I continue to see all kinds of posts here about the worldwide Jewish conspiracy to create a New World Order with Jews in charge. Some even suggest that the efforts being made to eliminate the "white race" which seems odd since many Jews are considered part of the white race. But I have some questions if the Jews are so evil and have this plan. 1. Why do you lie? Tons of posts include long ago debunked nonsense from fake Talmud and more modern quotes, statements made up out of thin air and of course. 2. If the Jews control the media how come we need this: http://honestreporting.com/ ? Much of the worldwide media appears to be anti-Israel or completely ignorant on Israel. Is this part of the conspiracy? 3. What is taking so long? Jews have been around for conservatively 3000 years. The first mass belief in this conspiracy started in the Christian era around 600CE so let's pretend the is was closer to 1100CE. So why if we are working together and over sustained amounts of time are we taking so long to accomplish our goal? 4. Are we really that hyper-competent? Jews, through Israel's Mossad and other more nefarious groups are held responsible for everything from 9-11, Sandy Hook, every stock market crash, World War 1 and 2, the Iraqi wars, Libya, etc. etc. etc. Just exactly are we this good and yet I can't get Kosher Lamb at a decent price? Face it, this anti-Jew hate is a mental illness.
It's not a conspiracy, it's the nature of group dynamics of a highly evolved minority group. It's taking so long because Jews do not reproduce in large numbers and forever remain a minority group, but they favor their own which is the cycle that we see perpetuated. The Zionists are a separate issue than jews as a whole.
The larger group exhibits a kind of incestuous dynamic. Zionists have a singular agenda and they are not necessarily jews. Try and keep up. Also clarify if you are calling me personally mentally ill, so that we can bring the mods into the discussion.
It is an illness of sorts and simply can't be dealt with by rational people. Saw a BBC show (History Cold Case) that found 17 skeletons from the medieval England, men, women and children, Jewish, thrown head first in a deep well, probably while alive, and left to die and be found again 700 years later. Killed by an irrational weird hatred. Back then----the arguments were pretty much the same as today. This tiny minority--civil, productive people who follow the rule of law--is out to take over the world, or steal everyone's money or something. Its simply irrational emotional hatred.
If you are still around and your questions are more than rhetorical, I will attempt to give you an answer as clearly and succinctly as possible. The first clue has been given already in your deliberate use of the CE designation rather than the standard, and traditional use of BC and AD. There is a big difference in lying and unintentionally giving or repeating false information. I do not knowingly give false information or attempt to mislead people by any form of sophistry. But we are both aware that there are those who do. Those who do not may find the mentality of those who do difficult to comprehend because it is an unfamiliar mode of thinking, one which they are unaccustomed to. It is foreign. Those who lie regularly think little of it because they do so by force of habit. Those kinds of habits may be acquired through conditioning in their youths. In other words, lying is taught to them early on either directly or indirectly as an acceptable means to an ends, or as a technique which has been adopted because the environment he lives in demands it. Others may simply accept the habit because it is taught to them as part of a socially approved religious tradition. These people have no moral compunction against the use of lies as legitimate tools. These people are so practiced in the art that they have as difficult a time perceiving it as morally unacceptable as a naive and gullible person has in understanding how they get that way and how they can do so with apparently no qualms about it. Some peoples consciences do not bother them because that part of them has ceased to function through atrophy. These people can justify anything they do in their own minds to the extent that they never question themselves, only whether the desired outcome has been achieved through the use of the deception. I believe Machiavelli taught a form of this. And this philosophy has been readily accepted by some who see opportunities in it. It isn't clear to me whether all sociopaths are fully aware that they are lying. It may be argued that those who have lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong are mentally ill, whereas those who understand the difference but continue to do so are acting simply out of a malignant spirit. I would say that one is more accountable than the other. The more important question that one should ask themselves is not so much whether they are being deceived by others, as it is whether they are deceiving themselves. The first condition is much easier to detect provided one has matured past the stage of being a simple fool.
CE is a strange designation. Generally, it means "Christian Era", though some say "Common Era", that is indicative of something, not sure exactly what, but certainly has that 1984 Newspeak vibe about it. Can't really pin that on the Jews, which has a whole other measure of counting days independently of Christian calendars. Seems to be more of a communist ideal, perhaps secular humanist, where the cult of reason has determined they cannot survive without fundamentally religious inventions so they rename them to hide or suppress the religious aspects.
