Source: AP Photo/Eric Gay On top of worsening crime and inflation, newly released Customs and Border Protection data shows that more than 2 million illegal immigrants have been caught crossing our border over the last year. That number is historic. And it’s just a fraction of the more than 4.4 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the border since Biden came into office, including over 850,000“gotaways” who have escaped undetected into our country. That alone should seal Democrats’ fate in November:.. …Republican leaders like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are ready – and prepared – to unite Republicans behind effective policies that restore safety and secure our borders. House Republicans lay these out in their“Commitment to America,” which includes ending catch-and-release loopholes, requiring proof of legal status to get a job, eliminating welfare incentives, and funding effective border enforcement. Republicans are ready to take charge… …But first, voters will hold Democrats accountable in under 42 days. Vote Republican. The GOP is on the right side of this issue. The border is something that the American people want under control. We don’t need all the fentanyl and other drugs coming into our small towns and rural areas. We don’t need to be supporting human trafficking of virtual slave labor and cartel gang members nor sex trafficked young girls and women for the bicoastal elite men to exploit.
The new Republican Party will both enforce the border and restore sanity to the policies regarding our border.
No they won't because they didn't do that the last time they were in power with Trump as President and GOP-controlled congress.
Anyone advocating they can secure the border without a new immigration system isn’t a serious candidate, caucus, or Party. It’s that simple. Until our Representatives make the commitment to roll up their sleeves and hammer out a new system nothing is going to significantly change. If you’re interested in immigration reform and securing the border that is the question to ask of your candidates for office: if they possess the skill set to do just that. Unfortunately such a candidate couldn’t get elected with that commitment and skill set in this environment. Hence the root of the problem is us, the voter.
The only way to put a stop to it is to end the incentives to come here. No welfare and no jobs equals no reason to show up. The only way to prevent them from being employed is to have extremely harsh penalties for employing them.
When did we have 60 senate votes. Democrats used lawsuits to delay the border control effort as well.
There should be no immigration reform whatsoever until the border is sufficiently secured. Only then can we decide on who to allow in and who among the illegals already here can stay and under what terms. Trump offered citizenship to all dreamers in exchange for a secure border. Democrats turned their backs on the dreamers.
It takes time to weed out the establishment country club big banker multinational elites out and replace them with more party base types on those elected offices. Trump figured it out that we can earn Hispanic American votes by respecting them and our shared values rather than resorting to democrat lite like Bush one the issue. No need to write them off like Wilson did here a generation ago either.
Open Borders Biden demands that Arizona remove obstructions to illegal entry by those breaking our immigration laws. AZ tells him to stuff it. FIGHT THE POWER: Ducey to Biden on border containers: Best I can do is nope. “Arizona has refused the federal government’s demand to take down double-stacked shipping containers it placed to fill gaps in the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, saying it won’t do so until the U.S. moves to construct a permanent barrier instead.” Next Gen. 'This standoff could potentially set the stage for even more fireworks in the near future. Based on the latest polling, there is a very good chance that a different Republican will be in the Governor’s mansion in Arizona in January. Can you imagine what would happen if Biden tried issuing an order like this to Kari Lake? The response would likely have started off with a return demand that Uncle Joe go perform an anatomically impossible feat on himself.'