Technically speaking, Israel is on the African continent, therefore he should be considered as African rather than Asian. Biblical Israelites are known as Afro-Asiatic, so that name alone attests to his African heritage. Geo politics and Eurocentric national borders aside, the cold Geological fact is that Israel is African. Israel is technically part of Africa, as this continental plate map proves. Israel is actually moving further away from asia.
African plate is NOT same as African continent. Israel belongs to the Middle East region. Jerusalem the holy city is NOT African.
BTW.....Countries within the plate include Arabia in its entirety (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen), Djibouti on the Horn of Africa, and parts of the Levant (eastern Lebanon, Jordan, eastern Israel and Syria) and Mesopotamia (Iraq). Regions include parts of Awdal (Somalia/Somaliland), the Khuzestan Province (Iran), the Southeastern Anatolia Region (Turkey), and the Southern Denkalya Subregion (Eritrea).
Technically, Israel is part of the African continental land mass. It's only considered Asia because of geo politricks.
Geographic continents aren't defined on the basis of tectonic plates (certainly not alone). After all, when most of the continental divisions were determined, nobody even knew about plate tectonics. Continents don't actually have any kind of definitive definition or strict borders, and there are variations on what the continents are so you can't really make any kind of definitive statement like you're trying to do. Geopolitics has certainly played a role in those definitions but that doesn't automatically make them factually wrong, since the practical realities of such distinctions are largely about how people perceive the world. Also, I suspect there more than a little geopolitics behind your position and you've just picked out plate tectonics because you think you can spin that to support your preferred conclusion (as long as you ignore everything else ). Edit: Anyway, even if Israel was African, that wouldn't automatically mean it was "Black".
Perception. Very good point. As for your "Africa doesn't mean black" comment, no it doesn't NOW but it did at one point in history. The goal is not about colour anyway, it's about bringing Israel back home, where he belongs and ultimately where his allegiance is, which is Africa, the ppl who gave Israel the ten commandments in Km.t aka AEgypt.
Racism and racial discrimination against people of African descent remain a widespread yet unacknowledged problem in Europe. It is time to recognise it and take measures to combat Afrophobia more effectively”, said today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, releasing a report on the topic ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The report is based on the discussions that the Commissioner held on 24 November 2020 with human rights defenders working on combating Afrophobia. It highlights that people of African descent continue to be exposed to particularly grave forms of racism and racial discrimination, including racial stereotyping, racist violence, racial profiling in policing and criminal justice, and practices which perpetuate social and economic inequalities.
So by portraying a large population of 'Black' people, this will reduce or eliminate thoughts of racial discrimination? I personally don't care what color someone's skin is, and yes, there are some who do. Legally, only actions can be regulated by law, not thought. And just because one abides by all laws in this regard, doesn't mean their mindset is changed. As with many things, the harder something is pushed externally, the deeper some people dig in their heels.
In this instance yes. Some ppl do care about skin colour, which is why random ppl from USA have joined this topic to scoff. This topic is never discussed publicly or has ever been, therefore it's no reason for ppl to have dug in their heels already, that shows pre judgement (prejudice)
Are you trying to substantiate that they are black peoples or are you trying to just show that their geographical location is on the African continent? What’s your end game and why does it matter?
For now, I'm happy to be able to establish the latter. That would be step one, step two cannot be achieved without having accepted step one.
That's a stretch, but it is very close. It's my understanding that a couple of Jesus's Apostles went to Africa to teach his Gospel. So outside of Israel, Africans were some of the first to hear of Christianity from the Apostles themselves. Now were Israel in the middle of the continent of Africa, then you could rightly say they were most likely black Africans, imo.
Since you seem to be only dropping little pieces, may I take a guess at your goal? By establishing that Israel is on the African continent, that would indicate that Israelites are Black or of Black descent. Since Jesus was Jewish, born (supposedly) in Bethlehem, that would indicate Jesus may have been Black? OK, I'm good with that.
That area is not majority black and historically never has been. Why do people think that blacks somehow conquered the world?
If you're referring to Israel then I'll remind you that 2,000 years ago (the time in question) Utah had a European population of 0%. Utah now has a European population of over 90%. The world is not static. I'm flabbergasted that Ihave to explain this tbh. Give me hope brother. Everything itype iresearch thoroughly for hours before ihit that "post reply"
Elephantine Island, in Lower Nubia was home to THE only Temple of Yahweh built outside of Israel in antiquity. The island is located in what was called Lower Nubia in antiquity and was home to a community of Israelites who documented their existence on papyri before the Torah was even written.
Jews are not Black (Negro), they were never considered "African" by any society. Genetically (DNA), socially, historically, religiously, culturally Jews are not "black". Jewish DNA is Levantine and traces back to Druze, Arabs, Bedouin, and not African (Egyptian, Yemeni, Berber, Moroccan). Levantine in modern terms is the area around Jordan, Syria, Israel, Lebanon. Jesus was a Jew, undeniable.