I am here and frankly this should be good. Except CE was adopted by scholars to eliminate using a religious bases for dating that is anti-scientific. In fact it is also wrong as most scholars date the birth of Jesus differently than BC suggests since if you believe the Bible Jesus couldn't have been born in the year 1. I see, so when I clearly point out that the quotes are wrong I can count on you supporting me? Thanks. I will look forward to you doing that. Again, then you will support me in this battle to challenge liars on here when it comes to Jews. So it looks like you aren't going to answer my questions or be concise. hmmmmmmm Again, you didn't answer the questions.
It means Common Ear and there is no newspeak about it. It is more accurate than BC/AD since it is used around the world and outside of the ancient near East it makes no sense at all.
Every time the designations BC or AD are used, the birth of, and hence recognition of Christ as an historical reality is implied. This is anathema to Jews, many of whom try to deny that He ever existed. Of those who admit that He even existed, their JUDAIC objective to erase His name from history is no less virulent today than it was in the time of Christ. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/32953/why-use-bce-ce-instead-of-bc-ad "Interfaith"? With whom, pray tell! Everyone has recognized the meaning of the traditional meaning of BC and AD for centuries. Even common people have no problems understanding their meaning so it is unlikely that scientists would have a problem with the concept. It is no coincidence that the increase in use of the terms BCE and CE can be closely corollated with the rise of Jewish affluence and influence within the US. No. The alteration has nothing to do with scientific reasoning, rather it has been introduced via the prejudices of Jews, communists, and atheists as an expression of their contempt for the historical legacy of Christ. Atheists, communists, and Jews all share the knowledge that a truly Marxist system of government is not compatible in a society which overall recognizes the doctrines of Christ as being the bed rock of law and social conduct. This is in stark contrast to the so called "Noachide" laws which the Zionists seek to impose upon all societies which they can manage to dominate, such as the Theocratic Socialist State called Israel, which disingenuously advertises itself as democratic. I urge every one not to accommodate their HOSTILE BIGOTRY by using the BCE and CE designations. Since Jews often disguise their efforts to undermine Anglo Saxon culture and Christian heritage, those who are doubtful of these assertions should examine every usage of the term when they find it and then weigh the number of instances where the usage is by Jews vs non Jews. If you have proof that some allegation is false then absolutely. But do not expect me to place complete faith in Jewish sources without any further support from other sources which are impartial and disjunct from Jewish influences. To expect me to accept the words of those who are renowned for their ability to deceive, namely Jewish sources, is no less unacceptable than if I use an article from a source which you declare is "Nazi" would be to you. I do expect you to attempt to discredit every shred of factual information I present as being associated with "anti-semites" and "Nazis" even in cases where I can draw the same information from organizations such as Haaretz or Forward! You're accomplices have repeatedly done this. You may not classify such attempts as lying but they are at a minimum dishonest. Since the Jewish establishment has already labeled such luminaries as Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, Billy Carter, and Patrick Buchanan as "anti-semitic" or even worse, you should admit that that imposes unfair restrictions upon me if I allow you to quote the works of some Zionist, closet or otherwise, as "proof" of what you have to say when you disallow statements that run counter to your Kosher demands, even when they are spoken by Senators, Statesmen, national leaders, Doctors, lawyers, scientists, government intelligence personnel, religious figures, notable authors and even military officers. Yet that is exactly what you people do, .........all the time! Quite frankly I am sick of it. Don't expect me to take it on the chin and not deliver the same in return. Judaism does not recognize "Turning the other cheek" , therefore they have no grounds to expect me to abide by it!!! Jews have a strong tendency to declare ANYONE a "Nazi" who says ANYTHING they disagree with or that makes any proposal which the consensus of Jewish opinion has deemed, "Not good for the Jews." So long as you are willing to admit to it when I present evidence of some of the LIES which JEWS have told, and to admit the evidence of Jewish Supremacism which is endemic among them then I will freely admit the sins of whites and other "gentiles". I never denied them. Judaism cloaks it's black heart all the time. Concise is somewhat relative. Sometimes an easy way to condense a subject can not be found if it requires a great deal of information to corroborate it's content. It is not enough to say for example, that "Jews are Supremacists because Judaism by definition is a Supremacist religion". To those who are unacquainted with the subject a background