Why can't MEXICO contol it's destiny like Lybia and Egypt?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Red_Carpet, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    Did you accidentally quote me or something? Because that post has nothing to do with mine. Why the hell are you talking about religion?

    Airliners lose money when safety fails, this isn't rocket science. And you don't need a federal agency to take it from them either, the civil courts do a fine job.

    You know most of wall street is liberal? The top of wallstreet, is openly, in the top of washington and on the left side mostly not the right.

    You might ask what are such "greedy" people doing on the left? Well it's easier to make money when your in bed with big government, and republicans hate big government so they are more likely to be appointed by a democrat.

    Big government in favor of small businesses, is an oxymoron.

    Finally you clearly don't know how to make money or you'd realize the democrat poor are the greediest of them all. Getting rich requires saving and investing money, try and find a greedy person which can save money. Further the liberal poor vote people into office for the sole purpose of receiving money from them. Greedy, and Greedy. Guilty.
  2. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Your posts are all over the place. I don't think anyone really knows what you are talking about, including yourself. I've seen your ploy before, just keep dragging up side issues so the point gets lost. Won't work here, your outed!

    If you had a Fortune 500 background, the time to point it out was in your last post. To be as polite about it as possible, you don't have the background or knowledge to discuss in this thread.

    Can you understand that major air lines and their insurance carriers calculate well in advance the costs of accidents, as well as cost of safety equipment before they purchase it? You are uninformed on this subject, and a distraction in this thread.

    Wall Street is liberal? :mrgreen: You could be the most confused poster I have ever come across.

  3. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    It's also kind of a ironic statement on what happens when you go to far in the "small government" direction too.

    I realize the American federal government is bloated, but the relative size of Mexico's federal government is still larger than what Ron Paul wants here, and then people wonder why more don't buy into his ideas....
  4. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    How much of Mexico's income comes from Immigrants living in the U.S. sending money home?
  5. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    I don't care for your "politeness". The day I value a stranger's respect, much less a ranting liberal, is the day I'm no longer living for myself. Further, anytime I see someone handing out bull(*)(*)(*)(*) like it's going out of style, I'm going to call them out whether they ignore me or not. It's not up to you.

    Can you understand that major air lines and their insurance carriers calculate well in advance the costs of accidents, as well as cost of safety equipment before they purchase it? You are uninformed on this subject, and a distraction in this thread.[/QUOTE]
    The more accidents they have the higher their insurance goes. The insurance companies need to make money too. It's not rocket science.


    Heres 25 wallstreeters in bed with the government, openly. Note: most of them are democrats.

    What were you saying about big business? That big government is going to somehow fix it? :rolleyes:
  6. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    You offer 25 names of supposed Democrats who have gone back and forth from Wall Street to Washington D. C. and hold this up as proof of a "liberal" Wall Street. :omg:

    You have not read a word I have posted, nor have you provided links to refute me. You are not paying attention or your attention span is severely limited.

    First of all there are 533 seats on the NYSE, which was the limit set in the 19th century. There is the Fortune 500, not to mention smaller firms on the NYSE, and then there is the American Stock Exchange. How many of these firms have hundreds or even HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS involved in Wall Street. There may be millions around the planet making their living on Wall Street.

    Yet you present 25 people who are supposedly liberals that have worked on Wall Street and in Washington D. C. You have proven nothing. I don't think you have any credentials on investing. Surprise, Wall Street is REPUBLICAN. How stupid do you think the people in this forum are?

    However, all is not lost. You are definitely, the kind of guy I am looking for in one respect. I have some land in Florida for sale. It is not really swamp land it is just low lying........ Have I got a deal for you, if you sign today! Isn't it beautiful?


    Yes, Government must be big enough to force Wall Street compliance with regulation. Right now the tail (Wall Street) is wagging the dog, (Governent). Let me know if you need links? Of course you probably would not understand them any way.

    The subject of this thread is

    Why can't MEXICO contol it's destiny like Lybia and Egypt?
  7. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    Interesting, what is your plan on this coup exactly? I mean, how IN THE HELL, are you going to get government to overthrow the, mostly liberal, corrupt wallstreeters, when they *own* the government?

    I say they are liberal, because the corrupt ones are the ones we are talking about. Sure most wallstreeters are smart, they are conservative, it is afterall where all the smartest minds go to make money. In fact some of them are so smart they are tricking the bleeding hearts into thinking they are bleeding hearts too, and that if they vote and contribute they are somehow going to change the very system they created.

    The solution, in no parrallel universe, is to make the government bigger. That only makes it more corruptible. More loop holes to leap through, more pockets for lobbyists to hide in, more transactions which need oversight. And the economy ran just fine on it's own for the first 130 years, what makes you think we need the government after that?
  8. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Mexico is doing a decent job in culture, social, and humanrights progress than Libya and Egypt at this time. Economically they are about the same, surviving off their own agreculture, and manufacturing, as well as tourism, and investment markets. But Mexico, has a establised stable government without religon running it, and their voting process seems to work, as they do not have religious dictators dominating the land.

