A video of the demonstrations taking place of occuppy Wallstreet. It is a video showing the great attitude of the police to the people. Minute 1:40 is where goes the action. How do you justify this action of this police if you can? [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZcJ31g0ScQ"]NYPD Cop Punches Protester at Occupy Wall Street, 10/14/11 - YouTube[/ame]
Well for one, she took a swipe at him first. I guess she should have thought better of that before she acted on her thoughts. Would I have knocked her out myself? Probably not. Second, how do you justify protesters intentionally doing things which cause the police to be reactive?
First of all, you can't see everything that happens here. Keep that in mind. Secondly, look at all the cameras. You have people deliberately trying to force a negative reaction from the police. Police are people too. Push them too far, and they will react. Judging by the way the officer was acting after the incident, it would be safe to assume that the protester did something physical to the officer that prompted his reaction. You can't blame him for that. That being said: -I fully support OWS. -I am a police officer. -I am kind of tired of all the police hate from the protesters. We're just doing our jobs.
Maybe you guy just "doing your jobs" might consider doing something other than treating the OWS like they're criminals in need of punishment. They AREN'T!
Blocking the street is against the law. Threatening a police officer is against the law. Disorderly conduct is against the law. The officers in the video were attempting to clear the street to allow the passage of traffic. They were actually pretty docile considering the attempts to get negative reactions from the police. If the OWS wants to be taken seriously, they have to make an attempt to obey the law; not deliberately break it and attack and demonize the police. Like I said, I support OWS. I don't want to have to arrest anyone for protesting, but it has to be done peacefully and orderly or it IS against the law.
It's as if the protesters think the city should come to a halt just for them. I'm sure there has been a lot of misinterpretation of police intentions by protesters... intentional or not. This is precisely one of the reasons why I've not gained much respect for this movement.
Belgian police officer is suspended for 4 monts -- he ought to be fired IMO -- and being civilally prosecuted after kicking an 18 y.o. Greek protester who sat on the ground with her hands behind her back since she was arrested because of a protest before Dexia bank. You know, Dexia that has been nationalized now, but a couple of months before gave the French CEO €€€ in bonuses. What a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing joke the financial sector really is. Then, when the girls was laying on the ground because she was kicked in the face and was in pain, the policeman started to punch her in the face! THIS GUY NEEDS TO BE FIRED ASAP! Footage has been broadcasted on national newsbroadcast and I expect some serious backlash for sure. Hello? Suspended for 4 months? A policeman doing that? Hello? What has become of the world?
The Public Sector Unions justify those actions........ .......your not expecting bad Cops, cappy Teachers, or incompetent Civil servants to be fired or held accountable are you? Do you hate the middle class or something? Cmon get your Pro-Union signs back out.....and lead us in a version of "This is What Democracy Looks Like". . . .
They were breaking the law by blocking the street. You can justify the criminal behavior but I say throw them in jail.