of information must often be established before the evidence can be recognized and understood for what it is. Conclusive evidence of general trends within ethic, religious, or racial groups may require a great deal of circumstantial evidence since one can not logically point to the characteristics of a particular member of a set and assume that that extends to the entire set. Conversely , the absence of a particular characteristic in one member of the set does not necessarily indicate the absence of a general trend among the entire group. This is commonly understood as "There are exceptions to every rule." For decades now, the collective sins of the Western world, "white men" (understood to not include "white" Jews) have been hammered into the public consciousness via mountains of literature, plays (TV and movies), and social critics, the majority of whom were clearly biased against them from the outset. All of these venues are largely under the control and influence of Jews. One need not always check behind the scenes to discover them. They flush with pride and self adulation when they are able to do so in the "In Yo Face" manner of the Negro whom they have exploited as well. Blacks call it "Baaad". Jews call it Chutzbah. I call it being an arrogant smart a$$. For any such criticism is immediately attacked as "anti-semitic" and the person who proffers the critique is branded as an "anti-semite" and subsequently smeared, attacked, and overtly or covertly punished by the Zionist Cabal who castigated them as such to begin with. No similar constraint can be found that is analogous when critiques, or rather blatant assaults are launched against the persons of European Anglo Saxon heritage or anything commonly associated with them. Indeed. Patience is a virtue. Have some. Otherwise the next thing you will be complaining about is the length of my posts. If you don't want an answer then don't ask. If you do, then try not to place so many constraints on the form in which I attempt to deliver it. I am not arguing that simpler ways cannot be found to express the same ideas, only that when you are conversing with one who is hostile from the outset, more often than not, a terse reply leaves the way open for sophists to twist meanings via the limitations inherent in language. They are less interested in discovering the truth than they are trying to silence all those whom they consider rivals, adversaries, and natural enemies. By the tone of your message that would seem to be the case here. I only wish to make it clear to the independent minded reader that all this hostility does not originate with yours truly, but is and has been extent prior to my posting.
http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/shas-spiritual-leader-calls-on-jews-to-pray-for-annihilation-of-iran-1.460765#.UDpIzMr7cG8.gmail http://www.whatiswrongwithhowardstern .com/?p=11 http://endzog.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/jewish-white-genocide-captured-on-google-street-view/ http://www.eutimes.net/2007/03/jewish-professor-boasts-of-jewish-pornography-used-as-a-weapon-against-gentiles/ http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/professor-hate-israeli-scholar-urges-ethnic-cleansing-bedouins This is one of my favorites: [video=youtube;q90kmUbEv7c]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q90kmUbEv7c[/video]
Question one: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/shas-spiritual-leader-calls-on-jews-to-pray-for-annihilation-of-iran-1.460765#.UDpIzMr7cG8.gmail Shas spiritual leader calls on Jews to pray for annihilation of Iran http://www.whatiswrongwithhowardstern .com/?p=11 Howard gets on the radio and screams like an ayatollah about how America needs to just bomb every “islamic” or “arab” nation in the world, and flatten them all. Screaming about how we need to kill them all. http://endzog.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/jewish-white-genocide-captured-on-google-street-view/ http://sunray22b.net/jews_in_south_africa.htm http://www.eutimes.net/2007/03/jewish-professor-boasts-of-jewish-pornography-used-as-a-weapon-against-gentiles/ http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/professor-hate-israeli-scholar-urges-ethnic-cleansing-bedouins This is one of my favorites: [video=youtube;q90kmUbEv7c]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q90kmUbEv7c[/video]
Question one cont.: http://www.ministers-best-friend.com/Jewish-Eschatology--COURSE-JEW-ESCHA-101.html http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/messiah.html http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/108400/jewish/The-End-of-Days.htm
Question one cont.: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/messiah.html http://www.jewfaq.org/mashiach.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Terror http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-occupiedgovernments-USSR-Jewish-Bolshevism-Bolsheviks.html
http://www.theunjustmedia.com/Jewish%20Zionists/The%20truth%20about%20the%20Talmud.htm See the link for the sickening truth about some of the RACIST garbage SPEWED by the Rabbis. The Jews deny that these things were ever written in the Talmud. Instead they edited a sanitized version of their Talmud to present to the "Goyim" who questioned these things. One of the main problems with Jews is that they never admit it when they're wrong.
