How the US was responsible for the rise of the Communists in China

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by kazenatsu, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    The below is a summary of information originally provided by another member in this forum,
    wist43, in the thread "Nagasaki's 76th Anniversary" on page 3 and 4. So credit goes to wist43 for this information and opinion.

    This information is not easy to come by anymore as our schools, wikipedia, etc, are all-in on full-blown Orwellian censorship.

    All of the information related to the Pacific theater needs be viewed as a whole.

    Japan was done for. Hirohito knew it, his Generals and senior staff knew it, and the Allies knew it.

    The Establishment had planned out the world's postwar map years before the end of the war - that included betraying most of Eastern Europe and China to the communists. While the allies were glad handing Chang Kai-shek with one hand, they were stabbing him in the back at Yalta with the other.

    Communizing China was of much greater importance to the Establishment than was ending the war on any terms.

    If more people needed to die?? So be it. If many, many more people needed to die, so be it.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking that anyone in a leadership position within our government or military at that time possessed any sense of humanity in the least.

    These people were hardcore psychopaths that had no qualms about killing and enslaving hundreds of millions of people. Operation Keelhaul anyone??

    To contend that they would do anything for humanitarian reasons - even drop the bomb to ostensibly prevent further loss of life, is not in keeping with the character of these men.

    Losing China
    Mainland China fell to Mao Tse-tung’s Communist forces in 1949, when the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist army and such citizens as could escape fled to the island of Formosa, now commonly known as Taiwan. But the principal reason for the Communist takeover occurred not on the battlefield, but at the conference table, not in 1949, but four years earlier, prior to the end of World War II — and not in China, but many thousands of miles away at the Yalta summit meeting. On that occasion, unbeknownst to our ally Chiang, who was fighting well over a million Japanese troops, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised Stalin the vast northern Chinese province of Manchuria and other concessions in exchange for Soviet entrance into the war against Japan.

    The Soviet army, poised along the Manchurian border and supplied with American lend-lease equipment, entered the war against Japan three days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. At that late stage, noted General Albert C. Wedemeyer in his book, Wedemeyer Reports!, “the Red Army naturally met practically no enemy resistance and was soon in complete control of Manchuria” - after which “the Russians received the surrender of Japanese arms and equipment [stockpiled in the region], which they overtly and covertly made available to the Chinese Communists.” With that the balance of power in China shifted to Mao Tse-tung and his band of Communist terrorists.

    You might commonly read in history books that the Chinese Communists had the upper hand over Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists because they had been fighting the Japanese, without really any specific explanation why exactly fighting the Japanese would give them an advantage. What these history books neglect to mention is that the Soviets ensured the defeated Japanese occupation force's weapons and supplies would fall into Chinese Communist hands.

    But there were other significant steps along the way that insured Chiang’s defeat and the loss of China. Those steps included the cease-fires forced upon Chiang when he was making military progress, our insistence that Chiang form a coalition government with the Communists, and our 10-month embargo on the sale or shipment of arms to Chiang.

    As the end approached, Congress did pass a measure to provide some aid to China’s beleaguered anti-Communist forces, but the delivery was sabotaged. The Truman administration, wrote Wedemeyer, “succeeded in thwarting the intent of the [1948] China Aid Act by delaying the shipment of munitions to China until the end of that critical year.” Some arms were even destroyed. As recounted by Senator Joseph McCarthy in his book America’s Retreat From Victory, “Over the hump in India, the United States military authorities were detonating large stores of ammunition and dumping 120,000 tons of war supplies in the Bay of Bengal - much of it undelivered to China but charged to her wartime lend-lease account.”

    John F. Kennedy, who told the House on January 25, 1949, “The responsibility for the failure of our foreign policy in the Far East rests squarely with the White House and the Department of State. The continued insistence that aid would not be forthcoming, unless a coalition government with the Communists were formed, was a crippling blow to the national government.”

    In essence, it was more like the US used a dirty trick on Chiang Kai-shek and lied to him, promising supplies if he would stop fighting the Communists, which weakened his position, but then those supplies were not sent.

    Also another related history thread that may be of interest to some: U.S. had a chance in 1911 to create stability in China but chose not to
  2. Anonymous.Professor

    Anonymous.Professor Newly Registered

    Jan 9, 2020
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    Hm it is more like that Kuomintang forces were to much harmed by Japanese and not that communists were fighting Japanese more as apparently red professors try to teach also American students.
    Bigger frontlines were of course held by Kuomintang.

    Soviet aid was crucial for the loss of China yes, but on the other Hand China could be saved from falling to communists only if USA would sent its forces to China after Japan Lost the war. But Roosevelt and Truman had a strategy not to do this. Even in the Case of communist aggression in Korea that strategy was still in place, but was then changed by Truman. Stalin, Mao and North Korea communists did not know that USA government will change its mind when they decided to go in war.

    Crucial was also that Soviet agent Harry Dexter White blocked USA financial help to Kuomintang during WW2 in the moment when inflation under Kuomintang government could still be stopped.

    It should be Said also that the Roosevelt and to a smaller degree even Truman administrations were plagued with communist spies. And Roosevelt for example was so deluded from their influence that he believed Stalin Will keep his promise and Leave Czechoslovakia as demokratic republic. Communists instead put their agent general Svoboda to the top of military that they were able to do coup ( and their revolution ) at the right time for them.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2021
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  3. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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  4. Anonymous.Professor

    Anonymous.Professor Newly Registered

    Jan 9, 2020
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    It seems that the plan of Soviet spies was also to overthrow Roosevelt at a certain point when he would not be useful anymore. Like they overthrow socialist Kerenski in 1917. As Diana West is explaining in 30's there were hearings in the USA senate about this. But the testimonies revealing the plot were ignored and in public portrayed as attacks on New deal.
  5. Anonymous.Professor

    Anonymous.Professor Newly Registered

    Jan 9, 2020
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    The irony here is that when FDR government recognized USSR in 1933 and started business with it, Soviets agreed that they will stop any support for any group which would plan to overthrow USA constitution. But in fact they just gain new power for their plans and established communist cells in federal administration itself.
    Last edited: May 25, 2022

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