How Zionists manage to get away with their myths and lies?

Discussion in 'Zionist Agenda' started by Jack Napier, Apr 14, 2013.

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  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular.

    In his new book, “The Invention Of The Land of Israel”, Israeli academic Shlomo Sand, manages to present conclusive evidence of the far fetched nature of the Zionist historical narrative - that the Jewish Exile is a myth as is the Jewish people and even the Land of Israel.

    Yet, Sand and many others fail to address the most important question: If Zionism is based on myth, how do the Zionists manage to get away with their lies, and for so long? :thumbsup:

    If the Jewish ‘homecoming’ and the demand for a Jewish national homeland cannot be historically substantiated, why has it been supported by both Jews and the West for so long? How does the Jewish state manage for so long to celebrate its racist expansionist ideology and at the expense of the Palestinian and Arab peoples?

    Jewish power is obviously one answer, but, what is Jewish power? Can we ask this question without being accused of being Anti Semitic? Can we ever discuss its meaning and scrutinize its politics? Is Jewish Power a dark force, managed and maneuvered by some conspiratorial power? Is it something of which Jews themselves are shy? Quite the opposite - Jewish power, in most cases, is celebrated right in front of our eyes. As we know, AIPAC is far from being quiet about its agenda, its practices or its achievements. AIPAC, CFI in the UK and CRIF in France are operating in the most open manner and often openly brag about their success.

    Furthermore, we are by now accustomed to watch our democratically elected leaders shamelessly queuing to kneel before their pay-masters. Neocons certainly didn’t seem to feel the need to hide their close Zionist affiliations. Abe Foxman’s Anti Defamation League (ADL) works openly towards the Judification of the Western discourse, chasing and harassing anyone who dares voice any kind of criticism of Israel or even of Jewish choseness. And of course, the same applies to the media, banking and Hollywood. We know about the many powerful Jews who are not in the slightest bit shy about their bond with Israel and their commitment to Israeli security, the Zionist ideology, the primacy of Jewish suffering, Israeli expansionism and even outright Jewish exceptionalism.

    But, as ubiquitous as they are, AIPAC, CFI, ADL, Bernie Madoff, ‘liberator’ Bernard Henri Levy, war-advocate David Aaronovitch, free market prophet Milton Friedman, Steven Spielberg, Haim Saban, Lord Levy and many other Zionist enthusiasts and Hasbara advocates are not necessarily the core or the driving force behind Jewish Power, but are merely symptoms. Jewish power is actually far more sophisticated than simply a list of Jewish lobbies or individuals performing highly developed manipulative skills. Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular.

    Contrary to popular belief, it is not ‘right wing’ Zionists who facilitate Jewish power, It is actually the ‘good’, the ‘enlightened’ and the ‘progressive’ who make Jewish power the most effective and forceful power in the land. It is the ‘progressives’ who confound our ability to identify the Judeocentric tribal politics at the heart of Neoconservatism, American contemporary imperialism and foreign policy. It is the so-called ‘anti’ Zionist who goes out of his or her way to divert our attention from the fact that Israel defines itself as the Jewish State and blinds us to the fact that its tanks are decorated with Jewish symbols. It was the Jewish Left intellectuals who rushed to denounce Professors Mearsheimer and Walt, Jeff Blankfort and James Petras’ work on the Jewish Lobby. And it is no secret that Occupy AIPAC, the campaign against the most dangerous political Lobby in America, is dominated by a few righteous members of the chosen tribe. We need to face up to the fact that our dissident voice is far from being free. Quite the opposite, we are dealing here with an institutional case of controlled opposition.

    In George Orwell’s 1984, it is perhaps Emmanuel Goldstein who is the pivotal character. Orwell’s Goldstein is a Jewish revolutionary, a fictional Leon Trotsky. He is depicted as the head of a mysterious anti-party organization called “The Brotherhood” and is also the author of the most subversive revolutionary text (The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism). Goldstein is the ‘dissenting voice’, the one who actually tells the truth. Yet, as we delve into Orwell’s text, we find out from Party’s ‘Inner Circle’ O’Brien that Goldstein was actually invented by Big Brother in a clear attempt to control the opposition and the possible boundaries of dissidence.

