A Comprehensive Study: Everything You Need To Know About Occupy Wall Street!

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Lex Naturalis, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Ad hominim attacks and contradictions substituted for legitamet arguments happen so often here that we ought to save the same reply for future threads huh?
  2. Subdermal

    Subdermal Banned

    Jun 29, 2011
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    It certainly doesn't seem as though rational discussions are even possible with those who refuse to be rational.
  3. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Now there Lex, if you are sincere in your desire to find truth please do as I suggested. Find non partisan organizers who make themselves available to you. Search the web visit New York. You have to stop this insane venture to validate your label rather than finding the truth. Let it buddy. It is not you its a label.
  4. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Now there Lex, if you are sincere in your desire to find truth please do as I suggested. Find non partisan organizers who make themselves available to you. Search the web visit New York. You have to stop this insane venture to validate your label rather than finding the truth. Let it go buddy. It is not you its a label.
  5. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    The ratio of "non-partisan" organizers to outright communists, socialists, anarchists and other left wingers is so small as to be negligible.

    No right of center person who pays taxes in this nation wants to give these kids a free ride scholarship on the tax payer dime!
  6. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    If OWS is nonpartisan as it claims then everyone's opinion in valid now isn't it? However, with the help of all the visable Che Guvara merchandise, the same exact chants used in every socialist/Marxist/communist/leftist movement since the days of Norman Thomas, the founders and organizers of OWS, and the anti capitalist pro labor rhetoric, I think that a safe conclusion can be made. David Horrowitz who is an expert on Marxism/communism/socialism/lenninism/Trotskyism/Maoism/etc, seems to think this is a radical leftist movement. I have no reason to disagree. However, I see plenty that confirms it. Have you even read the study? Of course, you are free to attempt to invalidate the study which should be easy if the truth is on your side. But I know, it's so dang hard to refute the irrefutable. Dang references and facts! Always getting in the way of what you want to portray as the truth.
  7. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    The participants, by and large, involved in the OWS protest in Canadian cities are the same old "rent-a-crowd" individuals who show up for every demonstration; everything from paid NGO social workers to Marxist/Leninists.
  8. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    And when they don't want to inconvenience themselves with sleeping outdoors,but still want to maintain that hippie image, they simply hire the homeless to do it for them. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...e-they-sleep-at-home-in-their-own-beds-video/
  9. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I scanned through the link, though admittedly did not read every single line. It reads like an expose' of "who's who in the zoo" and in that they may be right.

    What stood out for me was two things.

    First, is the official “Declaration of the Occupation of New York City”. That is the meat of the issue, regardless of who started it, right? Okay, so here's the declaration.

    # OWS accuses banks and corporations of having “donated large sums of money to politicians, who are responsible for regulating them.”[1]

    # OWS accuses corporations of having “influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.”[2]

    # OWS accuses corporations of perpetuating “inequality and discrimination in the workplace.”[3]

    # OWS accuses corporations of denying employees “the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.”[4]

    # OWS accuses banks of holding “students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right.”[5]

    # OWS accuses corporate America of “block[ing] alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.”[6]

    # OWS accuses banks and corporations of having “outsourced labor” as leverage “to cut workers’ healthcare and pay.”[7]

    Now, I see a few of these grievances that are left wing, highlighted in blue. And some are things many Americans might agree with, highlighted in red. Number 6 is a toss-up, so I left it black. It's kind of an even split.

    Next is an e-mail from one of the organizers:

    “[F]irst you get large numbers of people to join by showing how reasonable you are....f you talk about overthrowing governments, capitalism or wholesale changes, most of the 99% will be scared off, and we’ll never have the power we need to affect real change. In order to fight the global corporations I estimate we need a minimum of 15 million Americans on the street. There are not 15 million radical socialist/anarchists in the US. We need people without political agendas, but with anger at corporations.”

    So, what does all this show to me?

    It shows that the organizers are hoping to tap into a widespread discontent to further their agenda. In doing so, however, they are counting on being able to manipulate masses of people that may not fully share their agenda. That's risky, though, as mass movement will develop its own momentum that can override the intent of the organizers.

    There is also a long list of cities where OWS protests have been held (actually the list should be much longer there), but the list of 'problem' protests is shorter. Could it be that in the large metro areas the organizers have more presence and influence and you see more of a far left face than in other cities where the protests have a more grass-roots appearance?

    IOW, OWS is a jumbled movement that has both left wing and grass roots agendas. Which will win out is not clear but what is clear is that the media is focusing on the headline grabbing stunts of the far left.

    If this continues, OWS will be reduced to its far left core. While some may applaud this, I wonder what outlet ordinary Americans will find in which to vent their outrage. It's a certainty that there is some truth in this movement, and to discredit OWS by discrediting its organizers is an attempt to also discredit that truth. It's a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
  10. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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