Israel’'s minister of culture says Palestinian children should be shot

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by ForumPoster, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    An Israeli soldier who tried to kidnap an injured Palestinian boy in the West Bank was fought off by the boy's relatives – a young girl and two women:

    Here are the pictures:






    And here's the video:

    Some pro-jewish hasbara activists have said that this attack is fake, i.e. that it was staged by Palestinian actors, while other hasbara activists admit that the attack is real, but claim that the Palestinian family is to blame for the violence.

    When Israel’s minister of culture and sports, Miriam "Miri" Regev, heard about this she became furious – not because she was upset with the Israeli soldier who tried to kidnap an injured Palestinian boy, but because the soldier was humiliated by a young girl and a couple of women. Regev wanted the soldier to shoot them:

    I have the following questions for my fellow PF members:

    What do you think about the Israeli soldier's actions? Was it right of him to try to kidnap the injured Palestinian boy?

    What do you think about Regev's comments? Should Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian women and children?

    As always, all opinions are welcome.
    maxflinn and waltky like this.
  2. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Where in all that does it say that the soldier tried to kidnap this boy? none, but it is only your suggestion which relies on nothing. Your sources explaines that the soldier tried to ERREST the boy, which was susspected of throwing rocks.
  3. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    here is a video of a Palestinian father URGING the Israeli military to shoot and kill his young son.

    I guess he thinks Palestinan life is cheap.

  4. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says, "Dat's right...
    ... if dey actin' up...

    ... slap `em upside the back o' dey's head...

    ... but don't shoot `em.
  5. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    disgusting that this hateful pig, called for his own child to be shot & killed
  6. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    Hmm… let's see. A masked and armed Israeli "man" (if you can call him that) enters the West Bank (which is Palestinian land) and tries to abduct a frightened and injured Palestinian boy. He pulls and yanks the screaming boy even though his arm is in a cast, and he pins him to the ground.

    Normally, this would be called terrorism, but of course jews can never be guilty of that, because, you know, terrorism is an Arab thing. So what do we call Israeli "soldiers" who enter the Palestinians' land and try to abduct their children?

    What do we call Israeli "soldiers" who break into Palestinians' homes and defecate on the tables and dinner plates, and wipe their behinds with the clothes that they find in the wardrobes?

    What do we call Israeli "soldiers" who kill 1,400 Palestinians, including some 300 children, and fire white phosphorus indiscriminately over densely populated residential areas in Operation Cast Lead?

    Because, you know, only Arabs can be terrorists.
  7. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    The West Babk is not under "Palestinian control, but only Area A is under "Palestinian" civil and security control, Area B is under "Palestinain" civil control and Israeli security control and Area C is under full Israeli control. Please at least correct with the facts about the West Bank.

    The soldier "pulled and yanked" the boy after the soldier sew him threw stones (which kills oviouslly) , and therefore the soldier try to arrest him for throwing stones. and how he could throw? with his unbroken arm.
    Normally, this would be called terrorism, but of course jews can never be guilty of that, because, you know, terrorism is an Arab thing. So what do we call Israeli "soldiers" who enter the Palestinians' land and try to abduct their children?

    I'm sorry, but where in this case that you presented in this thread did the soldiers stormed into Arab homes? Because according to the case, it was outside the houses, and in the open areas.

    Israel in Gaza warned the Gazans from upcoming attacks, and let them leave the bombarded area until the bombardment will be over, which then they could return to their houses and continue their lives. (return to their houses. and that's if the houses didnt was a bonker for Hamas, or that in the house Hamas people werent use it for their porpuses).
    The IDF did not just warned the population in Gaza with procedure called "knock on the roof", as you can see in this video:

    But also they threw leafleaves as you can read in the New York Times article, when they interviewed Salah Kaware which got these warnings:
  8. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Regarding the usual Hasbara braying of this being a "staged" incident, one doesn't have to "fake" photos of IDF brutality because there are enough legitimate images of 60+ years of Zionist savagery to turn world opinion against Israel so strongly that it ranks down along with the likes of N. Korea with brutal & repressive, rogue nuclear Regimes

    “BBC Poll: Israel Among World's Least Popular Nations”
    EXCERPT“The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.”CONTINUED

    Regarding the questions you posed:

    As a former soldier, the masked IDF Thug doesn't deserve to be called a "soldier"; a uniformed terrorist in relentless persecution of Palestine's Indigenous, civilian community is no soldier.

