of our President & Vice President. It transmutes the cumulative votes of the people into a generalized vote by the states themselves, making the election of these two important offices decided by the individual states rather than thru a democratic vote of the general public. Between 1788 & 2000, a period of 212 years, we experienced only two elections where the candidate getting fewer popular votes was declared the winner. Since 2000, a period of only 20 years, we've had that same experience twice, & both times in favor of Republicans. That imbalance seems like an alarm bell to many Democrats. Changes in society since 1788, coupled with remarkable changes in societies around the world, where democracies have grown in number & in the range of personal freedoms, Americans today have a very different view of government & democracy than the founding fathers had. In 1788, the U.S. was the prime leader in observing democratic principles. Today we're far down the list--even bring up the rear. Many Americans feel it's time to convert our elections of President & Vice-President from the EC to a direct democratic vote, in accordance with so many other "democracies" around the world. I agree.
    12. That question should be directed to the Republicans, who have spent the past three decades increasingly focused on packing the courts all across our nation with their handpicked "conservative" judges. Democrats were caught sleeping by Republicans in this effort. Democrats were finally forced to open their eyes to Republican schemes when Trump had the rare opportunity to nominate 3 justices to our Supreme Court. You're asking if our courts will "continue" being safe from legislative bodies if Democrats take over? Our courts haven't been "safe" from legislative bodies for decades--all because of Republicans. This is an area where I suspect there will be much further activity.
    13. If you make less than $400,000. income per year, Biden assures us our taxes won't increase. I've heard nothing regarding retirement plans.
    14. The government sponsored "Public Option" would be supported by public taxes, so yes, you would be contributing. But keep in mind, that's a good investment in our country & its people. A healthier citizenry is cheaper economically & better in many other ways than the failed system we now have. Everyone benefits from a healthier public community. Everyone.
    15. Most Americans, including myself, are sick of these senseless foreign wars. Biden seems sensitive to those feelings, & he's had a son in the Iraq War. So he knows how it feels to fret over their personal safety. I don't see Biden as a warmonger. I strongly oppose our involvement in any new wars anywhere. I strongly oppose war itself as a political tool. I'm a Democrat, & if I had my way, war would be outlawed.
    16. If you're going to judge treaties by the manner each signatory abides by the rules, then you better be willing to make some pretty harsh judgements against the U.S. It has been this country--our country--which has failed to abide by the rules set up before the signing happened. It's been the U.S. under Trump that broke its word. Will we have new treaties or trade agreements under Democratic rule. I don't know if any country out there still retains enough faith in our word to sign anything with us. I hope they will, but I couldn't blame them if they didn't. This is a place where Trump's persistent lying & his fundamental dishonesty has had a major impact. It may hurt us in our relations with foreign nations for decades to come. It may be a real challenge to undo the destruction Trump has done to us.
    17. God has no interest in government. Government is a human endeavor. Our founding fathers recognized how many violent conflicts in history were over the issue of God. That's why they separated church & state. I am not aware of any actions planned by Democrats to change the established relationship between government & God if Democrats win in 2020.
    18. The American flag is flown over government buildings & official ceremonies now. Why would that change?
    19. No, not under Democrat rule.
    20. No again. But it's not government indoctrination that concerns me here. I was a public school teacher for six years, & the only resistance I experienced while teaching came not from government, but from the dominant religious group in my locale. It was very uncomfortable.
    21. Since illegal alien entries have been cut to almost nothing, I don't see that as an issue. But I do see the fact that our national healthcare system is based on having employment, & when a pandemic causes you to lose your job, you also lose your healthcare for yourself & your entire family. That's a bad system. Our healthcare should be available for everyone at anytime, regardless of their current, temporary employment situation.
    22. I sincerely hope not. I have no desire to return to hostilities with either of those locations, or any other. Let's elect peacemakers into office. (Democrat ones :) )
    23. Yes, if it helps the world confront & fix global warming. Fixing that problem is far more important than saving a few $millions in petty disagreements.
    24. Over time, yes. Biden has said over a span of 3 decades, I believe. We need to convert our economy over to green energy ASAP. That benefits ourselves & the entire world. It's the right thing to do.
    25. Life, liberty & property are safe under Democratic rule. Perhaps more safe. Socialism has fallen victim to inaccurate propaganda in America. Americans don't know the difference between modern Socialism & the old discredited Communism. Americans are bludgeoned by political operatives saying they are the same. They are NOT. Modern Socialism is Capitalism with a heart. Conservative propagandists like to say Socialism is like Venezuela, or Cuba, or the fallen USSR. It isn't. Modern Socialism is like Norway, Sweden, Denmark (where the happiest people in the world live), & other W European countries. Modern Socialism--also called Democratic Socialism--has more freedoms than we in the U.S. currently enjoy. Plus, people are taken care of better. Far better. Socialism has some very positive qualities that would be more than helpful if adopted here. I support doing that. Try to not be a victim of propagandist lies here. Do a little personal research. You'll be surprised by what you find.
    Quantum Nerd likes this.
  9. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Just as many people and businesses believe any piece of bread with a hole in the center can be called a bagel, myriad TV and Internet shows advertise themselves as 'news'. Since there is NO official definition of 'news' then the content of these shows can be anything from factual to outright lies. Can these shows be expected to present every single bit of news or must they edit what news they present...obviously they must edit.