    Egypt and Libya on the other hand is going through a massive change with no established government or law, and no stablility between their religious dictators and the common folk.

    Nevertheless, both countries, have great resources and potential for growth. Today China is colaborating with Mexico to venture into great trade agreements for oil, and comercial good, Mexico in turn will get more technology in broadcasting, and other consumer goods. Mexico and Colombia are also looking to strike some deals for trade (other than Cocaine).

    FYI: Mexico has it's own stock market, Libya and Egypt does not.

    Egypt and Libya on the other hand are still deciding if women should cover their faces with bee kepper outfits. And they have a diverse religious powers that want total domination. Hence, major conflict within their own governments, beyond what Mexico deals with.

    Depending how the internal conflicts in Egypt and Libya turn out, they may seek the destiny of the 7th century religious dictatorship, or they may chose to keep religion out of their government and progress into the future. But ofr now they are both at a stand still, just like religion wants it to be.

    Too bad the USA is missing out on the opportunity to capitalize on Mexico's resources (other than the chronic). The world is changing fast and the collaborations between world markets are becoming interconnected. If the USA lets these opportunities slip, in the next 5 years, the opportunity will be gone, and the USA will need to go through China, Mexico, South America, and other countries for access to what little resources they are willing to give up.

    You dig? no more puppet head all over the world to manipulate. There are a new set of Sherifs in charge, and they will only side with those who have the money to deal with. Just like Capitalization.
  9. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Gloss it up all you want. You forget we Americans have visited your third world Mexican slums. Your people reproduce like ****-roaches and then try to sneak into the United States for a better life. We don't want you. We do not give a (*)(*)(*)(*) what your problems are. Whatever Mexico is, keep that crap culture away from America. Mexico has not been able to create a stable government in it's history. I watched the documentary on "Wetbacks the Undocumented" on FSTV last night. They tried to humanize the peons.


    Call the welcome wagon, new neighbors moving onto your street.​

    "Pedro had the courage to leave his eight brothers and sisters to move to America."

    "Carmelita left her family of eleven to find the American Dream."

    These people must be incredibly stupid if they can not figure out they are poor, and still squat and drop puppies. America has 12,000,000 of these ignorant illegals we plan to dump back on Mexico soon. We don't want your trash. Got it?


  10. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    Mexico is controlled by the drug cartels who trade with america.

    You have reading comprehension issues, I don't think he's mexican, nor do I think your post had anything to do with his except the topic of mexico.

    Mexico has had a stable government before, and they will have one again. War of 1812? Mayans? Aztecs?

    Pick up a history book.
  11. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Quit squalking. This map delivers the message quite clearly. Keep your overpopulating trash on your side of the border. Forget the history book, take a walk in Southern California and listen to the garbage language on American streets. American taxpayers are tired of forking out $113 BILLION a year for the education, health care, and welfare of illegal aliens and their puppies. http://www.fairus.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=23198&security=1601&news_iv_ctrl=1741

    In 1848 the United States won the Mexican American war. We forgave all debts, and paid $18,000,000 for the border as it now stands. Mexicans will learn to respect that border, or die. They have had 160 years to learn English and assimilate to the United States. They have failed, and now we will apply pressure. Anyone who helps an illegal will go to prison. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback

    "Shoot to kill" on the border is the answer. No more Mexican freeloaders in the United States.


  12. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    Why do you keep saying "your" like I'm a mexican citizen?

    The reason we have illegals is because of liberals
    1. free money
    2. they want looser border rules
    3. they ruin the jobs market and make businesses seek moderately waged labor
    4. They tax us so much businesses and workers have no choice but to be outsourced by mexicans
  13. Red_Carpet

    Red_Carpet Banned

    Aug 2, 2011
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    You need to keep up with this issue. Blaming liberals is inaccurate. Take some responsibility here. The Obama policy toward illegal immigration is the same as the Bush policy toward illegal immigration - both want to offer amnesty.

    The members of the Republican Party appear interested in over-riding this policy. Democrats are silent on the issue. The reason is our history of errors on human rights dating back to the Civil War. But, we are coming around on illegal aliens and anchor babies.

    The solution most encourage is to come down hard on employers who hire illegals. Obama says he is doing this. Obama deserves some credit for making it policy to deport felons before other illegals.

    Frankly, I don't think enough is being done. I stand for deportation of all 12,000,000 illegal aliens which I understand would take five years and $296 BILLION. This is a bargain because it is costing American taxpayers $113 BILLION a year for health care, education, and welfare of illegal aliens and their anchor babies. http://www.fairus.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=23198&security=1601&news_iv_ctrl=1741 America needs legislation like other nations have to imprison citizens who assist illegals.
  14. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    The illegals wouldn't be here if business wasn't taxed to the moon, and they could afford to hire legals.

    Seeing Obama legislating against illegals is like watching a mentally ill child play wack-a-mole, everytime he wacks one ill-effect of his big government he sees another ill-effect come up. That's because the market needs to be freed, so the millions can make minute choices one man like obama cannot accurately make himself.

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