    Orwell’s personal account of the Spanish Civil War “Homage To Catalonia” clearly presaged the creation of Emmanuel Goldstein. It was what Orwell witnessed in Spain that, a decade later, matured into a profound understanding of dissent as a form of controlled opposition. My guess is that, by the late 1940’s, Orwell had understood the depth of intolerance, and tyrannical and conspiratorial tendencies that lay at the heart of ‘Big Brother-ish’ Left politics and praxis.

    Surprisingly enough, an attempt to examine our contemporaneous controlled opposition within the Left and the Progressive reveal that it is far from being a conspiratorial. Like in the case of the Jewish Lobby, the so-called ‘opposition’ hardly attempts to disguise its ethno-centric tribal interests, spiritual and ideological orientation and affiliation.

    A brief examination of the list of organisations founded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) presents a grim picture - pretty much the entire American progressive network is funded, partially or largely by a liberal Zionist, philanthropic billionaire who supports very many good and important causes that are also very good for the Jews. And yet, like staunch Zionist Haim Saban, Soros does not operate clandestinely. His Open Society Institute proudly provides all the necessary information regarding the vast amount of shekels it spreads on its good and important causes.

    So one can’t accuse Soros or the Open Society Institute of any sinister vetting the political discourse, stifling of free speech or even to ‘controlling the opposition’. All Soros does is to support a wide variety of ‘humanitarian causes’: Human Rights, Women’s Rights. Gay Rights, equality, democracy, Arab ‘Spring’, Arab Winter, the oppressed, the oppressor, tolerance, intolerance, Palestine, Israel, anti war, pro-war (only when really needed), and so on.

    As with Orwell’s Big Brother that frames the boundaries of dissent by means of control opposition, Soros’ Open Society also determines, either consciously or unconsciously, the limits of critical thought. Yet, unlike in 1984, where it is the Party that invents its own opposition and write its texts, within our ‘progressive’ discourse, it is our own voices of dissent, willingly and consciously, that are compromising their principles.

    Soros may have read Orwell - he clearly believes his message - because from time to time he even supports opposing forces. For instance, he funds the Zionist-lite J Street as well as Palestinian NGO organisations. And guess what? It never takes long for the Palestinian beneficiaries to, compromise their own, most precious principles so they fit nicely into their paymaster’s worldview.

    The Visible Hand

    The invisible hand of the market is a metaphor coined by Adam Smith to describe the self-regulating behaviour of the marketplace. In contemporary politics. The visible hand is a similar metaphor which describes the self-regulating tendency of the political-fund beneficiary, to fully integrate the world view of its benefactor into its political agenda.

    Democracy Now, the most important American dissident outlet has never discussed the Jewish Lobby with Mearsheimer, Walt, Petras or Blankfort - the four leading experts who could have informed the American people about the USA’s foreign policy domination by the Jewish Lobby. For the same reasons, Democracy Now wouldn’t explore the Neocon’s Judeo-centric agenda nor would it ever discuss Jewish Identity politics with yours truly. Democracy Now will host Noam Chomsky or Norman Finkelstein, it may even let Finkelstein chew up Zionist caricature Alan Dershowitz - all very good, but not good enough.

    Is the fact that Democracy Now is heavily funded by Soros relevant? I’ll let you judge.

    If I’m correct (and I think I am) we have a serious problem here. As things stand, it is actually the progressive discourse, or at least large part of it. that sustains Jewish Power. If this is indeed the case, and I am convinced it is, then the occupied progressive discourse, rather than Zionism, is the primary obstacle that must be confronted.

    It is no coincidence that the ‘progressive’ take on ‘antisemitism’ is suspiciously similar to the Zionist one. Like Zionists, many progressive institutes and activists adhere to the bizarre suggestion that opposition to Jewish power is ‘racially motivated’ and embedded in some ‘reactionary’ Goyish tendency. Consequently, Zionists are often supported by some ‘progressives’ in their crusade against critics of Israel and Jewish power. Is this peculiar alliance between these allegedly opposing schools of thoughts, the outcome of a possible ideological continuum between these two seemingly opposed political ideologies? Maybe, after all, progressiveness like Zionism is driven by a peculiar inclination towards ‘choseness’. After all, being progressive somehow implies that someone else must be ‘reactionary’. It is those self-centric elements of exceptionalism and choseness that have made progressiveness so attractive to secular and emancipated Jews. But the main reason the ‘progressive’ adopted the Zionist take on antisemitism, may well be because of the work of that visible hand that miraculously shapes the progressive take on race, racism and the primacy of Jewish suffering.

