I win..................... Well It is past my bed time. See ya in the morning I hope.................
I seriously don't know how a post of mine gets deleted in my own thread in the off topic section for being off topic... I thought sticking to the off-topic chat for a while would help me ignore certain things, guess not.
There are somethings that we can ignore and some things that we cannot ignore. The best thing that we can do is to learn to deal with it. That is a lesson in life that I learned a long time ago. I have learned to put certain things behind me and to just move on. I don't know if this will help you any Catch but I for one would really hate to see you go.
No, I just think that you let your feelings ge the better of you. Anger, hate and jealousy will destroy you. Please don't let that happen to you.
Well if you call going around and paying bills and then going shopping for food fun, well then I guess I had a lot of fun today. I also spent an awful lot of money to.
I am the loser for the next 45 pages... and I'm slowing down my posting to savor the victory. And nope, old timer, it's cute!
Well don't get your hopes up for a second win cause it just aint gonna happen. Notr gonna let me forget huh, you turkey LOL