2020 Election: Live Coverage

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Egoboy, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    So I can you to the list of not calling out these statements.
  2. a better world

    a better world Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2016
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    Goal: governance that best achieves fairness and freedom for all citizens.

    The US is patently failing: "You are living in poverty, your neighborhoods are like war zones, ..." etc) D. Trump in 2016, re the inner city ghettos; and life expectancy among disadvantaged groups is actually falling due to poverty related conditions.

    Such are the outcomes in a neoliberal, blind-leading-the-blind*, adversarial, two-party 'democracy', displaying hyper-partisanship and stalemated policy development, as each party blocks, or reverses, the other's policies.

    * "blind", because individuals are a mixture of both the irrational and rational, because we are driven by self-interested, competitive, survival instincts located in the basal ganglia, AS WELL AS conscious thought emanating within the cortex.

    Contrast the neo-liberal adversarial chaos with 'socialism with Chinese characteristics" with its impressive execution of successive 5-year plans.

    And as for "a subjugated society": according to a recent Harvard University poll, satisfaction of the Chinese with their government is c.90%, as living standards continue to rise for all citizens, who are therefore less interested in abstract notions of democratic "freedom" and more interested in getting on with enjoying their new found capacities for consumption associated with freedom from financial stress, as the government subsidizes essential services for all, while providing ever more impressive public infrastructure (eg its high-speed rail network, the largest in the world)


    So I would certainly like to see at the least a friendly competition between the two systems. What have you to fear, other than a loss of global hegemony, as the Chinese system inexorably leaves you behind? (That is indeed Trump's fear, and fools like Bannon, Pompeo and Bolton).

    Disputed above. A Western TV crew was in China recently interviewing Western expatriates who have been doing business in China for a decade or more; to a person the interviewees said they did not feel threatened, and still like living there.

    That's because the US was in a life and death struggle with the USSR for several decades.... and now the US has unbalanced views re individual freedom: eg, 'Bernie is a socialist....Bernie is a socialist" is the typical BS now emanating from a brain-dead (ideologically blind) electorate.

    I'm interested in achieving the goal stated above, namely:
    governance that best achieves fairness and freedom for all citizens.

    Anything less is truly immoral.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  3. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Political aid paid for by the Chinese communist party. Thanks comrade.

    What you seem to not understand is that everyone in the US enjoys the same freedoms, and enjoys a fairness for all. Our law doesn't discriminate against say, non party folks like china. We don't have social credit that is premised on allegiance to the Chinese communist party. We don't require fealty to the state, or the party. We enjoy rights that frankly china doesn't allow. Why? Because these rights are antithetical to the power of the party in China. Free speech isn't a right there. The right to assemble isn't a right there. Freedom of conscience isn't a right in China. The economic prosperity that you refer to in china is reserved for the party and not the people. And perhaps that's the model you ascribe to as success. It sounds tiring and abusive to folks in this country.

    I personally know folks who are not expatriates, who do business and travel extensively within China. To a person, every one of them has the same comment. You cannot escape the view of the communist party there. There are no freedoms. They are unable to interact with the rest of the world unless they are able to connect to internet reservations that exist off of the firewall. These are just examples of the Chinese states repression of their own citizens and their fear of true liberty in their country. China has how many hundreds of millions of folks living in poverty still? How many muslim prisoners are you forcing to live in concentration camps in China? How free are folks to worship their religions there? Why do citizens simply disappear there? When dissidents speak out, why do they disappear?

    I suppose that is one was dissatisfied in the Chinese government per your Harvard survey, wouldn't they end up in the same gulags that your muslims do? hmm... Do you suppose that is enjoyable for them?
    glitch likes this.
  4. glitch

    glitch Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    Yep you can put me in that list. I'm sorry if violent rhetoric, obviously intended to not be taken literally, offends you. It is not in any way a call to violence and thus the pc police should not be censoring it.
  5. a better world

    a better world Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2016
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    Unfounded assertion. Let's continue...

    Fairness for all? "You are living in poverty, your neighborhoods are like war zones, your schools and hospitals are broken..." (DJ Trump).

    You aren't capable of understanding fairness. 10% of Americans own 90% of the nation's wealth, while 20% actually have negative wealth; and 60% can't find $1000 from savings in an emergency.

    BLM shows otherwise. Discrimination based on poverty is rife in the US. Your law is a slave to unbalanced Libertarian ideology, backed up by obsolete, neoliberal monetarist orthodoxy.

    Correct... you have social credit based on winner takes all.

    Correct. The individual is supreme, meaning you can't even organize an election count without controversy because government is emasculated in the constitution itself.

    Admittedly the rights of self-interested individuals are not placed above government on behalf of well-ordered community relations as in China (hence your prison population in both relative and absolute terms is the highest in the world, and exceeding China's).

    Your first sentence is nonsense. China has officially eliminated poverty in 2020.

    The Chinese people are experiencing rapid increases in living standards, with the elimination of poverty in rural areas achieved in this year (2020). Now people are realizing it is better to take the opportunities open to all to advance their economic well-being, rather than waste time arguing about democracy versus socialism, when the latter is obviously producing the better economic outcomes. They only have to look at private-enterprise-based India...

    Those Muslims you refer to belonged a backward poverty-entrenched cultural group in the west of China, given to religion-based terrorism. The Chinese government has brought them into the 21st century, while Muslims elsewhere in China have the same freedoms as other religions whose members only have to avoid seeking the otherthrow of the government to be able to practice their religion as they wish. (See Pope Francis' recent agreement with China).
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  6. Egoboy

    Egoboy Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Cosmo and Derideo_Te like this.
  7. Yulee

    Yulee Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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