    He is simply a common thug helping to execute a decades old Genocidal Agenda called Plan Dalet [1]. A REAL "Final Solution" that CAN be found [2] instead of a mythical, European one that does not seem to exist [3]

    Your next question, "What do you think about Regev's comments?" evokes a quote is chillingly reminiscent of earlier, tragic era but precisely representative of the Israeli Government's common modus operandi:

    “Shoot first and ask questions later and don’t worry, no matter what happens, I will protect you”
    (Hermann Goering) [4]

    While the answer to your final question is a self evident "No!":
    The IDF has probably killed more innocent women & children, per capita, than any other Occupation force in Modern History and is supported in its Ethnic Cleansing agenda by almost half of Israel's Colonial Settler Population that was imposed on the Native Palestinians mere decades ago by the British & other Colonial Western Powers:

    “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

    Other examples of IDF / IOF murder of women, children abound:

    -“Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli air strike destroys home for the disabled killing two women residents”

    - “Israel Targets Palestinian Children”

    - “Israel’s War Crimes Record: Killing and Maiming Children in Armed Conflicts”

    - “Child-killing sociopaths of Israel”

    - “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

    - “Israeli security forces 'killed 25 Palestinian children' in three months, UNICEF says”

    While the examples & statistics have lead many to condemn all Israelis it is important to remember that there are many ethical & courageous Israelis who are both embarrassed & repulsed by the Genocidal activities of their Thugish Regimes
    For Example:

    “From Israeli Citizens: Please Do Not Legitimize Racism, Occupation and Apartheid - Please Heed Palestinian Civil Society's BDS Call and Do Not Perform in Tel Aviv”
    EXCERPTS “We are Israeli activists who support the Palestinian civil society call(*)for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel's policies(*)of colonialism, occupation and apartheid towards the Palestinian(*)people.

    All aspects of Palestinian lives are controlled by a foreign(*)occupying army, from the ability to study, work or travel to building(*)permits on their own land.

    Israel's attempts to mask systematic human-rights abuses and decades-long(*)oppression against the Palestinians, rely on its ability to maintain a(*)progressive and democratic image in the eyes of the international(*)community. Israel often goes as far as promoting itself as "the only(*)Democracy in the Middle East". Israel's apartheid policies, however, are inherent...

    The Palestinian people are being denied some elementary freedoms: the(*)freedom of movement, the freedom to access their stolen lands and the(*)freedom to protest injustice without facing brutal repression.[4](*)Those(*)living in the Gaza strip (56% of whom are children) live under a(*)debilitating siege, limiting their access to water, medical supplies,(*)and construction material.”CONTINUED

    Sadly, the efforts of these too few decent, ethical & courageous Israelis are eclipsed by Zionist dominated Western Media, the Genocidal enormities of ruthless Zionist Regimes & Global glut of Hasbara Trolls.

    The solution to ending Zionist Genocide in historic Palestine is as simple as it is intractable: defunding ALL American Aid to the current & subsequent Zionist Regimes.

    As hopeless as this might seem to all Mid East watchers who are aware of the traitorous & parasitic influence of AIPAC etc, & a Zionist dominsted Major Media, a surprising number of Americans are opposing various forms of "Aid" to one of the wealthiest countries on the globe:

    “81% of Americans Oppose $38 Billion Pledge to Israel”
    A solid majority of Americans would redirect $38 billion the Obama Administration pledged to Israel toward other priorities.

