As Ohio restricts abortions, 10-year-old girl travels to Indiana for procedure

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by cd8ed, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Bulls***. No birth control pill on the planet promotes that ridiculous claim. The birth control pill is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.
    Which is stated by EVERY manufacture and the AMA
    Where do you even come up with this stuff?

    You are way out your league here.
    You are having a discussion with the husband of a woman who has been a Help Crisis Pregnancy center Director for almost 30 years.
    They have clients who have had up to 15 abortions. Dozens in the 7-10 range. HUNDREDS with more than 4
    One 17 year old in particular was on her 3rd

    Nobody is banned from having abortions so you can stop with all the exaggerations.
    If you are too dumb to be responsible for your own sexual behavior, why is it the place of the government to grant you an abortion when ever you want one?
    Or as many as you want? Or for free?
    Louisiana75 likes this.
  2. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    I never made any claim about the right to bodily autonomy in my statement.
    You just conjured it up out of thin air
    I was stating the left whines about my body my choice, until they want you to be forced to take their vaccine.
    And nobody in mandating births. Could you add any more exaggerations to this?
    Louisiana75 likes this.
  3. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    condoms, another form of birth control, have about a 98% effectiveness rate. Even when using your 99% effectiveness rate for a birth control pills, which all women cannot use, that is still a one and 100 failure rate. That is per instance of use.

    do you think society will be made a better place by the women you are speaking of having all these children?

    I have not said anything about the government granting or paying for abortion, I think they should stay out of the matter completely. What I have said if they force a woman to carried to term zygote that she does not want it is absolutely up to that same government to care for the child.
  4. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    So if you’re not discussing bodily autonomy what is the reason that you don’t think people should be forced to take vaccines?
    Still waiting for a direct response to my question…
  5. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Because it isn't a vaccine. Its does nothing more than a flu shot does.
    It doesn't stop you from getting Covid
    It doesn't protect you from spreading Covid
    The best it can provide is to help you deal with the virus

    And if you have no underlying medical issues, why take a medication that was produced in a matter of months with no idea of what long term effects it has.
    I've had Covid twice. No big deal. Which is why the virus is 99% survivable.
    So no, I didn't see the benefit of ingesting a possible life long experimental treatment that can't stop me from getting it or spreading it.
  6. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    All of this is irrelevant, either the government does or does not have the ability to dictate medical treatment. Which is it?
    Still waiting for a response to my question…
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2022
  7. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    And if they were using those forms of protection abortion rate would drop by over 80% across the country
    Amazing huh.

    That wasn't the claim but I appreciate the deflection.
    You claim was no one is using abortion as birth control, abortion is an absolute last step
    You are wrong. End of story

    But to answer your question, society would be a better place if people were being responsible for their own sexual behavior so this wouldn't be an issue.
    In just the black community alone, they now have more abortions than they do live births. Unheard of in history.
    Which supports everything I have claimed

    Which is exactly what they did when the reversed Roe and made it a state issue to put in the hands of the voters.
    Good for them

    Good thing they don't do that as they have plenty of time to decide before abortion laws take effect. You can chose to ignore that all you want.
  8. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Source please

    I shouldn’t have used an absolute, you are correct.

    that doesn’t answer the question however, I asked if you think society will benefit from all of these children being born that were aborted from the super irresponsible women, that did not want them?

    Source please

    That is exactly what they are doing.
    Do you feel any other demographic in this country should be stripped of their rights to bodily autonomy, or is it only women?
  9. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Really, 10 minutes ago it was relevant when you asked me
    So if you’re not discussing bodily autonomy what is the reason that you don’t think people should be forced to take vaccines?
    So you didn't like the answer and now its irrelevant? Hilarious

    They don't. Glad you are figuring this out.
    Which is why the Roe ruling was overturned.
    Good for you

    Well, since I've answered every question you posed, I guess that means you're still waiting for the answer you like.
    Sorry, no can do.
  10. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Is it possible for you to consider that women and girls were much safer having access to abortion services in sterile environments with trained clinicians?

    This ruling won't STOP abortion. It will increase maternal and/or maternal/fetus infections and deaths (due to suicide and homicide). The cycle of poverty will skyrocket and the number of abandoned, murdered, abused, neglected and unwanted babies and children will only provide "fresh meat" for human traffickers. Laws can't mandate care, concern, nurturing or love.

    • People aren't thrown into the deep end of a pool and expected to figure it out (although an especially mean gym teacher did that to me once).
    • People aren't thrown into a vehicle and told they can just drive into traffic and figure it out.
    • People aren't just thrown into their jobs and told to figure it out.

    But, this mandate does exactly that with no regard to the fact that a certain percentage of the people being entrusted with a fragile, little life that is completely dependent on them may not (and often does not) have the wherewithal to see that through properly.

