Tucker Carlson of Fox News Blast CNN today in his late night show, CNN no longer covers the truth, instead of Trump Rally they broadcast Trump -Russia Collusion
Wow. that tucker carlson sure does have a handle on what is news. Don't look behind the curtain, ignore that man, listen to me and believe what I tell you - paraphrasing the Wizard of Oz.
CNN has been spending months on a crazy conspiracy theory. Does that sound like a news channel to you?
ALL the 24 hour news channels do this. They have always been more of an OP ED format than a news format. Remember Fox's endless drone on the Birther issue? Trump won the Primaries off the back of the 24 hour news network constant coverage - his supporters are last who should wail about coverage of of the silly and crazy.
which crazy conspiracy theory would that be? do you mean the one that russia launched an active measure cyber program to interfere with the American elections after having done it in at least three other countries? Or do you mean the one about possible collusion between members of the trump campaign and Russia? And surprisingly enough it seems that MOST of the reporting INVOLVES actual news, or do you think reporting on secret meetings with russians that certain people conveniently forgot about, or failing to register as a foreign agent before being appointed NSA, or NOT having tape recordings, or the reporting on the fire hose of leaks coming from this administration? Nah, why report on that stuff. Kinda like fox NOT reporting on the Senate Healthcare bill's contents. That isn't news either because of course it actually hurts so many fox viewers. shouldn't be throwing stones there mikey.
Actually no. I don't remember Fox's endless droning on the birther issue. Like the Russia collusion story, it was a conspiracy theory but unlike the Russia collusion story, the birther story, as a serious story, got virtually no airtime. If you have any proof that their news programs, or even their opinion shows, droned on supporting the birther conspiracy please provide it.
Yes I'm referring to the Russia collusion conspiracy theory. It's mind numbing how many conspiracy nuts are on this forum, but when cable is doing the same thing, I guess it's hard to blame you for going off the deep end.
The Trump rally is news? Just a way to tell his minions how wonderful he thinks he is, and they eat it up. That isn't news. It's the same ol same ol.
The birther story was a serious story? It was a story, alright, and Trump was the story teller who made it up.
What are you going to do when you find out that it is fact and not fiction? Just because Trump doesn't acknowledge it for curious reasons, probably means that there is some truth to it.
What the birther story or Russia/collusion? They both have an equal chance of being right..that is, about zero, so I won't have to worry about such an eventuality.
Well, considering the public evidence, one must question a few things like why so many trump campaign members neglected to report contacts with russians. Neglect that is prosecutable since security clearances were involved. Then of course there is the Manafort connection - surely you are aware he has been the subject of a CIA investigation for his work in Ukraine? then there is the coincidences of trump referring to things that came to pass in his stump speeches. It seems defenders want to focus on Trump's collusion, but that isn't what the charges of collusion are all about. In fact at this point NOBODY is accusing Trump of collusion with the russians, but a whole bunch of people are accusing members of the trump CAMPAIGN team of it. I find it rather amusing that the right insists on calling this a conspiracy theory by insisting its all about Donnie his own self, when in fact it isn't. Its about campaign team members AND the FACT that Russia interfered in the election process. Like trump it seems you can't grasp the difference. Trump seems obsessed with the notion that he didn't collude with anyone and therefore this whole "russia" thing is a hoax that dems are using in an attempt to delegitimize his election, when NOBODY is claiming that. I guess him having invested so much in attempting to delegitimize Obama he figures the dems are out to get him now with their own phony conspiracy theory. Of course the tactic of denouncing what is not, in fact, the real subject can be seen virtually every time an administration member is interviewed. But then again you and yours don't, won't or can't notice. .
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not just calling a direct Trump-Collusion story, a conspiracy theory, I'm referring to people on his campaign colluding with the Russians too. I've yet to get a good explanation as to how they would do that. Say the Russians decided that Trump was their guy and they were going to pull out all the stops for him to win. What are those stops? Manafort joined the campaign at the end of March 2016. The Russians approach him and suggest...what? Considering that virtually no one gave a serious thought to Trump winning the nomination, let alone the Presidency then, whats the play? I've yet to hear a possible plan.
no apparent imagination it seems. I know you are so pure of conservative heart and mind that you can't possibly see how anything nefarious could happen between such stalwart conservatives and the russians. I mean what's a little sharing of hacked detailed demographic data - of absolutely no consequence. Then again promoting the propagation of fake news is perfectly acceptable regardless of its orgins. And why not have paid trolls spouting a common set of talking points designed to obfuscate, denigrate and increase emotional partisan divisions. I could speculate all day long on what the plan could have been. Manafort came on BEFORE the primaries - you know the ones that Trump wasn't supposed to win? Manafort was a know associate of russian agents not to mention the brains behind the successful election of putin's ukrainian puppet - imagine that him having experience in exactly the same tactics we saw from both the trump campaign and the russian active measures program. Oh btw, did you hear the report today that the CIA had intercepts where Putin ordered the active measure program? Interesting if true, no?
Yes I heard about the CIA report. Manafort came on at the end of March, well into the primary season. He was hired because he was supposed to be someone good at getting convention votes. So what does that have to do with collusion the Russians? And you can't just drop words and phrases and think that passes as a complete explanation: demographic data, fake news paid trolls, what common talking points..... This is exactly what conspiracy theorists do, they drop words instead of evidence and explanations. Next thing you know you'll be demanding I watch a 2 hour youtube video that will explain everything. If you can explain the current working theory on how the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to win the election,I would like to at least hear the theory. 6 months of nonsense and you guys have not even provided that yet.
The campaign is over. A circle jerk for Trumpists is not really news. Maybe he should quit beating his chest and get something newsworthy done.
I'm sure that CNN could care less about what Tucker "cry baby" Carlson opines on about their end product they put out over the air.
It was a figment of Trump's imagination, and it was proven false, and Trump, who never admits a mistake, acknowledged that.
CNN is a leftist-globalist rag. And that dude Richard Quest has the most annoying "wolfish" voice I have ever heard. Perhaps he is just a wolf in human clothing.