The guy has an average of 25% in polls missing whole sections and isn't even President yet and they want him dead? Lol. I mean of course the media will bury this but if enough gets out he may out of sympathy actually make it to the WH. I wonder if these guys think before they put out their nonsense ideas to see if it would end up helping what they are trying to prevent. Amazing.
I wonder what will happen when Trump calls for Muslims in the USA to lose their citizenship and be put in internment camps?
lol, they want to disarm the public, and they want to kill those who oppose them. Anyone else see some sinister stuff going on in the liberal agenda? They don't want anybody to think for themselves outside of what they allow. If you do, better watch your back!
Deflection. What do you think about the death threats made against Donald Trump by Muslims and other left-wing groups?
Probably no where as bad as the GOP leadership want him dead. They might even beat the Muslim nut jobs to the punch.
Each of the Twitter handles are given in the article and you can check them yourself. Here's one from the list: The person talks about the Tweet she made, and defends it, even though it's been deleted by Twitter. So what do you think about death threats being made against Trump by Muslims and other left-wing groups? Should they get a visit from the FBI? - - - Updated - - - See above. What do you think about death threats being made against Trump by Muslims and other left-wing groups? - - - Updated - - - That's probably true, seeing how many Muslims and left-wing groups react to things they aren't "tolerant" of. They respond with violence.
wanting to prevent all Muslim Americans from re-entering the USA, regardless of their criminal history, is racism.
I decided to google the name "Tijani" to see if by some off chance the person would come up... instead I was shocked at what DID come up... so we have another example of an islamic extremist terrorist threatening to kill americans... that person should be on the watch list immediately...
False narrative? Your source is a false narrative. A non sourced report quoting two unknown people who allegedly "wrote" these things somewhere not identifed. Yet, Wing Nut Daily "knows" that these unidentifed people are American liberals.......... It's not as if Wing Nut Daily never made up a story before, They have a history of posting lies.
Anyone making death threats against Trump should be arrested and tried with incitement to murder, or whatever the equivalent term is in the USA. However Muslims are not a left wing group, and from the article provided there is no evidence of any left wing groups making death threats. So yet again there appears to be a flight of fancy being taken with facts by some right wing supporters.
No one has explained and no one can explain how Trump is racist. Please, the members here at PF are not stupid so do not repeat false statements.
Now we see why they're so active in supplying cover for Jihad, helps with with their own jihad to destroy the West.
its not a sunni name... its the name of an islamic splinter group among them... huge difference... between a "name" and an extremist branch in an area with many radicals... re-read my quote, sufi tariqa, roughly translates to cult, people would probably prefer to call it school or organization, but radical islamic people calling for the death of americans... I prefer the term cult... but it is NOT just a name... its a social identification... you ever wonder why many of these middle eastern names will all have the same word or phrase in them, thats literally their sect's religious identification so they can all tell each other apart by their sects belief... thats why some names always seem linked to violence or always seem to sound so very familiar to people... they literally re-name themselves after their sect and practice its preachings which in this case, are violence and death to americans... P.S. think of it like this, imagine you joined a religion and changed your name to "Tom Catholic Fritz" or "Tom Baptist Fritz"... thats what this is... thats why the names seem so familiar to people who don't understand the language or history... imagine if americans did this, we'd all have a lot of matching middle names right... heh for fun... lets call you "Tom Liberal Progressive Fritz"... so you can identify with your sect and others can see it clearly... imagine if america followed their practices...
Really? That episode is nearly universally regarded as one of the more shameful episodes in modern American history.' Yet, you are defending putting people in prison based on nothing more than their ethnic background. So, now it's "national security" to persecute a set of people based solely on their religious affiliation. Well, it's certainly bigotry, and it's certainly un American.