IRS targets American Legion posts

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by Mushroom, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    In it's latest display of arrogance and attacking any group seen as "Conservative", the IRS now has it's crosshairs set on the American Legion.

    Now what kind of bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is this? I joined both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars without a DD-214 at all, but a letter from my Commanding Officer saying I had been involved in operations overseas in support of OIF/OEF. And this is because you only get a DD-214 when you separate from the military and I was still on active duty. I had no DD-214 to show, and they said that was acceptable (especially since my CO was a member of the post and they knew she was a member in good standing).

    This makes me wonder, is the IRS going to target the NAACP, to ensure that all members are "colored"? Or the JDL, to ensure all members are Jewish? And what about my wide, who is an associate member in her own right (with her own annual membership dues) who is of course not a veteran but the wife of a veteran?

    And no surprise, the IRS is denying that they are targeting "Veterans Groups". Just like they denied targeting "Conservative Groups".
  2. Strasser

    Strasser Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    The IRS has used as a political weapon, both 'parties', since its inception; it's also handy for harassing your business competition if you're a big company with deep pockets to 'donate' to politicians and political parties.

    Nobody cares until their own personal oxes are getting gored, so it will continue. I can't work up any particular sympathy for either side of the aisle when they both have clearly approved of this when their own 'side' used them for intimidation and harassment for decades.
  3. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    Military groups can be targeted fairly over Jewish Groups, and Colored groups, because is considered a government entity, and government entities aren't all Christian or white organizations to make a case for discrimination.
  4. Strasser

    Strasser Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    I don't know that the American Legion and VFW qualify as 'conservative' activist groups, like the Tea Party or CAIR, for example; they have different functions and are primarily service organizations, focusing on veterans' and military issues. Of all the various groups out there they are way down on the list of 'suspect' organizations. My grandfathers and all of my uncles on both sides of the family were all members of one or both, and not many of them are right wingers, and less than half of them are white, one is Jewish.

    Neither organization is a 'government entity', either.

    If 'progressives' and Democrats were really concerned about subversive groups, they would investigate themselves, as the largest virulently racist and bigoted anti-American organization in the country. The SPLC, if it were an honest watchdog, would have the DNC at the top of its list of violent hate groups. If the IRS wants to investigate racist subversive groups, they should investigate La Raza and its subsidiaries, Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's various 'enterprises', and Eric Holder's notable connection to the 'New Black Panthers' and the protection being given them by Obama and his DA, instead.
  5. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Excuse me, are you actually saying that Veteran Groups are considered "government"? And who said anything about "Discrimination"?

    You need to step away from the pipe sir.

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