More... Oh boy! Less than 1% of the engineering community is almost 13 years. Not very impressive. That's a lie. The TOTAL collapse of WTC7 was more then double that time. It was an AVERAGE. Go look at the graphs and explain the points on said graph that are higher than free fall and lower then free fall. Right pull it. Remove firefighters from the building. PULL them out. Do you have other examples of 208' x 208' x 1300' tube in tube skyscrapers that were hit by 767s and remained standing?
Really? You have been asked to present the graph of the free fall acceleration and show that each data point was AT FREE FALL. It has been expained to you that it was an AVERAGE. Some of the data points on the graph were higher than free fall and some are lower then free fall. Please explain why this is. Why was there less then free fall prior to the 2.25 seconds of average free fall? I thought all the supports were cut simultaneously?
It's a matter of faith then? Clearly the two different sides of the coin cannot both be correct so, I guess it all boils down to what you are accepting as believable.
I see. It's "all false" (so you claim). I'll ask you. Did Mr. Gross represent NIST, or did he not? That should be simple enough to verify, right?
I see. In your view, he DIDN'T represent NIST. So then, who DID he represent, and how do we verify it? The fantasy and conjecture you refer to. Would that be Gross's fantasy and conjecture (since he didn't represent NIST, according to you), or someone else's? Here's a simpler question. Was this man correct or not? - - - Updated - - - Sure, let's discuss. Pick three. (Maybe now we can get somewhere?)
So you're perfectly willing to accept conjecture, so long as it aligns with what you believe? 'Pull it' is clearly a term used in the demolition industry. This 'average' you claim that IS an average. Source please? The collapses of WTC7 clearly wasn't 'double' 7 seconds. I say that there is a complete lie. The actual time it took to collapse was around 7 seconds. If you want to include all effects then, you COULD say it took 'all day' (being ever since the planes hit the other towers). I'm talking about the actual onset of collapse from it's change in elevation to the time it took to get to the bottom. That was about 7 seconds, and that's not enough time for that occur without offering some resistance, or being 'helped' in some manner. Less than 1% of the community? I'd argue those numbers but, you DO realize that the 'safe' thing to do is to go along with the others to some degree, do you not? Really man, who wants to stick their collective necks out today to claim some kind of conspiracy? Apparently, most do not, and most are too afraid to do so. If a real investigation could ever be had, we'd know but, obviously the complacent masses have no interest in doing that.
Okay. So nobody wants to pick three so, I will 1) 6 out of the 10 Commissioners believe the 9/11 Commission report was Setup to fail Co-Chairs Hamilton and Kean, It was a 30 year conspiracy, The whitehouse has played cover up, Max Cleland resigned, John Farmer 2) FBI confiscated 84/85 Videos from the Pentagon. Moussaoui trial revealed these videos. Released Pentagon Security Camera (FOIA) does not show a 757 and is clearly Missing a frame. Sheraton Hotel, Double tree, Citgo. 3) Flight 93″ debris was spread out over many miles. Cheney admits to giving the order to shootdown 93. shot down the plane over Pennsylvania Rumsfeld, nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there Chris Konicki. Not a drop of blood Coroner Wallace Miller. there was no plane. Mayor Ernie Stull. The commission was setup to fail (and it clearly did), no trace of a plane having crashed in Pennsylvania, and 84 out of 85 videos CONFISCATED (immediately after the incident at the Pentagon) showed NOTHING pertaining to any plane hitting anywhere close to the Pentagon, and the single offering made by the official effort, has a frame missing (removed). I'll wait for a time, then I'll pick 3 more.
Evidence summary, Phone calls from passengers and crew, Eyewitnesses to Flight 93's final moments, First responders & investigating agencies on the scene, Victim and personal effects identification, Coroner Miller's accounts, Memorial, Flight 93-related journalism and movies
on the subject of suppression of evidence the Virginia dept. of transportation operates a traffic cam that has a perfect view of the road that "FLT77" would have had to cross on its way to the Pentagon, why no testimony or recorded video from that bit? somebody was watching that video from the camera, and even if the Virginia dot, didn't record the video, the testimony from whoever was in a position to see what was happening would be most valuable.
The video at 2:20 ..... the wings folded back ..... sure they did ....... oh, it could happen like that ....... like the same as somebody rolling snake-eyes 1,000,000 times in a row.
and in all of this, no shred of evidence that produces a positive ID on the aircraft alleged to have been "FLT93". where is the aircraft?
He represented himself and yes it was his conjecture or that of some like minded people. No he was not correct.
If indeed an airliner crashed at the location alleged by the mainstream media, where is the aircraft, or for that matter identifiable bits of the aircraft that are serial numbered parts that can be verified as part of "FLT11", "FLT175", "FLT77" or "FLT93" ... where is it?
"Hard facts that there is no way around" = mind made up and sealed shut. "24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked" = mind made up and sealed shut. I make a point to not debate a closed mind.
so, if by contrast, you have an open mind, what do you have as evidence that is convincing ( to you at least ... ) as to the validity of the hijacked airliners used as weapons bit(?)
)100′s of Firefighters and witness testimony to BOMBS/EXPLOSIONS ignored by the 9/11 Commission Report. 9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses. “Explosions in the lobby and sub levels”, ‘Firefighter explosions’, ‘Barry Jennings’, ‘William Rodriguez’. OK, now what?
no surprise there.he sticks to the official version of ANTHING the government says even if there version requires you to believe in magic bullets that stop in mid air and change direction and their version goes against the laws of physics.