Since the late 50's and early 60's there was a shift in peoples' attitude towards sex. People thought easily provided artifical contraception meant they could have sex with no consequences. Since then there is now more types of STDs and some that were nearly gone made a revival, like chlymadia etc. There is also an increase in single parents, and more divorce. Before then not many even contemplated an abortion, I am sure maybe there was some illegal abortions but by a very, very small percentage of the population. Now in the U.S. a staggering amount of people get abortions. So it is quite obvious these liberal attitudes have not been working. Abortion is not a solution, it does not help the woman as many regret their decision, and realise they have killed an innocent child. People shoud get back to having sex only within marriage. Younger people should be taught to abstain and wait till they are in a committed relationship. Look at society go to sh*t before your eyes, you must be blind if you do not notice or care. We need some good moral values back in society, we need to take responsibilty and not be so self centred. Everything in life is not about money, material position, sex, popularity, etc. It's time to wake up before it is to late.
What we need right here in the good ol' USofA is a Committee for the Preservation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. The very propaganda Bush staked his invasion of Afghanistan on during the run-up. I suggest you connies mind yer own peckers.
It's true that hormonal contraception provided more trustworthy methods for women and men, but contraception did exist before the 50's and 60's. Condoms were available centuries ago, and other barrier methods, such as the diaphram, were available for many years. Studies show that 95% of all people had pre-marital sex as long ago as the 1940's, and since we all know that people have always had sex, there is no reason to believe they were any less promiscuous before that. No, it was not a small percentage of the population considering abortion. Abortion happened in approximately the same numbers before RvW as afterward. Few women regret their decision, and probably as many regret deciding to give birth. What? "People should get back to having sex only within marriage"???? That has NEVER been the case. You can teach young people to abstain and wait until you are blue in the face and that teaching will not prevail over their natural biological urges. It's a good moral value to not give birth to a child until you can provide proper care for it, and it is responsible to take whatever actions are necessary to assure that, including abortion.
We are long past that. We are a nation that has turned its back from God. And I believe that we are in punishment right now…that God is allowing this to go on. We are in chaos…socially and physically. The liberals love it because they can operate guilt free. No God…no guilt, no punishment. But today, people are being punished….sexually, financially…out of wedlock births, single mothers….abortion, disease, bankruptcy, joblessness, crime, drugs….We make Sodom and Gomorrah look like the puritans. As a Christian I believe that if Obama gets elected…the punishment goes on..and that God is not ready to bless this nation. He can raise up leaders and he can defeat them. The truth today does not matter. Virtue and character do not matter. No work ethic. Community does not matter. Narcissism, materialism…..governments control over our lives…that is the god today. We should do what feels good…and if we tear people down, hurt them…it does not matter….its their fault anyway, certainly not ours. I deserve something, you deserve something….government assistance, free housing, food. It is the job of the government to take care of us right? We are a complete mess…a moralistic cess pool of bodies.
grannie…... Bullcrap. If this was true…abortion did not need to be legal then. And give statistics on this will ya. If abortion was illegal…then there is no way of knowing the numbers of abortions that went on. You are something else…always misrepresenting facts. "Few women regret their decision, and probably as many regret deciding to give birth. What? "People should get back to having sex only within marriage"???? That has NEVER been the case. You can teach young people to abstain and wait until you are blue in the face and that teaching will not prevail over their natural biological urges." Again…you have NO WAY OF KNOWING WHAT WOMEN FEEL. HAVE YOU EVER HAD AN ABORTION? How many women here debating this subject have had an abortion. I think I am the only one. Isn't that odd that more are not here…because statistics show that 40% of American women have had abortions. So it would make sense I would not be the only one here…look at the number of women here debating this. But it is rare that women talk about it. Why? LMAO Why don't women want to share this most common surgical procedure? Tell us since you know so much about abortion grannie. LOL The fact is you have no idea…no clue…about this. You want to make abortion fit into this beautiful wrapped up package…tied with a colorful bow. For you its power…the power women have over their own children…and the fact that they can hire them killed…on demand. Give me statistics that show that women do not regret their abortions. And when you do…I will tell you that statistics lie. Most women will not admit to having one. They don't want their friends and families to know. Why do you suppose that is? There is no way on earth for a poll on this subject to be accurate. You talk about morals?…LMAO Yes killing is the answer…for people who do not value life…and think its cheap. People who are so into themselves that they think they know what is best for everyone else.
I think society is getting better actually. Certainly women experience much more freedom now than in the 1950's and 60's. As do black people and homosexuals. In general our living standards have risen as have our literacy rates and life expectancies have improved. I think you are a very negative person, not to have noticed or cared about these substantial benefits we have all received from a more progressive and enlightened outlook.
Illegal abortions are more dangerous for women. It is possible to make an accurate estimate of the number of abortions performed by calculating the number of women who died and who had complications. There have been many studies done on the effects of abortion and on the effects of giving birth. Women don't want to talk about it because of women like you. Women keep quiet about the procedure because they don't want to be attacked and labeled "murderess." It's simple. I also keep relatively quiet about abortion in my own community because I don't want to be attacked, have rocks thrown through my windows or my tires slashed. The anonymity of the internet gives me the venue to speak up without fear of reprisal. So if I give you statistics, you will deny them anyway. I'll save my time, thank you. Women do not talk about their abortions out of fear of social ostracism. FEAR, that's the simple reason. It is possible to have polls without revealing names and addresses you know. Irony.....who is it who believes they know what is best for everyone else? Who is it who believes women should not have a choice because someone else knows best for them? LOL, do you read your own posts before you submit them?
I am not getting into whether or not we were once a Christian nation..that is another debate. I believe at one time we were.
Want sex out of marriage i know contraceptives are no guarantee of safety or preventing pregnancy abortion is morally ok because a fetus is not a person yet but is best avoided if posible (*)(*)(*)(*) you
I generally agree with you but I'm a man and thus I don't feel I have the right to tell a woman what to do if she has an unwanted pregnancy. Additionally I agree that sex has become less and less safe but I'm gay so I can't get married and generally think as long as its done responsibly there should not be some arbitrary limit imposed by the government. I don't think abstinence will make sex any safer at this point so I think awareness is the best idea. I'm Christian, but I'm also aware that its 2012, and not everyone holds my beliefs so I'd say that places like planned parenthood are essential to sex safety and birth control should be readily available and also researched because I hear all these awful stories about how it makes people sick and even kills them. The thing about abortion for me, is that the later the term the less justified it is. I'm not sure what I think about abortions in the second trimester, I've not really done a whole lot of research, but I believe that sex and pregnancy are essential women's health issues and women should have access to birth control, information, and they should absolutely have the right to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester. I don't understand how someone can be pro-life and at the same time think its okay to get their tubes tied. If it sounds like hypocrisy...
And how are those Maternal Mortality statistics going over there in Ireland? Gotten around to actually COUNTING them yet? So banning abortion is working well for you lot then?