"A film devoid of conflict is boring." (R. W.) The Jewish people are arguably in one of the most serious divisions that they have faced in ninety years. Adolf Hitler warned the German people that there were special diseases that they could catch from Germans of Jewish descent..... and a conflict is brewing in the nation of Israel that could remind us of that situation in several important ways. I believe that this is arguably good news for the nation of Israel and I believe that this sets Israeli English language film makers up in such a way that they could well take over the number one position of producing big bucks movies and many other genre's of English language films.... but I admit it... this is not without risk and will likely not be so easy. March 05, 2021 IF YOU LOVE ISRAEL SHARE THIS - VIDEO This title may impress you at first as being exaggerated but I think that the video backs up this idea very powerfully. MORE PROOF THE ISRAELI HEALTH OFFICIALS ARE ACTING LIKE NAZIS! - VIDEO My theory is that this is happening! Jeremiah 16:14¶ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers."
I personally believe that the nation of Israel may be very close to being able to construct either The Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex or at least a replica that would be useful in causing a boom in tourism to Israel. Please think in terms of "Artistic Value" that can be transformed into educational value, diplomatic value and yes..... Economic value for the following idea: http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/could-there-be-two-jerusalem-third-temples.533842/ Personally I lean toward the building of two temples... one near the Gihon Spring on the Temple Mount and the other one similar to the Ezekiel temple several kilometers outside Jerusalem. Could there be two Jerusalem Third Temples? Here is another blog article illustrating how serious the situation in Israel actually could be: February 18, 2021 CONTINUING THE WORK OF HITLER? HERE IS A VERY SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF HOW THIS COULD POTENTIALLY ASSIST THE ISRAELI ENGLISH LANGUAGE FILM MARKET TO DWARF HOLLYWOOD........... sacrifices could go on in one temple for forty two months and then be stopped there....... and then transferred to Temple complex number TWO!!!!!!!!!!! I rambled on and on and on and on several years ago on only one possible version of this that would employ two hundred million male actors from the east.... plus.... two hundred million horses....... no kidding..... this is HUGE!!!!! Any concept that is going to create two hundred million jobs for male actors.... obviously will employ a huge number of women and children as well. Artistic Hollywood style "Armageddon" could bring world out of recession?! Revelation 9:16 "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them."
IF..... TWENTY TO FIFTY PERCENT OF THE Islamic POPULATION OF THE WEST BANK AND GAZA..... moved to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Europe.... at the same time that a similar number of Latter day Saints and others who identified with the Lost Tribes of Israel were to move to the West Bank........ then the nation of Israel could have a massive decrease in hostility within a year or two?! Obviously this could potentially fit in with an attempt to cause a boom in the Israeli English language film industry! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Palestinian_territories Please think of the following book in terms of its ARTISTIC VALUE..... that can be transformed into diplomatic, educational and yes.... economic value! God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land, Hebrew and Arabic. Near death experiencer Mr. Robert Mendelson thinks in terms of Palestinians as part of the Lost Tribes of Israel.... he is correct..... but I personally since the mid 1970's thought of myself as also partly descended from the lost tribes of Israel..... so........ when near death experiencer Robert Mendelson refers to God's plans for the West Bank and Gaza........ instead of thinking entirely in terms of the present population of the West Bank and Gaza...... we now know that a massive migration of people is possible and could alter the whole formula. Here is an example of a family successfully moving from Syria... to Canada! https://peacebychocolate.ca/
It just hit me that there was a situation facing the Jewish people between 130 to 136 C. E. that may well be even more like the present situation in Israel. It was the time of the Bar Kokhba Revolt when the Rabbinic Jewish community finally made a dramatic separation from the Messianic Jewish community. First century church may have numbered 400,000... did the majority convert to Islam? This will give you a good background to how this all fits together with the present situation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsvi_Misinai
