Good post. Its interesting that this thread has moved from the topic of "Arrogant Atheist" into the topic of Christian Killers. It says a lot about how this dialog moves. There are only a few rational people who reply to these threads. Good luck to you.
It does no such thing. It merely bears record of the fact that such commands were issued to the Jews at one time.
Leviticus 20:13: "If a man lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death." Look my point has nothing to do with whether the bible says to or not to kill someone. I'm saying someone who is looking for an easy argument against Theism would quote that and say the bible commands its followers to kill. I dont believe that sort of argument however, is logically sound.
Then why do you promote such topic of conversation if you do not believe that sort of argument is logically sound. Whether or not the logic involved is sound, the fact remains, that the verse you quoted is under the dispensation of the Law, and Jesus was the fulfillment of the law and the entry into Grace. Theologically, it is not a sound argument for any unbeliever to throw into the discussion.
This assumes that argument against theism equals argument against the theist. It doesn't. The Bible clearly states that homosexuals shall surely be put to death. There's no question, either, that when the Bible is said to be the word of God then the theism that this portrays clearly conveys a deity that says that homosexuals shall be put to death. This is pure deduction. Furthermore, the position that homosexuals shall not be put to death is clearly in opposition to such a theism. Therefore, such a position is an argument against the theism in question. However, adhering to a theism does not mean that one only accepts positions that are not in opposition to said theism. So while it is logically sound to say that the Bible states that homosexuals shall be put to death, it is not logically sound to infer that people adhering to the Bible agree that homosexuals shall be put to death. It is logically sound to say, though, that when people say they agree with something because it is in the Bible that those people are hypocritical for not agreeing with everything that is in the Bible, because everything that is in the Bible is, after all, in the Bible. But that's a slightly different issue.