    An IRmep poll fielded by Google Consumer Surveys reveals 80.8 percent of the US adult Internet user population says they would redirect the proposed spending toward other priorities.
    - Caring for veterans (20.7 percent) was their top priority, followed by

    - education spending (20.1 percent) and

    - paying down the national debt (19.3 percent).

    - Rebuilding US infrastructure was favored by 14.9 percent, while

    - funding a Middle East peace plan received 5.8 percent of support.

    - Only 16.8 percent said the $38 billion of pledged foreign aid should be spent on Israel." CONTINUED

    Thank you "ForumPoster" for sharing yet more evidence that should lead any loyal American to oppose funding the world's most heavily subsidized Genocidal Regime on the planet.

    [1] “Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians, Or, Democratic Israel at Work”

    EXCERPT “While we are still desperately concealing, denying and repressing our major ethnic cleansing of 1948 - over 600,000 refugees, some who fled for fear of the Israel Defense Forces and its predecessors, some who were expelled by force - it turns out that 1948 never ended, that its spirit is still with us."CONTINUED

    EXCERPT “On that day in 1948, two months before Israel’s unilateral declaration of independence in defiance of the will of the organized international community as it then was at the UN, Zionism’s in-Palestine political and military leaders met in Tel Aviv to formally adopt PLAN DALET, the blueprint with operational military orders for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.”CONTINUED

    [3] “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.”
    - Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190.

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  9. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I usually ignore staged Hasbara videos but this one is just silly.

    Firstly, you don't know what the father is saying & secondly, if the father wanted his son to be shot, he would have "armed" his son with more than a Palestinian flag & there wouldn't have been a camera filming the whole incident.
  10. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The entire area is under full Israeli military apartheid rule, where special Jew laws are applied to Palestinians.

    You blind? They little kid is wearing a sling / he is too hurt to throw stones.
    Takes a Jewish racist with an automatic weapon to go kidnap Palestinian children for some terror out of the arms of his family.
    That is what it is.

    Are you aware that these "warnings" have been highly criticized by all kinds of human rights organisations? Among critique: the same missiles to do them "knock on roofs", are used to blow up entire crowds of people if the apartheid nation thinks there is 1 person in there that they want to execute. So you can not tell the difference between a knock and the Jewish indiscriminate attack on Palestinian civilians.
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  11. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    So the PA does not control anything in the West Bank?

    "Too hurt"? So according to you his both hands are in sling and thus cant use one of his injured hands to pick up a stone and throw it? To throw a stone you dont need both hands, one is enough.

    Not according to the OP sources, that declares that the soldier wanted to arrest the boy for suspected stone throwing.

    BTW- there is not such thing as "racism" (regarding you statement "Jewish racist"). Racism does no exist and it was used in the book of Chamberlain from the 19th century that was psevdo-scientific book that later on Hitler took what was written in this psevdo-scintific book about "race" and Jews and wrote his Mein Kampf while he was in jail.

    You can see the perfect differences between the knock on the roof and a missile in the videos I posted in this thread. While the frst one (which is the knock on the roof) did not make any damage to the house and it's seroundings, the second missile (the real one) made the building venished.
  12. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I stand by my previous comment.

    There is a freaking huge difference if you got 2 arms free and throw a something, or one arm tied up, or one arm tied up that's hurt. That goes totally without saying.

    You call that evidence? lol
    I stand by my previous comment.

    Any dictionary disagrees <Mod Edit-Rule #2>

    You don't get to rebuke the comment of a missile used to execute ppl in a crowed, blowing up everybody indiscriminately is differently than a knock of the roof,.. when it's the same missile. That is not according to me, that is according to very capable human rights organisations, who all have criticized what the apartheid nation does on this issue due to various reasons.
  13. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    and under Palestinian law, anyone who sells land to a Jew, gets the death penalty.

    sounds like the Nuremberg Laws.
  14. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Nice to read that you think that the PA is not controling in territories in Judea and Samaria.

