None of my fellow Jews told me they were controlling the world. Does anyone know how I can get in on this? Thanks.
I know, right? I'm sure if they would just let me in on their scheme, I could teach them a thing or two.
Well according to the muslims, there are 5 billion Jewish mossad agents responsible for all the world's problems.
Wait a minute...are you a "real Jew"? Because if you don't completely and utterly support Bibi Netanyahu and the Likud Party....according to guys like Bill Kristol or Charles Krauthammer or a lot of the're not a "real Jew". (Which must seem odd to all the Israeli Jews who support other political parties in Israel to find out they're not Jewish. )
Those on the far right have always had a fairly fluid definition of what it means to be a 'real Jew'. To some, it would include only those who have a history of anti-Zionism, like the members of certain Haredi groups such as Neturei Karta, or individual Jews vocally critical of majority Jewish opinion, such as Michael Neuman, Israel Shahak, Norman Finkelstein, et al. Conversely, others on the far right would consider any Gentile whose family tree contains a single Jew as 'tainted' by that fact as any modern practitioner of Judaism. The best example of this sort of Jew would be the thousands of Hungarian practitioners of Catholicism and Lutheranism who found themselves stuffed into cattle cars bound for Poland as 'Jews'.
You weren't told because they don't control the world. The U.S., even with the mightiest military ever known to man, does not control the world. Jews have moved certain levers over a long period of time to get some things they wanted, like a home state, a powerful client (U.S. - because of the sheer number of Christians) and a public relations campaign to whitewash their inhumane activities to control said home state from the previous tenets.
Greeting Turok! I am a Gentile who believes quite firmly that the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Third TEmple complex is one of the lowest cost and most effective ways to begin to initiate stabilization of the world's climate. Rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple may be least expensive way to stabilize climate? I am fairly certain that this verse in the Jewish Bible is certainly not advocating that in the era of Moshiach that every body has to go to Jerusalem to observe the Festival of Tabernacles, merely that nations allow their Jews and Noahides to freely travel to and back from Jerusalem in order to observe Tabernacles. Zechariah 14:17 "And it shall be, [that] whoso will not come up of [all] the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain." As more of us come to the realization of how dangerous the melting and cracking and sliding that is going on in Greenland and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet really is, we will be more inclined toward supporting the Jewish people in their desire to rebuild their Third Temple.
Actually…. if the gifted psychic M. W. is correct…….. in one of my past lives I was partly responsible for coming up with the scheme of using Jewish banking families as scapegoats……….. so that we could blame restrictions in the money supply on them…… whenever we wanted to keep the aristocracy in its place????! Sorry about that?! Who is the most evil person to ever live
My Aristocratic ancestors could never find anybody else other than Jewish banking families who could handle the complexities of maintaining the money supply at the level that the ignorant masses... .remained in servitude.... but..... the economy kept sufficiently active to avoid full scale revolution....... I highly recommend the Netflix series.... Medici, Masters of VEnice......
It is imperative to understand the yin and yang of world events........ for example....... New Age Communities can print local currencies finance films that address problems?! in comparison to...... Large churches in democratic nations should print their own currencies.
Then you need to add some flavour from Moses / Moshe,...... Was Moses - Moshe a brilliant economist? ... Is the following statement one of the most accurate ideas regarding what we human beings are actually capable of IF..............we can actually agree on the need for a particular project? .... IF... it is indeed true that human productive capability and ingenuity is pretty much beyond what any economist has been telling us........(assuming that we are basically united in agreement that a certain thing must be done)........... then... could a better money supply system play a significant role in ushering in a much better world? Ecclesiastes 10:19 "A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. " Could it be possible for money to answer.......ALL modern world problems???????????!
Sure, become a khazarian zionist talmud following "jew" and you will become part of the good old boys club in Tel Aviv and Washington.
With 23AndMe certification, where is my "Jew Dividend"? I haven't received my share. Has any "Chosen" on Board received theirs? If so please give me the address so I can apply for mine. Moi I can't even get profitable investment advice. r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Yes, let's start animal sacrifices, old testament style, on the temple mount. That'll fix it. rolfmoa!
This British Jew has the same problem. He doesn't even believe it is true because he has never been invited to join in.