Rubio has tried being the nice guy and recently tried matching Trump insult for insult. Neither has proven all that effective. I think Rubio should take a new tact. Admit that the national Republican Party, particularly the members of Congress have let the Republicans in general and conservatives in particular down. That there are things that he as a Senator and the other party office holders should've done differently and should do differently in the future. But then point out that the remedy for these problems is not to "burn it all down". Arson is hardly a policy. Point out that turning the party over to a man who has spent more time supporting Democrats and liberal causes is no way to advance conservatism. Point out that "being authentic" and "telling it like it is" might be a good strategy for television ratings on a successful reality television show, but it is not the path leading toward good conservative government.
Rubio did not do his homework. He should have found something so shocking about Donald Trump that the revelation would cause Trump to drop out of the Presidential race.
I agree and go after Trump on policy. Then what he can do to bridge the gaps and bring the party together. Debate is in Michigan and he will need to be prepared for Cruz. As Cruz knows his way forward even with his wins doesn't take him to the promised land.
Rubio needs to do what he did at the last debate, and that is take his ammo off on Trump. The scam that ended up being Trump University, the hiring of illegal immigrants, Rubio needs to keep hammering Trump's dark aspects into audience members.
Problem is you cant go after policy on Trump he gives the same answers he has been given for 10 debates and every rally he has had, but people still vote for him, I agree with the original post saying we F'd up would be a great start...
Hand him new cue cards to memorize. Shall we call this Mario 3.0? We know that. Clean them all out is a remedy and a policy. He was part of the "Clean them all out". We kicked out the previous holder of his office and sent him in. He promptly sold us our and joined "The Gang of Ocho". Not this time Mario, work to get re-elected, and then prove that you have learned the importance of not being a traitor to those that entrusted you with your office. After a time of proving you have learned your lesson, we will talk again. That is the advantage of youth, you do have time for second chances. We want the best ideas. If they are Conservative, so be it. We have elected a hell of lot of "Conservatives" and it sure looks like crap out here beyond the beltway. Now it is probably time to clean house and give the next new guy a chance, like we once did with Mario.
No, insulting Trump actually got under Trump's skin, and revealed a bit of ugliness to Trump's past. Marco needs to almost mirror what he did in the last debate.
Well with Trump calling him a lightweight.....he does have to respond to that, But he doesn't have to jump Trump from the beginning of the Debate. He does need to think of some set up questions for Trump. Which should be over SCOTUS and who he would be about nominating. Questions of how he will get jobs going and what will he do to counter the lefts mantra of 15 dollars minimum wage. What he thinks about that. If Trump comes with the Diss from the go. He needs to remember to not try and shout and talk over him.
I other words, he should apologize for his failure to act on conservative principle, and even apologize for the rest of his Rep colleagues, then "promise" to do better. And, when he's done with that, explain why someone "being authentic", who "tells it like it is", isn't the path to conservative government. Interesting. So, I guess that would mean being "non-authentic" & not "telling it like it is" IS the the path to conservative government? Is that what you really want him to say?
Which policy? I mean, how can the guy who hasn't done anything significant on policy while serving in Congress attack Trump's proposals? Answer, he can't. And, if he tries Trump will eat his lunch. Like passing amnesty, spend more money & "get along" with liberals? I mean, that seems to be what the Rep party is comfortable doing. Kinda same old same old, isn't it?
Foreign Policy is Rubios alleged Strength.....he should look to trip him up there as well as on his Healthcare policy. Trump won't be able to bring the party together. Nor Cruz. That leaves Rubio and Kasich.
Rubio is the weakest of them all. He will be exposed and is being exposed now, after he decided to go after Trump. He's the least accomplished and what's most telling is that he's not even favored in his home state! This should be a red flag for everyone! Trump is killing rubio in the Florida polls which should be very concerning. It's simple, Rubio can't win his home state because florida knows him, once the country gets to know him, he will be nothing. Marco Rubio in a nutshell: Ran for senate as representing tea party interests and vowing to fight illegal immigration, he gets elected. 3 years later he writes the amnesty bill, totally breaking his promise to those who elected him. His record in the senate is that of someone who regularly misses votes and is known as Mr. No Show. He has also had to answer for some questionable actions of racking up personal debt on the party credit card and questionable dealings with lobbyists on a sale of a house. These are probably less important and minor but a bit of insight into his integrity, which he eloquently portrays as clean. Marco, compared to other candidates, is the weakest in terms of accomplishments and i see him getting absolutely and utterly annihilated by Hilary Clinton in a general election. The reason he is protected and propped up is that he is a very smooth talker, has the look and of cuban descent, so the party thinks he can win latino votes. Cruz is also of cuban descent but the establishment doesn't back him up because he has been so divisive and unliked. Cruz, however, has a much more impressive background than Rubio, it's not even close.
I said it over a year ago....and many on the Right agreed...and still do... Marco would NEVER come out from under the shadow of his support for the "Gang of 8". It would ALWAYS haunt him. I considered that the Establishment would simply "buy him" a Nomination....or would get Jeb! to make him Veep....and then hope the Nativists would "forgive and forget" come November 2016, with lots of help from their Hillary Derangement Syndrome. But Trump ended their plans. With a guy pandering to the racists and xenophobes...openly and honestly?....Rubio never stood a chance.
That's because most don't look at his State Record with Florida. I don't think he is as weak as Cruz. At least Rubio gets play from Senators on both sides of the aisle. Cruz not so much. I think going forward with the delegate count will show Cruz is the weaker of the two.
i'm not a big fan of Cruz but Cruz is loyal to his voters and if you look at their background, Cruz is much more impressive... The problem with Cruz is that he has been too divisive and he is not well liked even within republicans, a problem. Having said this, as a conservative, academic and intelligence, he is way superior to Rubio.
Rubio's tried that, well much like the other candidates. Unfortunately, you have to think and act like Trump in a performance to get any good reviews, which is what Rubio did last time around.
Cruz is probably the smartest out of all the Candidates. But then talking about his purity as a Conservative compared to others. Shows the ass he is. Which doesn't make Ted a such a likeable guy. Moreover.....Ted sucks when it comes to where the Big Boys play. That's overseas.