    IMO it is incumbent upon the viewer to know the difference between facts and lies! And herein is your problem; either many people are incapable of learning the difference between facts and lies, or, many people choose to absorb lies and conspiracies because it fits their comfort zone? We have a president who lies every time his lips are moving yet millions of people believe him...all of these people don't care about lies! This also means these same people are going to watch news shows that provide the same lies.

    The problem is not the so-called news programs...the problem is people!
  10. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Sorrowfully, we are headed down the path of destruction faster than ever before, though there is still a long ways to go. The problem is a natural one in that man's drive for power, if not checked, is greater than man's desire for universal individual liberty. When the scent of power gets strong enough it begins to eliminate the inherited checks and erodes virtue. Currently the radical left strongly smells power, and they are prepared and willing to trash our republic and its constitution for that power, all in the name of protecting the republic and constitution of course.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
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  11. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Half or more of the alleged "fundamental division" in U.S. politics could be instantly eliminated by turning off the TV and social media. I consume little of either, and there doesn't seem to be much division among the people in my community of all walks of life that I interact with daily.

    Draw your own conclusions.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
  12. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    We feed on that stuff and people profit in many ways from our feeding frenzy.
  13. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Excellent question. I think it's not only good to have these kinds of discussions, but in today's world it seems necessary.

    IMO, we need to differentiate between being united and having all the same opinions. Are we capable of having different opinions and still have a common set of core values? Do we still believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness if we support or don't support abortion? Can we still believe in the rights of the individual in a society that has such a large population? Can we even discuss these topics without falling back on the standardized arguments floated by the media?

    I don't want us to be a nation that has uniform opinions and everyone agrees with each other. Besides seeming a bit like the idea of the ant farm mentality in "Anthem," the idea of us all thinking the same way means that none of us needs to think--just agree. It means there would not be critical thinking, just mindless obedience and conformity.

    None of us has all the right answers or knows all there is to know. Like Franklin said when speaking at the Constitutional Convention, "...It is therefore that the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment, and to pay more respect to the judgment of others...." These are the words that convinced a wildly dis-unified group of fore-fathers to put aside their disagreements and accept the Constitution.

    Our differences seem more a constructed mindset created for votes and for click-bait. They study our words, then target us with articles that data shows will make us click, read, and repeat what we see/hear. These are terribly effective strategies, but only as long as we refuse to accept that we're being played. Looking back at all the hysterical political drama from Clinton, to the Russia Hoax, to the Biden Hoax, to the pandemic, to the Chinese, to the Mexicans, and everything in between--it has all brought us here to scream and yell at those who have different opinions about all these things. It has all come to nothing--nothing but division. Again, Franklin's words are so appropriate: "...I think it will astonish our enemies, who are waiting with confidence to hear that our councils are confounded like those of the Builders of Babel; and that our States are on the point of separation, only to meet hereafter for the purpose of cutting one another’s throats...." The only good that can come from all this is what's good for those who want us to be divided.

    For better or worse, we're here and we have differences. I doubt we'll ever solve our differences, and to a degree hope we will not, because the opposite of total division is no better than tyranny. We need to challenge ideas and beliefs. We need to accept that human society is ever-evolving. We need to accept that what we are certain is the truth, may be something we see fault in later. The thing that's made us the greatest is that we have that middle ground where we can examine attitudes and beliefs critically.

