More Bull from the Kingmaker at MSNBC or Chris Matthews. In responce to saturday nights Republican Presidential Debate and Newt's calling our President the - Food Stamp President -. That is supposed to be some " CODE " for certain elements of the Tea Party and Republicans in general that Newt was being a Racist. Diminishing the office of the Presidency as merely a token welfare role. On - Hardball - " Let me Finish " - last night Matthews assumed the role of what Newt was doing when he called the President the Food Stamp President." Williams asked if Gingrich could see that saying that Black americans should want Jobs NOT Food stamps was insulting. " Newt gave a hearty answer to huge applause. Matthews said " Got It ! " a few times.Then assumed the role of Interpretor in his " because this whole conversation isn't about Poverty but Race." Then admonished Gingrich for daring to interject mention of Food Stamps into the national dialogue.When " no one on the planet is talking about Food Stamps " ... Just like No one on Planet United States dared talk about vetting Obama. I got it.That Code. Could be that Liberals have a code.That only what they wanna talk about gets mentioned.How dare anyone bring up Food Stamps and this First ever Black President. I see a real troubling double standard at play. Maybe with Newt this President might finally have to answer for himself instead have a Lamestream carry his water.Like Matthews proved again last night.
Their code is called "obfuscation". It stems from possessing obfuscated minds - the Rube Goldberg version of "thought". Here we see three Liberals discussing strategy at an Obama benefit dinner held at MSNBC studios:
You can always try out the Theory may I suggest 51st and King Drive, Chicago Illinois. Let us know if its BS or not.
It was to be expected.Lefties CANNOT Tolerate such an easy and fundementally fact-checked moniker as : Food Stamp President it entirely nailes Obama to rights.It characterizes his entire tenure as a President.As one of Entitlements.Entitlements at the expense of working class citizens.It's about time this malfeaseant,Big Government Entitlement President is characterized.We don't need any more lectures from the guy.We have near 4 years on the job as lecture enough. With Newt ... Obama will be toast.
Dims have their own code: BO, George and Tiny Tim finally send an S.O.S. but it may be too late. ...--..-..-...- = (we couldn't be more screwed)
Why would you mention a random set of section 8 apartments? What does that have to do with Chris Matthews and his BS "code" garbage he spews. Are you defending a race baiting idiot? "On Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC show on Tuesday, Matthews discussed what he believed were Gingrich's motives during that moment of the debate. Matthews said, " "Well, we know what is going on. And the people that don't hear it don't want to hear it. You cannot argue a person into it. You cannot tell a person that is code, because the people that don't want to hear that it's code will say it's not and the people that clearly hear that it's code will." Or perhaps Chris you are just a race baiting (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) that wouldnt have a job if he just stuck to the news.
Notice he's never portrayed as the skipper or professor. Michelle would be a good Mrs. Howell... always slightly perturbed at 'the little people.'
Lol...It's not really code when everyone knows what you're up to, and right-wingers are so transparent with their racist code that it's almost laughable. Anyone with a brain knows that newt is now pandering to the racist right in the south.
I wonder if it's ever occurred to Chris Matthews that he, himself, might actually be a racist. And that his "leg tingling" homosexual man-crush on Obama might just be his guilt overcompensating for the fact that he doesn't like black people. Or at the very least, he doesn't feel comfortable around them. It would certainly explain why he's so quick to call other people racist. It's pretty clear what his mind focuses on.
It's not tough to crack a code when every code word means "black". If you called Obama a socialist in 2008 you were saying he was black. If you called him unprepared to be president you were saying he was black. If you said he wasn't bright you were saying he was black. Now, if you say he's the food stamp promoter you're saying he's black. The code isn't tough. If you say he hates America you're saying he's black. If yu say his allies are our enemies and our allies are his enemies you're saying he's black. See, the code is simple.
Now listen Juan...."We" know who uses food stamps and who doesn't, don't we?..and "we" know who we need to elect...(wink,wink) and which black man we need to get rid of..Oh and...the south will rise again.
I'm a Black man... and for a good part of my younger years, I voted as a "Conservative". Essentially, I saw more 'good' in Conservatism and the Republican agenda until: Jesus was generally declared the "leader" of those hypocrites on the Right. I realized that racism and the scapegoating of minorities was "okay". Money/profit was more important than PEOPLE. No one else could possibly be 'right' but US. Now, I'm DONE (for life) with their destructive racism and greed. And I realize that the Left is NOT always right about what America needs... but overall, it leads to the most healthy outcomes for this society.
They've caught us red handed. Food stamps = Black people = republicans are racist. We might as well give them the entire code book. Other codewords include: Deficit spending = Kill old people Balance budget = Deport Mexicans Socialism = French people suck Energy Policy = Invade Canada Pro-Life = Hate women Immigration = White supremacy Economy = Eliminate the middle class Banking Industry = Jew friends control the money Terrorism = Kill Arabs and take their oil Defense Spending = Total world domination Diplomacy = American imperialism Unemployment = Lazy minorities Social Security = Starve old people Medicare = Doctor and hospital slush fund Middle East Peace = Israeli Zionist tell us what to do Global Warming = Science is evil devil worship and finally I don't agree with Obama's policies = I'm racist against Black People
Just tell everybody you vote republican and I think they'll understand perfectly without the lengthy gobbly gook.
I find that hard to believe, since I do not believe either party has a monopoly on racists. I work in a Union shop 90% white, 80% of my coworkers are democrats and they are some of the most racist people I have ever met. I tell most of them to just not talk about race around me, and to watch their comments, and by the way I am 100% republican. The left panders to the masses, tells them they are smart and evil rich white guys want to hurt them, its sickening. I find it funny that the left is full of rich white guys, most of them richer then the right wingers. Ever heard of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, both white, both democrats, the two richest men in the world.
250 years of free labor. What do you think would be just compensation for the period? The right are racist goofs that have condemned us all to tyranny.
The republicans put an end to slavery. That is when the democrat racists passed all the Jim Crow laws. You need to read these threads:
It's too bad that anyone has to argue the very things we are today. What a waste. Yet, there is HOPE that fools won't always have the amount of political influence which they possess now.
yes,the dirty little secret is no longer a secret OR dirty. Democrats were the ones who propagated Slavery AND Jim Crow. And even Bill Clinton's { First Black President ? } mentor James Fulbright fought efforts to vote for the Civil Right's Act.Yet will anyone in the media point that out.Or Al Gore Sr. doing as Fulbright did,basically insisting on Segregation. I have to hand it to Liberals,how they managed to hoodwink the populace into beliving the opposite,that is was the Republicans or some Dixiecrats totally responsible for the blight on blacks during Jim Crow.