Help me understand Democrats thinking in this!

Discussion in 'Budget & Taxes' started by hockeychick10197, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Political Ed

    Political Ed New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Aside from your nonsensicle editorial, that is a great question.

    The rich drag the poor into voting for their fortunes by:

    1) Religious indebtedness. The left loves homosexuals, so they say, Jebus doesn't like (*)(*)(*)(*), so kill a gay baby whale for Jebus and vote R.

    2) Democrats are (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*). Of course this isn't true as 4 of the 5 wars in the 20th century were started with a Dem in office, the 5th by a very liberal R and a Dem-controlled congress. Not to mention this mess now, the Dems voted are ferociously as the R's. But R's have the Clems talked into thinking they're the party of tough.

    3) Patriotism. The Republicans are patriotic, the Dems are not. Cite Jane Fonda and you can use that for centuries. As many or more congressmen have served in the military, you wouldn't know that by going to an RNC meet.

    4) Racism. Most voters are white, there is a backdoor signal that you should do the white, er, right thing. Remember, blacks are getting a free ride from your tax dollars.

    There are more reasons, but it is an anomoly that poor people vote against their self-interest.

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