Except you link if full of lie....that is the problem...you are promoting lies. http://talmud.faithweb.com/articles/bible.html http://talmud.faithweb.com/articles/man.html http://talmud.faithweb.com/articles/jesus.html Again why do the anti-Jewish nuts have to lie if they are moral.
Your assertion that all of those verses from the Jewish Talmud were made up "out of thin air" as you say, is a lie in itself. There are no more skilled liars than Jews. So what we have here is something of a stalemate insofar about who is telling the truth. Jews are quick to cover up items which put them in an unfavorable light. The reason for this is simple. They need the financial and military support of the US Golem. Therefore they play the JUDEOxtian Putzes like a Kosher fiddle. At any rate, the fact that you say that I am a liar and I say that YOU are a liar merely illustrates one more instance of why Judaism and Christianity are incompatible. People who are incompatible should go separate ways. I strongly resent the Zionist take over of the US government and I intend to do all that I can within my power to turn the tide of public opinion against those who are responsible.
If world opinion is so set against Israel there must be some reason for it. What in heavens name could that be? Neither the Jews in the US nor the Jews in Israel have the slightest idea. You do bring up a good point about the press though. In the US the Zionists undoubtedly control the content and output of most all media, including the press, TV, entertainment, news outlets, and publishing. But there is this little thing called the internet which has come along. So far the Zionists have not managed to achieve complete control of it although I'm certain they are trying their best. Whatever bad publicity Israel is getting in the rest of the world I suppose might have something to do with the Palestinian issue and the way that the US government is subservient to the Jewish lobby even when it is at the expense of the US itself, not to mention foreign interventions. Achieving total control over the entire world's media by those who claim to comprise less than 2 tenths of a percent of the world's population is a daunting task isn't it, even with the trillions of dollars at the disposal of Globalist Banksters? The accusation of "mental illness" was one of the means in which the former USSR disposed of political dissidents. The similar treatment of whistle blower former CIA asset Susan Lindauer may be an ominous sign of future trends in the US by the Zionist Politbureau. If that's so then folks better start speaking up while they are able. If not, then I don't have anything to worry about do I? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1eG9VCA8m4
1. Long history of institutional Antisemitism. 2. A liberal view of supporter the underdog. 3. Ignorance. Zionists are not one thing. I am a Zionist, Meir Kahane was a Zionist, Tzipy Livni is a Zionist, Bibi is a Zionist, Sheldon Adelson is a Zionist, we all have very different views of almost everything. This is a classic bigoted statement. As if all Jews or even all Zionists are alike. Dumb statement...the internet is a fertile ground for liars about Jews as I have pointed out. Prove that. So do you have a solution? A final one in mind? But she is mental ill and in fact refused treatment to stand trial. hmmmmmmmmm Still didn't answer why you have to lie about Jews.
One might just as well ask Why is the Messianic Age taking so long to begin? The answer to this, I believe, is that if political and social trends continue as they are in the US, it already has. However I need to qualify this statement by adding that I do not believe in the misinterpretations of the Old Testament scriptures given by the Pharisees, scribes, and Rabbis in their TALMUD. No divinely instituted "Messianic Age" will EVER happen. This is not to exclude the possibility of the rule of the US by a Jewish Plutocracy under a veil of Marxist Socialism. If you want to define the "Messianic Age" in those terms then I would say that the beginning of this sort of "Messianic Age" has already begun. What it consists of is mainly Jewish hegemony, which is what the "Jews" are really after to begin with. Unsuspecting gentiles, especially the white ones, ought to be made aware that the tentacles of this JUDAIC sponsored form of Marxist Secular Humanism are already beginning to tighten. If this nation has any objections to this form of TOTALITARIANISM, then they has best do speak up about it now, for the time is fast approaching that they may not be allowed to under the penalty of "Hate laws" in the process of being legislated by Jews right now. They should also be made to understand that regardless of what steps may be taken to undo the bands that have already been placed, the desire to create a Global system dominated by Jewish rule will never leave the Jewish people themselves. It is part of their religion, without which their can be no Judaism as it is defined.
No stalement...I quoted the Talmud and showed the Hebrew you quoted a website that is specifically anti-Jewish. You are hardly acting Christian. Tell you what....go out to the library and get a copy of the Talmud and photo copy the pages you reference in the link for all to see.