    Yes, I get the bitchfest about "thou shall not kill" but if we're going to hang our hat on that, why are the same people apathetic when those precious little lives are dumped somewhere, sold to groomers for their clients, treated as sex slaves, mental, verbal and physical abuse targets? A few of my friends that work in schools were classified as "essential workers" because, although the schools were transitioned to remote learning, they had to go in and open the kitchen twice a day to make sure the kids that relied on that were able to eat breakfast and lunch. A percentage of those lives won't make it to adulthood but their deaths are somehow insignificant when they aren't connected to an umbilical cord?

    There used to be a show on television called "Unsolved Mysteries". I don't watch television anymore so I don't know if it's been revamped but one of the common types of cases were people looking for their biological parents or relatives that may have known them. Do you know what it does to a person to be told they are worthless and unwanted? Can you even try to conceptualize how painful that would be to you as an adult? It's that much worse for a child.

    My parents were married before I was conceived. Both were college graduates and both had stable careers. They were upwardly mobile and "well off". My mother is Catholic (and any children born to a Catholic person has to be raised in that religion so my father agreed). They told me that I should have been aborted my entire life. They told me that I was only permitted to stay there because the government said they had to provide for me. Yes, they gave me food, shelter and sThey have told me more than once that I should "abort myself" and my father gave me a gun demanding that I commit suicide. I didn't do it because I didn't think they were right. ent me to school. They threw me on the streets about two weeks after my high school graduation and forbade all relatives to speak to me (and they didn't because they either lived in one of my parents' properties or worked for my mother's company). They didn't stop abusing me and I had no idea, day to day, when my door would be kicked in and another beating would fall from the sky. My father was a police officer and could locate me and my employers and they actively did that to get me fired or he'd show up to beat me on company property so I had to be let go. They have told me more than once that I should "abort myself" and my father gave me a gun demanding that I commit suicide. I didn't do it because I didn't think they were right. My mother is on the board of her parish and pushed for me to be ex-communicated (within the eyes of the church, I am no longer Catholic) so I also lost the only other people I was allowed to be around up to that point.

    In 2017, my ex kidnapped our two children and my family helped facilitate that. It's not that *I* did anything wrong. It's that they will side with anybody at any time over me. And. because most people don't have parents that absolutely hate them, it's hard to understand my story. It's even harder to convince a judge that one is being truthful when their own family is pushing for the actual abuser and cheater in the marriage. I was lucky. All I got was some broken bones, ruptured spleen, dislocated hips and concussions. It's not a pity party. I've dedicated my life to advocating for others because nobody stepped up despite witnessing all the above happening to me.

    Here's the thing. My parents wanted a family. They wanted children and had the means to provide for us and they did that but there is absolutely NOTHING the laws of this land can do to force them to love and care and protect their children and they willfully opted out of all that. So, it's not a far leap to consider my story in an environment that was absolutely financially stable where children were wanted to what actually happens to babies and children that aren't wanted. We can't tell them that they matter because there is no pathway to that in any direction. We can say that is honest if we aren't standing in those huge gaps in their lives. We can't send "thoughts and prayers" that everything will "work out". Bringing a life into the world is way bigger than having sex. It's a life changer for mother and child. "Families" aren't cohesive just because. It takes honesty, loyalty, concern, sound advice and guidance. It's absolutely asinine to just blanket assume that what all "precious little lives" receive. It's actually counterproductive to what your side claims "is the right way".
  11. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    113 there profit or not?
  12. AKS

    AKS Banned

    Jun 20, 2010
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    What's disgusting, I mean really f**king sick, is your willingness to use such a tragic crime to push your stupid political agenda. NO ONE is in favor of young children giving birth.
  13. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    you didn’t answer anything though, you went on a new rant to deflect from the question where you talked about the effectiveness of the vaccine. That is completely irrelevant to whether or not government should be involved in medical decisions.

    you do comprehend that states are also government, correct? I wish I could convey the same platitude or congratulations that you are figuring things out.

    is this a new strategy that you’re testing, where you just assert that you’ve answered something when you haven’t?
    Its a yes no: So you agree with the right to bodily autonomy even if it is going to protect others or prevent death, correct?
  14. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Imagine thinking individual freedom and bodily an autonomy is a “stupid political agenda”

    I agree, it is ****ing sick. How anyone could vote for this **** shows how much evil there is in the world
  15. AKS

    AKS Banned

    Jun 20, 2010
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    I disagree. Murder is justified in some instances and this would be one (if it were true). I'd say charge the POS who raped the girl with a sex crime AND the resulting murder of the unborn child. Under no circumstances should a 10 YO girl be giving birth.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2022
  16. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Since you already know how reliable the pill and condoms are, you need a source to know if they were all using protection, they would all still be pregnant?
    My wifes center saw 8800 crisis pregnant women last year alone. Thats just one center in a population of 50K.
    And they sren't lying about being pregnant or how they got pregnant.
    So whats your best guess? Did you think the birth control failure rate just went to 3%?