    "...On the whole, Sir, I can not help expressing a wish that every member of the Convention who may still have objections to it, would with me, on this occasion doubt a little of his own infallibility, and to make manifest our unanimity, put his name to this instrument.-" Ben Franklin
    Quantum Nerd and Oh Yeah like this.
  14. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Guess you don't know much about me. I watch all the news channels and read most internet articles no matter who wrote them. You need not go down that path about Trump being a liar. Not anymore than any other President of our present day. I look at what he has accomplished in the last 4 years and what Biden has accomplished in all his years in government. Trump beats him hands down. In fact he has done more in such a short period of time it is hard to find someone who really has gotten the job done.
  15. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Unfortunately this is true. Also unfortunately it often seems that only conservatives have studied history -- or at least only they have truly comprehended what they studied.
    modernpaladin and Oh Yeah like this.
  16. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    It exists OK. It just has more power than the president so it has succeeded at avoiding any meaningful reform.
  17. Arkanis

    Arkanis Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Of course.

    For two years, Republicans had a majority in the Senate, the House and the presidency.


    No arrests.

    In fact, a bunch of Trump's collaborators are languishing in a cell right now....
  18. Le Chef

    Le Chef Banned at members request Donor

    May 31, 2015
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    You have to understand that not everyone really dislikes discord or even violence. BLM and antifa don't even think it's a bad thing. It's desirable and fun. That's why you hear people cheering and giggling in the background when a police officer or just some random old lady is assaulted on camera.

    The media profits from discord, so don't expect any help there. And for young males, with no job, talent or intelligence, there really isn't anything they are able to do except to loot and burn.

    There is nothing we can about it except to protect ourselves and our property as well as we can.

    In parts of Latin America there is this anonymous militia force called the Black Hand, I think, that identifies delinquents in a neighborhood and eliminates them. But in the worst of our neighborhoods, the responsible adult males are absent, or if not, they own no property and so they have less incentive to stand up to the teens.
  19. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    The power structure in government is upside down to be sure.
  20. Burzmali

    Burzmali Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 24, 2009
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    I don't know how to solve the divide, I only know it will have been solved (no doubt by people smarter than me) when I can have a discussion with someone without being branded as a "righty" or a "leftist." The "rah rah, my team over yours" crap is one of the larger underlying problems, and very few people seem to want to address it.
    Adfundum likes this.
  21. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Division is part of our nature. Little children will divide when they choose one playmate over another, kids get together to dislike a teacher, workers unite to dislike a boss, tall people gravitate to other tall people and shorties will also group. We wear caps with a certain vehicle brand emblazoned on it and form groups based on the brand. We have the Masons and we have the National Organization of Women. We have Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. We have democrats and republicans. Divisions are so woven into our society we will never completely unite. But certain events over time do bring us to a degree of unity.
    RodB likes this.
  22. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Most people are incapable of simply asking 'what's in the best interest of the USA'?? As long as most people remain biased and self-serving, with little to no concern about what's best for the USA, we will remain politically divided and basically useless...
    Burzmali likes this.
  23. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I'm one of those liberal Democrats you hate. Your list singles out the most extreme positions on all the issues you mention. There's no moderate, balanced, reasonable choices here. Yet, neither I, nor any Democrat I'm personally familiar with would agree with any item on your list. How did you get so out of touch with your fellow Americans. I don't know anyone--never met anyone--who advocates the items you list above. What American would? You are seriously victimized by extremist propaganda. I'm sorry for you, but concerned for the damage you & those like you can do to our nation out of your simple ignorance. That's scary.
    OldManOnFire likes this.
  24. HockeyDad

    HockeyDad Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Well under Obama, America began actively supporting a straight up Neo-Nazi group in the Ukraine (the Azov Battalion). All of this hand wringing over Russia is the neocon/neolibs pissed off Putin took assets from their globalist masters in Russia and gave them to his cronies. Then when he kicked out the western financed NGOs who were subverting him (around 2013), the neocon/neolibs lost their minds. They have been obsessed with Russia ever since, to the point that they will support literal white supremacists to get at him. In the end, the only thing that matters to these sociopaths is more power/money for themselves. None of this has anything to do with AMERICAN interests.


    Obama = Bush = Clinton = People who sold out the American people = People who report to globalist masters

    LoL... you use actual Nazi symbols in your battalion? No problem brah, have some weapons and have some money.... courtesy of the American taxpayer.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
  25. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    America hasn't been united united since after Washington's second term.

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