PREDICTION........ the sixteen million Latter day Saints WILL NOT be divided over the issue of Latter day Saints who get vaccinated vs those who Do Not get vaccinated! 19 January 2021 - Salt Lake City News Release The First Presidency and Apostles Over Age 70 Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine The Church has helped immunize nearly 117 million people since 2002 Why will the sixteen million Latter day Saints NOT EXPERIENCE the level of division that seems to be coming to the Jewish people living in Israel over this issue? I suspect that there are many reason but one of them is that many Latter day Saints..... know similar things to what I found out since the 1980's about boosting my immune system so that I have less to fear from a virus. Another reason is that Latter day Saints have some really good and encouraging teachings on the state of the dead so they tend even to fear death a lot less than most of us do. The Postmortal Spirit World “Chapter 41: The Postmortal Spirit World,” Gospel Principles (2011), 240–44
Step one...... instead of being grievously offended by what is written by Mr. Mark Taylor..... please look for the positive "Artistic Value" in what he predicted back in 2011? https://sordrescue.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/04-28-11_commander_in_chief.pdf Step two.... please think in terms of Atheistic Evolutionary Theory being used to place extremely LOW VALUATION ON HUMAN LIFE.... (and on all other life forms really)...... and take a look at the ideas of Dr. Chaim Henry Tejman M. D. that can alter the formula as we realize that the G-d of Abraham may have evolved...... whereas Adam and Eve were created / invented..... at a specific point in time..... www.CarbonBias.blogspot.ca/ Do a search for this discussion to see how the awarding of some variation of "The Origin of Life Prize" to Chaim Henry Tejman M. D. could begin a transformation in the world economy and spiritual environment? "Chaim Henry Tejman M. D., Wave Theory and the origin of life....." by Dennis Tate on Sciforums .com
I so thank you for your statement after the 2:27:00 mark that the trip with eight hundred to Israel for 2022 will be cancelled IF Israel forces tourists to take the vaccine in order to travel to Israel!!!! Warrior Women - Session Three- Dalton Ga - Kevin and Kathi Zadai
For the moment this looks pretty bad..... but there is a very good side to this..... conflict forces us to rethink our situation and ask ourselves the types of questions that can lead to a whole new beginning! https://conservativehill.com/blogs/news/continuing-the-work-of-hitler?_pos=1&_sid=3fcb39791&_ss=r I believe that there is going to be a clean up of the confusion and state of fear that the BigMedia want us in partly due to BigPharma being one of the largest advertisers that are keeping BigMedia afloat! I am convinced that the clean up of the disinformation and media bias will result in a simplification in our response to many big questions. After the Abraham Peace Accord turn deserts green...
Step one: BYU staff and faculty collaborate to award some variation of the "Origin of Life Prize" to Chaim Henry Tejman M. D. who has done an amazing website that I consider sets the stage for Theistic Evolutionary Theory........ My suggestion is to make the award a serious number... so that the Israeli newspaper articles on the award attract attention....... Should L.D.S. support rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple?
If you the reader are a Latter day Saint then you may be able to assist in setting in motion a series of events that could be of great importance to the eight million citizens and residents of the nation of Israel by reading and praying about posts numbers 80, 81, 82, 83 and 84 here: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...tion-and-dollar.570833/page-4#post-1072532553 ......
I just saw a shocking video..... that if true... may soon have many Israelis asking themselves....... "could we have been as ignorant of a holocaust going on "under our noses" for years much as the average German claimed to have been ignorant of what was happening in the death camps from 1940 to 1945?????" http://www.politicalforum.com/index...one-of-the-illuminati.580396/#post-1072532913 "This fifty minute video could result in thousands of indictments soon...... and this would make sense out of the predictions made by the gifted Mark Taylor."
As of this moment I would suggest to eight million Israelis that they build up some sort of "throne" and anoint near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava as sitting on the "throne of Elijah!" I would suggest that some fairly famous Jewish families at the 2022 Seder ask Rabbi Alon Anava to sit on the seat reserved for Elijah at their Seder but..... there is also a tradition about Seder / Passover being observed one month late......... by those who missed the first Seder for a valid reason. A possible modern Mashiach ben Ephrayim / Messiah son of Joseph and.....