I don't believe that Jews are as intelligent or competent as they lead everyone to believe. What they do have though is a quasi religious union of sorts. Traditions steeped in the Jewish culture have created a highly effective means of networking. They are also Supremacists and practice discrimination. They understand the monetary value of mutual cooperation and of stealth in exercising it. The holocaust Schtick has also been a tremendous boon to Jewish political influence. In the US, the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the protections against unlawful prosecution have served to protect the subversives in this country who would change it altogether. The social acknowledgment of Christian ethics have also created a climate which tends to create social pressures to conform to those standards. Without those standards it is doubtful that so many people could have been convinced that the welfare of Negros were worth sacrificing their own lives and those of their relatives as was done during the War to crush State's rights. Perhaps you might attribute those sentiments to the human tendency towards enjoying a sense of self righteousness. After all, that's what all those Christian hypocrites are all about isn't it, being self righteous phonies? Either way, they were fools enough to indulge themselves in that vain pleasure. So we see that the US form of government which was based upon Christian principles mostly by men who professed to be Christians and NOT the supposed "Noachide" laws that Chabbad has put upon via their shill George Bush. This form of government has led to the reception of millions of Jews since it's inception, many if not most were from Soviet block countries who brought with them their Marxist ideology and immediately set about trying to institute them at every possible occasion. The Rosenbergs and Jonathon Pollard spring to mind. Not surprisingly BOTH of those cases are now in the process of being whitewashed courtesy of Jewish historical revisionists. I don't know why a monied Jew should worry about the price of meat rising. If anyone's wages will rise above the the rate of inflation created by the Federal Reserve, theirs will. That's one of the many perks offered to those who are privileged to be included as members of the Jewish tribal system. Only the poor "white trash" have any real reason to be worried about a possible economic crash. They might get fed in a FEMA camp provided they repent of any politically correct sins they may be guilty of, but once those camps are overflowing they might be among the unfortunate ones who will be forced to occupy one of the thousands of FEMA coffins that have been made ready. It appears that the Neo-Bolsheviks do not want to run the risk of epidemics caused by piles of rotting corpses like those that appeared during the Red Terror, in case push ever comes to shove.
The cat is already out of the bag. We know what the Pharisaic Talmud is like. We have had an historical glimpse into the way it works already written in the New Testament. That was long before Hitler and any so called "institutionalized anti-semitism." To a manipulative Jew, "Christian behavior" consists of going along with what ever a Jew proposes and eating whatever kind of garbage they decide to dish out. But you don't believe in Christ do YOU? Therefore we can dispense with trying to enforce any form of argument based on anything which Christ might have said regarding "turning the other cheek.' I believe that God knows who it is that "turns the other cheek" and who it is that is doing the slapping. Christ Himself experience some of that kind of treatment at the hands of the Sanhedrin. Oh, but that's just another "made up out of thin air" antisemitic fabrication from the Antisemitic New Testament isn't it? That's one of those publications that will fall under the heading of "hate speech" once the ADL and the other Jewish facists organizations outlaw all forms of it. Have you informed your "Christian" benefactors of those intentions yet? Of course not! How could you continue to take advantage of their "ignorance"? Since I believe that the God of the Old Testament is the same one who appeared as His son, I feel equally comfortable with the "Jewish" principle of "an eye for an eye". And I would be more than willing to apply it for the sake of all our Jewish friends, and to them as well, just as they have had American servicemen who are now absent a few limbs. I haven't heard any Jews objecting to the deployment of all those Goy troops that they are not "turning the other cheek". No no. In THAT case, being "Christian" means coughing up all the blood and treasure as is needed to "secure the realm". My willingness to utilize an Old Testament principle as well as a New one should be an encouragement to you.
Some Jews are some aren't, what you believe is irrelevant. You mean they build community Funny how so many antisemitic losers use Yiddish while calling Jews who invented the language stupid. I don't even know what you are saying here? So are you saying that Christians fought Jews in the civil war? You have lost me . George Bush is Chabbadnik? Seriously... you have no idea what you are talking about. Where is my check? Seriously...even Glenn Back gave up on FEMA camps....you are far off the reservation on this. All I can say is get help you sound like this guy...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxuk1ZgUq9E