Ok folks, here we shall examine some photos of molten aluminum and molten steel. whoever can correctly identify which is which, shall win a prize. some are aluminum. some are steel. which is which?
Aluminum only turns red/orange+ if its heated while confined to a crucible. If melted in the same crucible as iron/steel it melts first and does not amalgamate. The idea that 'free flowing' aluminum turns yellow white hot is a foolish argument, it has been proven time and time again to be a foolish argument despite the disinformation propagandists claims. No poser has ever provided any evidence of yellow white hot FREE FLOWING aluminum. Aluminum remains silver when heated 'ONLY' to the point of becoming a liquid. Every picture in the OP USES A CRUCIBLE to confine and heat 'above' the point of turning liquid. The material at the WTC was FREE FLOWING NOT CONSTRAINED in a crucible. There were no crucibles and furnaces in the WTC center, proof: What poured out of the WTC was NOT ALUMINUM, and under those conditions COULD NOT BE and is IMPOSSIBLE TO BE ALUMINUM as can be seen from standard metal working temperature charts can be seen to be above 2400 degrees. The notion that aluminum will hit those kinds of temperatures under free flow conditions is completely false argument and posers et al have NEVER been and never will be able to duplicate yellow hot color with free flowing aluminum, simply because its impossible. Case closed.
Awesome PROVE IT! we dont see your yellow hot free flowing aluminum? No example no truth. I show actual examples you cant. You do know what that means dont you? It means it must be heated to a liquid without being constrained so it can flow away when it becomes liquid, just like the situation at the wtc, or feel free to prove there was a crucible and furnace in the wtc.
really? it can only turn orange or red if heated in a crucible? not also in a very confined and pressured space, like under 100 tons of metal? prove it.
I said free flowing as we ALL seen, not what I did not and you did not see. or maybe you want to play guessing games and pretend by speculating about what you did not see and purport it to imply facts like the posers do? You do want know the truth dont you. or is this political? Which way you want to take this. The argument here is cant turn orange/yellow/white hot unless constrained. you disagreed and said "wrong". No goal post moving allowed. PROVE IT
In practice, virtually all solid or liquid substances start to glow around 798 K (525 °C) (977 ˚F), with a mildly dull red color, when no chemical reactions take place that produce light as a result of an exothermic process.
Throw water on molten Aluminum. then get back to me. The aluminum might have to be plasma hot though.
i never said it "can't be steel". but YOU guys claim it simply, cannot, no way no how, be aluminum. and that is silly and makes me giggle.
Lies, and misdirection. That is ONLY true in total darkness, it was day light when we viewed the molten iron from the wtc. So you are not interested in the truth Aluminum remains silver when heated 'ONLY' to the point of becoming a liquid. IN DAYLIGHT Feel free to prove otherwise, I am shocked you would imply any redness can be seen in daylight. - - - Updated - - - well I am saying it cant be aluminum and have proven it.
already did, not responsible for those who are not able to understand or comprehend the material they wish to argue. Especially taking into consideration I posted video and picture proof in my first post. In case you did not 'GET IT' here is is again, just for you;
pictures are not proof. now, provide a mettalurgic paper or study showing that aluminum can only turn orange or red when heated in a crucible.
Unless they are pictures of aluminum in crucibles that you posted in your OP. Now thats a serious hypocrite post. Makes your OP complete trash. Unless of course you have a metallurgic report proving that free flowing aluminum can turn yellow hot. Of course you dont want the same standards you impose on others to apply to you, now do you. So prove that the aluminum in your crucibles is heated just to the melting point and that the level of light in the foundry is the same brightness as the ambient daylight at the wtc or provide a metallurgical report showing it is possible. There is no molecule small enough that you can hide where I wont root out the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) you posted.
Yep double standards, you made the claim in the OP you prove the point here since you apparently are not wearing your glasses, or do I need to dumb it down? 1) Either prove that the aluminum in your crucibles (pictured in the OP) is heated just to the melting point and that the level of light in the foundry is the same brightness as the ambient daylight at the wtc OR 2) Provide a metallurgical report showing it is possible for aluminum to glow yellow hot in daylight. There that should be big enough you dont need your glasses.
still no metallurgic websites. just lots of baseless claims. unless you have a Masters in Civil Engineering, I don't trust a word you say, and will have to support your claims with mettalurgic websites. sowwy.
Orange glowing molten aluminum cast into a fire ant hill [video=youtube;NUYqGX6a4vQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUYqGX6a4vQ[/video]
suffice to say we will see nothing more than TROLL POSTS from you and a waste of everyones time. Good luck convincing anyone but yourself, and posers of course, they believe anything but the truth.
This is over the molten aluminum flowing out of the WTC. Factually, aluminum melts at the temperature of about 660 C But once it gets hotter than that, it glows. Now, we know that many tons of aluminum is in the 757 airplane So when the building got super hot, what do you suppose happened to the aluminum? You saw it flowing from the building
still waiting for those metalurgy websites. when it comes to issues of architecture, engineering, and materials, you are simply unreliable.