    We may have to face up to the fact that the progressive discourse effectively operates as Israel’s longest arm - it certainly acts as a gatekeeper and as protection for Zionism and Jewish tribal interests. If Israel and its supporters would ever be confronted with real opposition it might lead to some long-overdue self-reflection. But at the moment, Israel and Zionist lobbies meet only insipid, watered-down, progressively-vetted resistance that, in practice, sustains Israeli occupation, oppression and an endless list of human rights abuses.

    Instead of mass opposition to the Jewish State and its aggressive lobby, our ‘resistance’ is reduced into a chain of badge-wearing, keffiyeh-clad, placard-waving mini-gatherings with the occasional tantrum from some neurotic Jewess while being videoed by another good Jew. If anyone believes that a few badges, a load of amateur Youtube clips celebrating Jewish righteousness are going to evolve into a mass anti-Israel global movement, they are either naïve or stupid.

    In fact, a recent Gallup poll revealed that current Americans' sympathy for Israel has reached an All-Time High. 64% of Americans sympathise with the Jewish State, while only 12% feel for the Palestinians. This is no surprise and our conclusion should be clear. As far as Palestine is concerned, ‘progressive’ ideology and praxis have led us precisely nowhere. Rather than advance the Palestinian cause, it only locates the ‘good’ Jew at the centre of the solidarity discourse.

    When was the last time a Palestinian freedom fighter appeared on your TV screen? Twenty years ago the Palestinian were set to become the new Che Guevaras. Okay, so the Palestinian freedom fighter didn’t necessarily speak perfect English and wasn’t a graduate of an English public school, but he was free, authentic and determined. He or she spoke about their land being taken and of their willingness to give what it takes to get it back. But now, the Palestinian has been ‘saved’, he or she doesn’t have to fight for his or her their land, the ‘progressive’ is taking care of it all.

    This ‘progressive’ voice speaks on behalf of the Palestinian and, at the same time, takes the opportunity to also push marginal politics, fight ‘Islamism’ and ‘religious radicalisation’ and occasionally even supports the odd interventionst war and, of course, always, always, always fights antisemitism. The controlled opposition has turned the Palestinian plight into just one more ‘progressive’ commodity, lying on the back shelf of its ever-growing ‘good-cause’ campaign store.

    For the Jewish progressive discourse, the purpose behind pro-Palestinian support is clear. It is to present an impression of pluralism within the Jewish community. It is there to suggest that not all Jews are bad Zionists. Philip Weiss, the founder of the most popular progressive pro-Palestinian blog was even brave enough to admit to me that it is Jewish self -interests that stood at the core of his pro Palestinian activity.

    Jewish self-love is a fascinating topic. But even more fascinating is Jewish progressives loving themselves at the expense of the Palestinians. With billionaires such as Soros maintaining the discourse, solidarity is now an industry, concerned with profit and power rather than ethics or values and it is a spectacle both amusing and tragic as the Palestinians become a side issue within their own solidarity discourse.

    So, perhaps before we discuss the ‘liberation of Palestine’, we first may have to liberate ourselves.

    Many excellent points made there by Gilad, imo, he is spot on with many of his observations.

  2. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    I know it bites you, but God chose the Jews for a purpose and he will hang on to them and keep them going like the Energizer Bunny. Its hard for some people to deal with. And the hatred towards them can be over-whelming I'm sure. But they won't be destroyed, or dismantled and won't disappear and Israel will remain a country fighting for her existence against the hatred from "the world" until that time God decides.

  3. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    This does not meet the minimum requirements for thread creation in Current Events. This is an attempt at sourceless revisionist history, and application to current perception.

    It belongs in opinions at best.

    Were I Emperor it would be in CT.
  4. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    I agree totally and I wish I could have gotten there first. Move this long rant to a more appropriate place. This unhealthy negative obsession with Judaism is certainly not a current event. It goes back dozens of centuries, as a matter of fact.
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Get you.

