failure to 'see' that africans (native residents) are worse off now... but hey, they got their grandparents dirt back...
considering you didn't share the 'sources', i'll take your comment as, well to put it mildly, bullsh*t...
The reality is that a tiny ANC minority are doing extremely well... and the rest of the black population are living in abject poverty. The country is now in a death spiral, the Rand will soon be junk and corruption, mismanagement and theft have rendered the treasury barrel empty, the state is asking employees to take a 10% paycut... To counter the Zimbabwean effect South African's have come up with a digital financial banking system, that are gold backed. 80% of funds deposited in this system are used to purchase Kruger Rands, the other 20% is liquidity, used to cover payments... they sell and buy Kruger Rands to keep this ratio
The reality is that white people earn on average a heck of a lot more than black people.... because of they positioned themselves in that social economic position by being racist thugs in the very recent passed. Sorry, champ, them days will never return... and that social economic position needs to be thoroughly destroyed.
I reject your statement that any form of affluence by a white person is automatically due to racism, in fact I will go as far as to say that you demonstrate your own bias and racist issues against whites and suggest you perhaps look into resolving them. The evolution of white capital is very interesting though because when the ANC came into power they brought in numerous... and I believe they are now more than a hundred... Black empowerment laws, that discriminate against white people because they are white. Instead of improving the lives of black people, these laws were exploited by the ANC to provide work opportunities for their friends, family, highest bidder etc The ANC used these laws to fire all whites from Government jobs like Eskom power utility, South African Airways, Municipalities, Health, Transport, post office etc. I think it's noteworthy that ALL of these institutions are now bankrupt... so instead of empowering black people it impoverished black people. So what happened to the fired white people, 25% is in squatter camps and the rest range from struggling to extremely wealthy, the difference is entrepreneurship, those who were entrepreneurial are now the 80% taxpayers in the country... holding the last pillar of society up... this includes the white farmers who once fed 100 million people (when South Africa was only still 25 million) today South Africa is food insecure and the chart below will show you that Agriculture had the biggest decline in recent times due to the farm murders and no drought support. Other minorities like the Coloured communities have been hit even harder than the whites, and below is a video where they complain that the ANC is bringing in black labour into coloured communities and in doing so taking away opportunities from their own people People like yourself @notme who completely ignore the destruction the ANC have caused, destroying South Africa's future for ALL, including their own people should be ashamed of yourself. Because your hatred of whites blind you to the reality of how wicked, incompetent and callous the ANC government is, their greed laying waste to an entire civilisation... while you defend them and just keep on mindlessly blaming all on the white man. Your hope that South Africa will be nothing more than another Zimbabwe... will eventually also be shattered, because the white South African is gatvol... and you can ask a white South African to explain that one to you... I have done enough explaining today.
Well unlike you apparently I'm familiar with a) African slash and burn agriculture and b) What already happened in Zimbabwe
And bravo. You can't have the white population picking the fruits of 100's of years of thug colonial racist rule. So what. The % of the black population who live in such camps is probably much higher. And so... why do black people now need to suffer because the white people in the recent passed have oppressed them? Because the white men put up the apartheid rule, buddy. They ALL... a full 100% profited from this. There is nobody else to pin this on. lol
I'm not here to source stuff that you won't learn anything from anyway. Go forth and believe whatever you want. Reality will catch up.
Police are losing control of Johannesburg, Foreign nationals who came in due to Open borders are attacking police. Pretoria in Chaos... The SADF is in Cape Town making no difference to Gang Violence... in my opinion they are simply there to stop the Coloureds from rising up, not as deterrence for gang violence
The reality is that what you think can't and shouldn't happen...will most likely happen in the end. (Which is "whites picking the fruit of settling in South Africa 400 years ago" - correcting your errors of 100 years and colonialists... the Afrikaner is not a colonist). The ANC are self-destructing right in front of our eyes. I think you need to start preparing yourself for disappointment.
When you claim some famine is going to happen. And you simply can not back it up.... than I just toss that silly opinion away.
The vast majority of blacks in South Africa are recent immigrants. By what parameter would you define "native"? Just skin color? Are blacks who have immigrated to South Africa within the last 40 years more "native" than the descendants of whites who have lived in SA for 400 years?
he is 100% correct, South Africa used to export food is now on the Food Insecure list. South Africa fed 100 million people during Apartheid.... today it is on the food insecure list
Yes indeed, at the end of Apartheid there were 25 million people in South Africa (this included just over 5 million whites), today an unofficial source claimed there are 80 million, the majority due to open borders.... now all claiming land from their grandfathers of course
All you'll get is "nuh uh" until it happens to them, and then they'll blame you for letting it happen.