I'm not certian but I believe I've read where Bozo the Clown exposed chemtrails..... Here is an ironic twist the the "birther" debate. Let's assume for a moment that Obama's birth was never recorded with the Hawaii Dept of Health and there wasn't a birth certificate. Let's assume that Obama's citizenship had to be established in a Court of Law. We have Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii that knew the Obama family when Barack was born and, while he didn't visit the hospital he would testify that they were living in Hawaii when Barack was born. We have the former nurse at the hospital that CNN located and she distinctly remembers with Barack was born. He was the only black infant in the nursery as there weren't many blacks in Hawaii at that time. We have two published accounts of Barack Obama being born that include the Obama home address on Kalanianaole Highway. We have historical testimony from his grandmother where she explicitly stated he was born in Hawaii. All of this and absolutely no evidence that he was born anywhere else. Any court, based upon this evidence alone, would rule that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States.
It is ironic that in the past the "birther" lawyers stated uncategorically in a legal filing that a computer image of a document was invalid and only the actual document was valid. We have alledged racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio (there is a federal lawsuit that Joe Arpaio's office has engaged in racial profiling) stating that an internet image, which at best is a facimile of the real document, is a forgery. An internet image is not the document and there isn't a claim that the actual document is a forgery. Sheriff Joe is claiming that a facimile of a document that could have been manipulated by anyone including Joe Arpaio's little facist investigative group is a forgery. This really reflects the self-contradictory nature of the alledged conspiracy theory arguments by the Birthers. What part of the Hawaii Dept of Health, the official agency of jurisdiction, has publically certified that Obama is a natrural born citizen of the United States does this idiot, Joe Arpaio, seem to not understand. Is he claiming that officials in the Hawaii Dept of Health have been involved in a secret conspiracy and committed a felony related to Obama's citizenship? If so where is that evidence and why hasn't he presented that evidence to the FBI?