    Do you have a badge, as well?


    - - - Updated - - -

    Well you got there second.

    Have a toffee anyway.
  6. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I do not. It was for your edification as you are clearly ignorant of it.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Man needs a badge.
  8. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    "Never do something you are good at for free." - The Joker
  9. BC Bud

    BC Bud New Member

    Oct 15, 2011
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    Maybe you should be posting on Storm Front...seems more your style. It's really an unhealthy obsession you have with the Jews.
    KarmaKat likes this.
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's new.

    Oh no, wait.

    It's not new.

    Try again, this time, please be on topic. Bud.
  11. BethanyQuartz

    BethanyQuartz New Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    First of all, Israel is completely dependent on the US to survive. The US likes having Israel as a threat to the rest of the Mideast. And it will use Israel shamelessly in order to further its control of resources and will not care if Israel is destroyed in the process. US support for Israel is about US desire to control access to oil.

    The exception is a relatively small segment of decision makers who for religious or cultural reasons want Israel to continue in its current form or to become more powerful. Not all of these decision makers are Jewish (many are rightwing Christians) and not all Jews want Israel to continue as it is or to become more powerful. Noam Chomsky is a great example of someone who is Jewish and a sharp critic of Israeli human rights violations.

    I'm also confused at the insinuation that being Jewish means being pro big money. My favorite leftist intellectuals are Jewish. I guess someone should go tell them they're supposed to be voting Republican?
  12. Nahid

    Nahid New Member

    May 4, 2013
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    Still discussing the existence of the State of Israel???
    The day the Revisionists and liars will move on, Peace will reign.
  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Peace will only be so, when the parasitic fake state is removed, and it's fanboys.
  14. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Don't play silly games.

    You are better than that.
  16. Nahid

    Nahid New Member

    May 4, 2013
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    that is true Palestinians are a fake group, they are Jordans in fact.
    They are parasites indeed.....
  17. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    But it was just so damn tempting! How could I not take a swing? Plus you know my beliefs on this subject.
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Either way.

    You are a better poster than that.
  19. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Damn my eyes...... the irony is so concentrated... it is a thing of repulsive perfection. You gotta admit the sheer talent and artistry is undeniable Jack. Only a master of the craft can feed his victim his own blood and get thanked for it... plus get whole hearted defense of his crime.

    Americans know it and love it. Americans defend their enslavement and will reject any government official who dares oppose the Zionist agenda. Americans willingly send their national treasure and children to be sacrificed to further the Zionist agenda.

    The USA has been conquered by Zionist pigs without a single shot. Want evidence? What country must all U.S federal government politicians pledge allegiance to if the want to get elected to/retain public office?
  20. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    When did Sharon say this?
  21. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Except whoops ANOTHER made up quote.

    Why do you lie?
  22. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Why do you delude yourself , have you allegiance to your own country? I could post 3 sites to your every 1 that says its true. IMO it is true because Israel's behavior/ demeanor /actions coincide with with the spirit of this comment. I'll post some commentary from some government officials that we have had in the past that agree with what I believe.

    "The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."

    Let me guess... this does not jive with your pathetic sychophantic cowering position on anything having to with the criminal occupation state.

    Answer the question : What country must all U.S federal government politicians pledge allegiance to if they want to get elected to/retain public office?
  23. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    Who cares about your opinion? Your opinion seems to support what you want rather than what is true.

    A lie is still a lie.

    Who cares what Senator Fullbright says? The man called the Constitution outdated, antiquated. He was an enemy to the nation.
  24. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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  25. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    There is no hypocrisy in my statement and my loyalties lie to God, my family/friends, and with the Constitution and People of the United States of America.

    Because I'm standing by Truth while you are standing by fabricated quotes. You stand by it because you want it to be true as you are not a mind of reason, but one of ignorance and bigotry. I've dealt with your lot quite a bit who see that their ends justify the means. You don't mind lying or using false information to get what you want.

    They are not a terrorist nation. Iran is a terrorist nation.

    You are no one to question my allegiance.

    And yet, you're just another robot parroting the same crap over and over again.

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