This is a good time to think outside the box and create a new type of career that would tend to appeal to people who are willing to lose their job in order to make their own decisions related to their health! The fact that the nation of Israel is somewhat in the centre of this conflict gives Israel a head start on figuring out ways to turn this conflict into a positive. "A film devoid of conflict is boring." (R.W.) Muslims, Christians, Jews and all others who value freedom of choice are now forced to come together more and discuss ways to cooperate to solve what could become a serious conflict. I've been in correspondence with Latter day Saints since 2018 and I believe that they are in a unique position to significantly decrease the level of hostility in the Middle East due to their tendency to identify with the Lost Tribes of Israel which put them in a special position to perhaps be willing to trade homes with Palestinians living in the West Bank or perhaps with Muslims living in any part of Israel who might be willing to move to wherever a particular LDS family happened to be living? Latter day Saints already have an agreement with the Jewish Rabbi's in Israel to not proselytize to Jews but..... Latter day Saints may even be willing to join in some variation of the Noahide Movement that is like a Jewish outreach to the Gentile world. A near death experiencer in 1992 was given a series of visions related to bringing peace to the Middle East that would have obvious "artistic value" that can be transformed into "educational value, diplomatic value and yes economic value" in the form of reality film projects where Latter day Saints end up living in Israel...... having traded places with an Israeli family who would prefer to live wherever those Latter day Saints happened to have their home. Now we are in a position to even liven things up further if the Latter day Saints could make an agreement with the nation of China to pay a ransom for Uighur Muslims who perhaps become students at BYU in Jerusalem, or at any BYU campus. It is obvious that the nation of China sure does not want Uighur Muslims living in their nation so this presents a special opportunity to set in motion something that could alter the formula in the Middle East because...... if the LDS had an agreement that rescued thousand and soon tens of thousands and soon hundreds of thousands of Uighur Muslims and moved them out of China..... I suspect that Uighur Muslims who have been saved from a modern Holocaust would tend to be very difficult to convince to become "suicide bombers" due to their level of thankfulness for their new nation that may accept them? For the record I personally could not catch onto the logic for "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" until I read "Way of Holiness and the Sacred Hoop" by the same near death experiencer. It has been estimated that the Latter day Saints church could come up with a hundred billion dollars if they had to and I believe that they would be open to a variation of Theistic Evolutionary Theory that would tend to lay a foundation for the idea that perhaps each human life has something like infinite value to a Creator composed of fundamental or nearly fundamental energy who was "evolving" and learning over infinite time even before the last major Big Bang type event. Investing in saving human lives through some variation of "art" could potentially transform and boost the world economy out of this COVID 19 economic slump that fits with the two factors needed for a time of hyperinflation. 1. print extra money 2. DRAMATICALLY REDUCE PRODUCTIVITY This is a basic idea that Agnostics, Atheists, Latter day Saints, Jews, Muslims and many other people all over the world could potentially cooperate to some degree on. I have in mind a new genre of film entitled "semi-reality science fiction" that deals with the predictions of the Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other prophecies for the latter days or last hour that........ create acting jobs and address some of the circumstances that might tend to produce WWIII. Here is an ancient Islamic prediction that I believe Agnostics, Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Christians and many other people could cooperate on:
OK........ although I personally am on a somewhat different page than President Russell Nelson on this particular issue......... I want to wait as long as I can before I take a vaccine. ...... 1. One of the reasons for this is that I feel the vaccines were rushed........ 2. Another reason is that my province Nova Scotia, has an astonishingly low incidence of Covid 19 infection 3. I feel a need to be in solidarity with those who DID NOT TAKE THE VACCINE somewhat like how the people of Denmark all put on yellow stars of David in solidarity with Jewish citizens of Denmark during the time of The Holocaust. I would like to be in solidarity with Christians and Jews and others who DO NOT want to take any of the existing vaccines at this time for ethical reasons. and in another six months to a year information will come out regarding which vaccines have fewer negative side effects. 4. I am taking vitiman C, D3, zinc and MSM and I feel that I am unlikely to get very sick even if I did somehow get infected with Covid 19 But....... I FEEL THAT LATTER DAY SAINTS ARE SERIOUSLY set up to assist all eight million Israelis to look at their response to Covid 19 as the ideal set up for a dramatic increase in investment by Latter day Saints in the nation of Israel. (Especially in the Israeli film industry)! Your nomination for Nobel Prize in Literature?
