GW said very early on after 9/11 that "disinformation" would be actively engaged in by "official" sources. It has been suggested that shills for 9/11 do not exist. Look up the definition of shill and apply it to GW's agenda. It is self explanatory, and rather obvious.
Disinfo agents certainly exist. They're easy to spot.
Lets see...the government could have... gotten your addresses sued you on any number of charges (legit or not) forced you to miss work defending yourself in court cost your your job (that Pepsi/burgers ain't going to deliver/flip themselves) sicked the IRS on you which would cause your imprisonment no doubt and also sick the IRS onto everybody you've ever known or loved at the same time causing similar fates for all involved and that would take care of any dissent once and for all or... they could pay people to come on to obscure message boards, live under an arbitrary TOS, and sabotage arguments you guys are, in fact, too chicken to make? Or will you actually try to state your case for the first time? Yeah...whatever. Check mate
The link you posted does not support what you typed, in fact it does not address the topic at all. Did you read it?
that totally describes the majority of the OCTA'S that have penetrated this site and how they expose themselves as shills everyday here.
I have no doubt the gov has set up forums with a 9/11 page just keep abreast of all info flowing from the populace. Several of the forums I have frequented over the years all have the same type suppression for controlling info about 9/11. If you ask legitimate questions and start getting close and planting seeds of curiosity, they just ban you.
I'll have to say, the anti-truthers here, aren't as sharp as some that I have come across in the past. And it took years for some of them to catch on. He he he!
That's happened to me on several forums. They want the threads to look like the pro-official versiion people have the upper hand in debates. They haven't banned me at the James Randi forum yet but lots of my posts have been deleted. When they delete posts, they move them to other sections. I posted on this thread the other day. My post was #3. It got moved to this other thread. It's post #8190. All the responses to it were on the first thread too. Here's the private message they sent me. ---------------------------------------- Hi FatFreddy88, The post that you created in the following thread has been moved ----- Post: The proof that 9/11 was an inside job is crushing. htt... New Thread: Continuation - 9/11 CT subforum General Discussion Thread ----- This is an automated message, please do not reply. Regards, JREF FORUM Moderating Team ---------------------------------------- A total of twenty eight of my posts have been moved and I've gotten four warnings. Casual viewers and lurkers don't know this censorship is happening as they don't announce when posts are moved. The James Randi forum is one of the most notorious government-run sites on the internet. The discussions are just disinfo agnents talking to each other and truthers aren't allowed unless they don't get too close to the truth.
The reason it looks that way is because of 4 reasons. One, we are smarter than you and it shows. Two, we are better at this than you are. Three, we are right and you are hopelessly wrong about everything. Four, at some point all media is propped up by some form or revenue. If I were running this or any other website, I'd want anybody who is thinking of advertising on it to see that there may be some users of that website who have some disposable income with which to purchase whatever the potential advertiser is selling. If you look at those who broadcast twoofer arguments, they come off as frankly stupid people. Usually the dumber you are, the less monies you have so if your posts get moved for that reason, I can't blame the website. At one point you used a ruler on your screen to try to tell us the plane that hit the Pentagon was not a 757. I'm sorry and it may get me cited but that argument is moronic. Lately you've been droning on and on about how someone's clothing on Apollo 11 proves they didn't go to the moon. I'm sorry and it may get me cited but that argument is moronic. I'm sure you believe Oswald was innocent and the Illuminati and contrails, and ---well fill in the blank with any lame conspiracy and I'm sure you'll buy in totally. There a reason you guys are put into the closet and brought out only to be made fun of and laughed at; you serve the purpose better than anyone else.
Why are you complaining about a different forum here? The fact that you aren't banned here means that you are not even close to the truth, using your own logic.
I'm not complaining. I'm sharing what I've learned. If anyone is looking for good info on 9/11, the James Randi forum is not the place to look as, if anyone posts anything that gets close to the truth, it'll get deleted as soon as the moderators see it. Here's a good place to look for the latest info on 9/11. The only thing that can be learned at the James Randi forum is the latest disinfo tactics.
Well thanks; I'll put you up for a raise at the next board meeting: I'll give it my seal of approval:
If you look at my post again you'll see that I said that twenty eight of my posts had been deleted. They haven't deleted one hundred percent of my posts. You'll find posts by shills on every forum. Truth-seekers learn to tell the BS from the real stuff. Whenever I posted stuff that was too clear for them to try to obfuscate without looking like horses' a---s, my posts would get deleted. I posted this video on two threads that dealt with controlled demolition. YouTube - ‪Tom Sullivan - Explosives Technician -- Loader‬‏ Both got deleted and I got a warning from the moderator. Here's the warning. -------------------------------------------- Dear FatFreddy88, This is an automated message generated by the Forum software, if the Moderating Team member issuing the infraction has personalised this message their comments will be in the "Additional Comment" section. You have received a warning for the following post: Quote: This demolitions expert thinks thermite was used to bring down the towers. YouTube - ‪Tom Sullivan - Explosives Technician -- Loader‬‏ The infraction issued was: Breach of Rule 11: You will not deliberately attempt to derail threads or start threads in the wrong section. Infractions are issued as a reminder of the Forum rules, which you agreed to follow. Breaches of your Membership Agreement can result in further action including suspension and even banning from the JREF Forum. Membership Agreement Membership Agreement FAQ Additional Comment: --------------------------------------------
Or whenever you post something that is off the topic being discussed in the thread you posted in: Was your post made in this thread? Because it doesn't look like anyone there had any difficulty discussing the testimony of Tom Sullivan. It doesn't look like that thread is deleted, or hidden from view. When did that start happening? You can't even seem to figure out why your posts are getting deleted even though the reason is right there in the moderator's message to you.
This is a conspiracy that supposedly had no qualms about killing over 3,000 Americans. If they were that concerned about bozos posting about the supposed "truth" on internet forums, why wouldn't they just murder said bozos, or "disappear" them in some other fashion? This is an organization that they allege has basically total control of the media, government, various science organizations, etc. The fact that the 9/11 Deniers get their brain dead message out in any meaningful fashion shows proof positive they're wrong.
The evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is simply too clear. The only people you're going to sway with your rhetoric is people who need their coginitive dissonance relieved. I'll bet you had to do a search to find that thread. They want to keep all the clear evidence on one thread that's pretty much stays buried so fewer people will come across it. Very few casual viewers will come across the clear evidence while browsing there.