    Not really. There is no difference- If you threw a stone using one of your hands, then you need to be arrested for putting in danger your serounding, and because of that the soldier wanted to arrest to boy.

    I call it that the OP tried to prove that the soldier tried to kidnap the boy by posting all kind of sources, but according to these sources, the soldier only wanted to arrest him because of supposed stone throwing and not kidnap.

    It is an historical fact that Chemberlain wrote a psevdo-scientific book in the 19th century which there he wrote about Jews and the existence of "race", which later on Hitler took the view that were weritten in the book and used it to wrote his book of Mein Kampf.

    According to the videos I posted + reports of verious military officials around the world the knock on the roof was trying to eliminate the danger above non-terrorists, and to kill those who are terrorists and supoort it. That's why the IDF launched a missile of warning (which is this "knock on the roof procedure") and then after giving all the innocent people to stay away from the place which will be bombed. Moreover that the IDF numerous of time cancelled alot of attacks because there were alot of innocent people in the serounding that needed to be bombed because bonkers and the terrorist activitiy that came out of it.
  15. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    That's because the land than also is illegally transferred to Israel. And so far the Jew homeland state keeps on thieving land from Palestine.
  16. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The entire world claims Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank is under full Israeli occupation.
    That is how it is. It has little to do with my personal opinion that you could just wave away as silly.
    Your opinion the entire world is wrong, is what I can wave away as something silly.

    There is a fast difference. You'll be throwing like a little girl, hence there is no danger to the surroundings. The "arrest" is totally bogus and a way the Jew gets to terrorize Palestinians.

    That Jew was busy kidnapping that Palestinian child. Get real. Those "arrests" they make, end up in "administrative detention", the Jew-term for locking up specifically Palestinians only without a trial as long as they see fit (part of the apartheid rule), or throwing them in military courts no Jewish civilian ever sees under the apartheid law that rivals the kangaroo courts of the worst of banana republics. Hence I stand by my previous comment, since no normal Israeli law is EVER going to applied by that Israeli.

    I dont care, since racism is bluntly there in every dictionary explaining what it is.
    And pseudo-scientific is a long shot of being scientific. What a freaking joke you're trolling.

    The criticism of using the EXACT SAME weapon to blow up entire crowds full of innocent people indiscriminately in order to execute what you hope is your foe, as the "method" to use as knock on roof still stands. To claim that a weapon used to massacre entire crowds of totally innocent people, as a way to warn innocent people... is very morbid dark and sickening joke. But I guess you're being paid to troll this around by the apartheid nation.
  17. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    a good part of the West Bank is under Palestinian civil & security control.

    85% of Palestinians in the West Bank live under Palestinian civil & security control.
  18. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The entire place is under full Israeli military rule. The entire world has said, on numerous occasions, that it's occupied.
    So I wave your silly opinion away, and stick with what is generally agreed upon how it is.
  19. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    sorry, but

    Area A (full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority): initially, circa 3% of the West Bank, exclusive East Jerusalem (first phase, 1995).[6] As of 2013, Area A formally comprised about 18% of the West Bank.[1] This area includes eight Palestinian cities and their surrounding areas (Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jericho and 80 percent of Hebron), with no Israeli settlements.[8] Entry into this area is forbidden to all Israeli citizens.
  20. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    It's not my opinion, but it is the international law that protects the rights of the Jews which were given to them over the Land of Israel (including the West Bank and excluding Trans-Jordan) for their re-establismnet of their naional home.

    There will be a danger to the seroundings, and Alexander Lblobitz, a man that was killed because some Arabs throw stones on his car.

    I'm getting real. According to all of te OP sources, which supposed to support hi claim of kidnap, is actually debunking his claims, and shows us that the soldier only wanted to arrest him because of stone throwing.

