Good news for the drivers, bad news for Uber and Lyft. Their business model already doesn't work financially and this might be the last straw.
It's a death blow. The self-driving cars scheme is going to arrive too late to save them, and this move by Commiefornia just drove them off a cliff.
I think you're right. Uber is bleeding way too much cash to be able to make it to autonomous vehicles.
That's one way to get around Rule # 15. What these uninformed low information Uber drivers don't understand Uber was just using their Uber drivers as a source for money to put all Uber drivers out of a job and replacing them with self driving Umber cars. What I can't understand, driving for Uber isn't suppose to be a job that you can raise a family on. It's not even suppose to be a full time job. But don't worry, progressives will interfere with capitalism like they did with burger flippers and bye bye dollar menu.
How is it good news for the drivers? When the companies go out of business, the drivers can no longer drive for them.
Hell, I had my car in the shop and went to use Uber. Firstly, when you agree to use their app, you give them total control of your phone, including all of your contacts, emails, and text messages, AND your camera! Secondly, a regular taxi was actually cheaper. Go figure.
They can get a job with a taxi company. It's not like the demand for drivers will just go away. Uber drivers are just stealing jobs from licensed taxi drivers.
Uber is just a bad idea. It is a niche that allows public safety to be compromised by bypassing laws regulating taxi services.
Tough tiddies for the taxi racket. Welcome to capitalism, dinosaurs. Uber/Lyft isn't like Taxis. If you understood how it works, you'd know why. Go to a big city, fire up your Uber/Lyft app, and look at the number of cars available in your immediate proximity. Taxis can't do that. They just can't. Especially when you get out into the suburbs. There is no way a cab company could keep a a fleet of taxis prowling around suburban neighborhoods like Uber/Lyft do. It's just not a realistic thing they could do. The taxi dispatch times are always going to be longer.
Which is why uber is bleeding cash and on the verge of collapse. It compromises public safety. It is fundamentally a bad idea. Just ask the women who were raped and killed by their uber drivers; or someone they thought was their uber driver.
I'm sure that will work as well as it did for all the leftist-journalism newsrooms that unionized- Buzzfeed, Think Progress, etc... Getting unionized and woke is great news! Until it goes broke.
So you oppose supporting the average worker. As long as the company owners are making money, screw everyone else, eh. Do you have any idea how many employees are now abused on a regular basis because many unions are gone? Employers often have ridiculous expectations and the little guy suffers. Boeing is the nation's largest exporter - union. They are the jewel of the economy [less the recent problems with outsourced engineering to India]
The viability(or lack thereof) of the business model is a separate issue from the convenience and effectiveness of the service provided. Those issues can be weighed against the lives that are saved by the decrease in DWI fatalities thanks to ride-sharing.
If Uber/Lyft drivers unionize, then those companies are doomed(doomder, because they're already doomed) and then everybody gets completely screwed. Just because unions work for some companies and businesses, that doesn't mean they'll work for all. Unions have been, and will continue to be, the nail in the coffin of many a business.
The market. If Uber drivers made big, fat livable wages, then Uber rides would charge big, fat fees. Fees that very few would be willing to pay. As it is, at the rates Uber currently charges, and the pay drivers currently make, Uber loses 50 cents on every ride. Jacking up rates to cover significantly higher driver pay would drive Uber into the casket at mach speeds.
Sad. It was a great business. Unskilled workers could could earn some money working their own schedule. Drunks could get a safe ride home. I used to take Uber because it was usually cheaper than parking in Los Angeles. This will drive up prices and eventually put them out of a job. Good job.