An obvious next question might be..... which Messiah? Messiah son of Joseph, (Moshiach ben Ephrayim) or Moshiach ben David or Messiah the Passover Lamb?????? Opinion | Israeli Health Minister's Cure for COVID-19? The Messiah If Israel would be interested in Moshiach ben Ephrayim, (Messiah son of Joseph).... there is an obvious possible candidate for that role! Should Israel crown Donald J. Trump as Moshiach ben Ephrayim? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...moshiach-ben-ephrayim.587238/#post-1072597231 Rabbi Reuven Wolf: Who Is The Jewish Messiah and When Is He Coming?
"Lance Wallnau's WARNING REPORT (JUNE 10, 2021): Important Interview With Pastor Arthur Pawlowski " I commented on this video : " Prediction....... if several Latter day Saints in Calgary, CANADA Area will become actors playing the role of "reporters" for an LDS News agency....... that partly uses youtube........... if they will cover every event that Pastor Art Pawlowski goes to........ THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA WILL BECOME TERRIFIED OF PERSECUTING PASTOR PAWLOWSKI AND HIS CHURCH MEMBERS!!!!!! " Christians in the year 2021 seem to be in a situation that reminds me of German Jews during the 1930's! But there may be ways out of this mess?!
Personally.... I take the rumours seriously that some of the vaccines could cause a significant percentage of people to be unable to have children afterwards???? I am linking an article here that supposedly refutes that idea and calls it a "myth" but .... I am not entirely convinced. I personally am very happy with one wife..... and I am not entirely thrilled with a possible future where seven women bond together and do reality films where they convince an unvaccinated guy to marry them..... so that they can have children?????? This is not a laughing matter... that could well happen.... .if the "myth" of certain vaccines causing sterility turn out to be true?????? Because this idea is still kind of funny you may want to share this around just to get people thinking about whether or not they really believe the risk of taking the vaccination is worth the benefits????? "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. " (Isaiah 4:1) "Here’s Where That COVID-19 Vaccine Infertility Myth Came From—And Why It Is Not True " https://www.henryford.com/blog/2021/04/fertility-rumor-covid-vaccine and.... here is an interesting title related to this that you can Google yourself..... "URGENT WARNING: The Vaccinated Are ‘Transmitting Artificial intelligence Synthetic ‘Affliction’ To The Unvaccinated’ With Multiple Effects Including Menstruation/Fertility Issues – A Must Watch As Dr Carrie Madej And Dr Sherri Tenpenny Speak out"
"A film devoid of conflict is boring!" (R. W.) The nation of Israel is actually the perfect "STAGE" on which to bring the conflict to a head that is becoming more and more obvious! "I am listening to this right now and in my opinion this audio is brilliantly done....... this gives us a good idea of how serious a war is actually taking place behind the scenes. In order to understand this lecture you might wish to listen to the personal testimony of former Satanist Evangelist John Ramirez." THE WORLD'S FIRST MAJOR ARREST IS ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE
Please begin to think of the nation of Israel as the perfect STAGE on which to enact a microcosm of the final conflict? Please begin to think of the nine million Israelis as a massive film production kibbutz / cooperative where Israelis from all ethnic and political backgrounds join together and send some representatives..... into many smaller film production companies, cooperatives and kibbutzes..........to discuss what is happening with intellectual honesty. Here is a question that I am sure is on the mind of many Israelis..... .what percentage of fully vaccinated Israelis are now STERILE.... unable to have children? Are many Israeli young women soon going to form into film production kibbutzes of seven or eight people where seven young Israeli women who want to have children........... grab an unvaccinated Israeli man........ so that they can have children?????????? "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. " (Isaiah 4:1) Now many Israeli men may be happy to find out that their vaccinations made them sterile....... they will look at that as being almost like a free of charge vasectomy..... but other Israeli men will feel differently ...... and of course any Israeli young woman who wants to have children and grandchildren and great grand children........ will look at this differently than many men will tend to think!!!! ......... "I am listening to this right now and in my opinion this audio is brilliantly done....... this gives us a good idea of how serious a war is actually taking place behind the scenes. In order to understand this lecture you might wish to listen to the personal testimony of former Satanist Evangelist John Ramirez. Something that is exceptionally insightful about this meme is that the woman speaking to the "government officials" appears like she is somebody who probably attends a different branch of Christianity or Judaism than the people that she is testifying against. This conflict is just as big now in the nation of Israel as it is in the USA! For example... in the nation of Israel near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava would be considered to be somebody who is against the COVID 19 vaccinations........... so opposing understandings of Judaism would tend to be against him and his students." "THE WORLD'S FIRST MAJOR ARREST IS ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE" "Is Israel facing the biggest Passover since 31 C.E? " http://www.politicalforum.com/index...passover-since-31-c-e.585877/#post-1072766527
I sure do hope that a significant percentage of Israelis will follow the example of the Italian people in doing this. https://twitter.com/i/status/1424068827273326592 Michael P Senger @MichaelPSenger · 23h https://brandnewtube.com/watch/ital...olidarity-with-un-jabbed_q8DMQ3s7cvLtHMC.html ITALY: JABBED BURNING HEALTH PASSPORTS IN SOLIDARITY WITH UN-JABBED!
Will many vaccinated Israelis soon have evidence for a class action lawsuit against Mr. Bill Gates??????
"What did I do to make Mashiach comes faster????" I am also not Jewish but I am in awe at how amazingly well the near death experience of Rabbi Alon Anava fits with Matthew chapter four and what he has been teaching since then fits amazingly well with Matthew chapters five, six and seven. I am wondering how many aspects of Judaism should I be learning about and applying in my life daily?????? After the 1:47:00 mark in the video Rabbi Alon Anava asks .... what have I been doing to speed up the return of Moshiach. I do have some ideas on that...... Ezekiel chapter forty seven is win - win - win - win - win for all Israelis, all Palestinians, all Jordanians, all Egyptians.... so.... .viewing the Ezekiel Temple complex as a STAGE could set in motion a series of films produced in Israel meant to fulfill Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight.......... and whatever all is meant by Zechariah chapter fourteen could happen faster...... and maybe even now the division between vaccinated vs unvaccinated may be some sort of metaphor that fits with Zechariah chapter fourteen????? Is there life after death? Is G-od real? Jewish NDE (Near Death Experience) Rabbi Alon Anava The Third Temple according to the prophecy of Ezekiel [ QUOTE="Aryeh B., post: 1072631170, member: 78205"] View attachment 146842 [/QUOTE][ QUOTE="Aryeh B., post: 1072631170, member: 78205"] =" Aryeh B., post: 1072631170, member: 78205"]
8 "In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them." (Zechariah 12: Billionaire Bill Gates reminds me of a modern Economic Goliath....... the message of depopulation that he has been preaching for decades...... is nearly the opposite philosophically of what is predicted in Zechariah! "Thus saith the LORD of hosts; There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for very age." (Zechariah 8:4) Please view the following message as not simply either true or false..... but instead as having Artisitic Value that Mr. Bill Gates may be extremely interested in making use of as the amount of possible indictments against him begin to indicate that he is unlikely to ever be a free man again....... (would not this mean that his ex-wife would soon control his fortune that is not paid out in reparations of some sort)????? "How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man." (Jeremiah 31:22) Over the previous decades billionaire Bill Gates played a role somewhat like a modern Economic Goliath but what I have in mind would turn him into a modern Bar Abbas / Barabbas. Barry Wunsch: Prophetic Word About Bill Gates | Aug 20 2021
Near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley was given a number of images from the future..... (or even from a possible future that may even have taken place in another time line / alternative universe that may have been prevented from being repeated in our time line)??????
Latter day Saints tend to take the Jewish concept of Gematria at least somewhat seriously...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...ch-ben-ephrayim.587238/page-8#post-1072989337 Should Israel crown Donald J. Trump as Moshiach ben Ephrayim?