    In ont hand you say that the Arabs does not get a trial, and in the other hand you say that they do go to courts. Please dont contradict yourself.

    Pseudo-scientific is a non-scientific. A pseudo-scientific book is not relying on scientific facts, and the father of Genetic Anthropoligy, a mamber of emeritus n Stanford University Prof. Cavalli-Spotza disagreeng with you by saying, after doing a research about it, that "race" does not exist since all people are 99.9% genetic identcal to each other:

    Once again, these two missiles are not the same ones- they are different and have a different porpuses, as I explained to you earlier.
  21. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Nope. The entire world agreed in the UN what is Israel. There is no racial right for the Jew to own land and get to ethnic cleanse others.

    Has nothing to do with this injured little boy.
    You've lost the conversation.

    I told you before. That soldiers word is a joke, just like the way a Jew "arrests" a Palestinian. They get judged under apartheid law, if they get judged at all. Hence its just plain kidnapping. I told you this before. But go ahead and ignore what you don't like to read.

    Look up administrative detention. Its something the Jew homeland does not apply to Jews but only to Palestinians. It's an apartheid measure.
    Look up Israeli military courts. They do not apply to Israeli Jewish civilians, but only Palestinian civilians. It's a kangaroo court, and an apartheid measure.

    Hence I cast that joke of a comment you make to the bin.
    Racism is in every dictionary and explains what it is.
    You haven't debunked or disputed this at all that it isn't in dictionaries.
    All you got is non scientific idiotic rantings. I'm not interested in that.

    Well established human rights organisations say they are.
    You are in absolutely no position to claim otherwise.
    ForumPoster likes this.
  22. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    a Palestinian choosing to sell land to a Jew, whatever his nationality, is not illegal.
  23. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    The international law (Article 80 of the UN Charter) shows otherwise.

    * There is no such thing as "race", as I showed you.

    I havent lost nothing. You say that because he had sling in one of his hand, then it means that he couldnt threw a stone, but to throw a stone you need one hand. and by the experience of the past, stones kill. Like it killed Alexander Lblobitz.

    That's according tot he OP sources. Are you telling me right now that the OP is using bias sources? If so, then it means that this whole thread, which the subject of this thread relies on the OP sources, is a bias thread.

    Jews also get detened as well.

    Good to hear that you say right now that Arabs go to court in the West Bank. You just contradicted your previous claim that Arabs do not get judged in courts.

    Nice to read that you think that Prof. Cavalli-Sportza, a very reseptable genetic anthropologist worldwide, is a joke.

    So military officials have no clue about military actions? It's like you will say that Newton had not clue about Physics.
  24. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I stand by my previous comment that you're ignoring completely.
  25. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    article 80 refers to this:

    by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

    Israel trashed those rights of the non-Jewish communities by banning them to return to their own houses, in order to thieve their properties.

    Race is mentioned in every dictionary. That argument still stands firmly since you only got pseudo-scientific ranting = not scientific nonsense.

    I didnt say that. I say such a small child, with 1 arm hurt is not possible to be a threat at all. Where you rant he is able to commit murder (Alexander Lblobitz) / he is "a danger to the seroundings"... which he obviously is not. You lost the argument right than and there.

    No. The OP says:
    Israel Defense Forces characterized Friday&#8217;s incident differently, calling it &#8220;a violent disturbance of the peace in Nabi Saleh, in which Palestinians threw stones at IDF forces that were in the place.&#8221;

    The OP quotes the OPINION of the IDF, as I said. And the word of the IDF is a joke.

    Oh the couple of days the Jew get at home is almost the same as years and years of detention without any charge or trial in a jail. Is that your argument? What a freaking joke.

    Palestinians are dragged to the impartial biased military Israeli courts,.. that rivals the best of kangaroo courts.
    That is what I indeed have been saying.

    That racism is mentioned in the dictionary trumps pseudo-science....

    I stand by my previous comment that you're ignoring.

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