    If they don't get sperm to an egg, they don't get pregnant 99% of the time. Does 8800 pregnancies in one year in a population of 50K (Including old people and children) sound like they are all experiencing condom failure rates at the same time? And these are just the pregnancies the center sees which is FAR FAR less than those who are pregnant and go to full terms that don't need the center or those who opt for abortions. Now that number is more like 20,000 per year.

    And just how would anyone know that? Did one of those include an Einstein, a Kennedy, or the person who cures cancer?
    Guess we will never know.
    The point is, they use abortions clinics as their own personal birth control centers. Thats the point. If they were responsible adults, they would use protection.

    In just 2013 black women accounted for 29,007 terminated pregnancies, representing almost 42 percent of all abortions in the city. That same year, black women in the city gave birth to 24,108 babies. With abortions surpassing live births by nearly 5,000, African American women in the city clearly terminated pregnancies more often than they carried babies to term. Black women terminated pregnancies at a rate of 67.3 per 1,000 women ages 15 to 49, a rate far higher than any other racial or ethnic group.

    This is nothing new and not even debatable any more. All you have to do is Google search it in the major cities. Just like 74% of all black children are born to single mothers.
    This isn't some secret.

    Your constitutional rights have nothing to do with bodily autonomy. If you are looking to jump from claim to claim trying to exaggerate your position, it isn't going to work out for you.
    If you don't want a baby, that doesn't give you the right to kill one just because you aren't a responsible person.
    The laws allow you to make that decision before a developed fetus is involved. And if you can't even be responsible at that point, even if you want to have hundreds of abortions, then you are on your own.
    If you murder a pregnant women, you are charged with both murders, are you not?
  17. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Uh no. You asked me what is the reason that you don’t think people should be forced to take vaccines?
    And I told you because they aren't vaccines and they don't protect you from contracting or spreading the virus.

    Now if we had an outbreak of a deadly virus that has a 20% survival rate, and they have a cure vaccine, then yes, the government has the right to force you to take it.
    If the deaths or extinction of humans depend on the population taking a vaccine cure, you bet your ass the government can force you to take it.

    Yep. And they are filled with elected leaders, (not appointed officials like the SCOTUS), that you vote for to support your wishes in every state.
    Its a wonderful system where the federal government doesn't control you life, and your state gets to vote on issues you think are important to you.
    And if you don't like how they vote, you can move anywhere you think where they do support your desires.
    Its a great country, isn't it.

    I have answered your questions in great detail.
    Your problem is you want to try and form (what you claim) is a yes or no answer question that is really a loaded question you want to pass off on some unsuspecting idiot.
    Sorry to deflate your attempt but that isn't going to work with me.

    If you are asking about a virus that will wipe out the country, and want to somehow correlate that to abortion, well, you are only fooling yourself as it doesn't work that way.

    You do not have a constitutional right to abortion. Never did. And if you think you did then you don't know what a constitutional right is.
  18. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    You are mischaracterizing this. ALL businesses exist to earn a profit. Even NFPs need to be funded through grants and donations.

    You are not only being disingenuous, you are willfully trying to set "a tone" that doctors that perform(ed) abortions are just killing babies for a paycheck and that is an outright lie.
  19. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    It isn't some heroic public service and they do get paid. I would think that those clinics are staffed and funded similarly to any other medical clinic.
  20. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    And the one thing you gloss over - that it is the WOMAN'S CHOICE, on whether to carry a baby from rape to term. HER CHOICE. NOT YOURS.

    And here's another fact for you. Less than 20% of all rapes are reported - so your statistics mean little.
  21. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    There is no need for a woman who is the victim of rape to become pregnant so stop hiding behind RAPE and deal with the other 98.5%. EIGHTY PERCENT of rape victims who do get pregnant don't KILL the baby that would make it a double tragedy, they are my hero's.
  22. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Pardon the irrelevance ... but TEN years old and already ovulating?

    That's freaking terrible. What in heck where they feeding that kid .. and how much exercise was she getting? This is a metabolic error, almost certainly arising out of a bad diet and lack of excercise. Very sad.
  23. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    The estimates account for it. The woman has a choice to get pregnant from a rape at all.

    So deal with the other 98.5% of abortions that occur and stop trying to justify them with the RAPE cry.
  24. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Stop trying to back seat drive every woman's pregnancy. You can pretend that all woman are cookie-cutter, but that's simply
    ignorant bull crap. You have no idea what the reasons for each woman's decision - her fears - her mental state, but that doesn't
    matter to you and it's a decision YOU will NEVER, EVER have to face.

    And don't ever, ever claim you are for any type of "freedoms", because it's a flat out lie.
    Matt84 likes this.
  25. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    not sure what you mean, you act like the victim had a choice to get raped or not

    there is no need to force a rape victim to have here rapists baby
    MJ Davies likes this.

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