Kamala "wins" if they take forever to count the votes. Does anyone remember when we actually knew who the winner was in a timely manner? I'm going to go vote like a real American on election Day at the polling place here in a couple of hours. MAGA
Many States have added extra measures after all the complaints in 2020, so does it make sense to pre-emptively blame those very measures for potential defeat? Having said that, in Florida over 50% of voters have already voted early, and so far most of them have been registered Republicans, - except in the usual blue areas.
Pennsylvania has 19 electoral votes and the person who takes Pennsylvania will win in the end. Polls showed Trump has a laser-thin lead in Pennsylvania but it could go either way. It may take few days to declare a winner in the state. https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/pennsylvania/trump-vs-harris
The biggest BS is that all votes were counted and the winner announced by every state on election night States aren't announcing winners on election night - tv networks project the winners and that is how we knew Just like how FOX called AZ for Biden in 2020. Weird how the Trump & the followers threw a temper tantrum over knowing a winner on election night
Yes, once upon a time, before Trump entered the scene deliberately shaking confidence in the elections by fraudulently claiming it was stolen, resulting in districts with election officials buying into the MAGA weirdness and delaying certification, we used to find out who won on election day. Like a real American. Now that's funny. FYI, mail in ballots have been part of our voting system since the civil war.
Trump and his allies want every vote gone over with a microscope to determine if it is "valid" and then turn around and complain that Kamala is going to win only if it takes "forever" to count the votes.
Probably, but she could still win without PA, though it would be difficult. These pollsters have been gaming their results, there's a big fear among many pollsters not to veer to far away from a 'close race' because, there, if they are wrong, it minimizes their loss of credibility. Not all pollsters are afraid to go strictly by the data, as the poll in desmoines shows, Harris is a head by a substantial margin. Personally, I think the polls have intentionally understated Harris's true lead. https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-underestimate-polls-wrong-election-donald-trump-1979080 Podcaster David Feldman has a very interesting take on this (his take on it is why I gave my opinion, above). Sorry, I don't have the timestamp on where he talks about it, but you should listen to the whole thing, he's entertaining (well, I think so). https://www.youtube.com/live/jFQRxdQjn8U
Well I typed out a response and then thought no I'll watch the YouTube video. But I was really after something it focused on your particular point of pollsters understated Harris's true lead, or not going strictly by the data, or gaming the results. I'm wondering how on earth they can do that other than simply substituting different numbers in the percentage columns. I.e lying.
It's one of the many ways he has gravely harmed the country. He has achieved more in that respect than Putin could ever have imagined.
I'm volunteering to drive people to the polls today. My prediction: it will be close, and we probably won't have an answer tonight. Ultimately, Harris will win, but Trump will still declare victory. We will be battling nutty conspiracy theories and baseless "suspicions" again. Trump will submit vapid court "cases" again. Pro-Ttump state election officials and lawmakers will try to resist the vote of their constituents in some counties and states that vote blue. Then we will see what "secret plan" Trump has to overturn the will of the people by leveraging the House.
Yes like a real one, one time only and at the polling place and on election Day. Not by mail and not early and not multiple times. That's the Democrat way. If you don't need to vote by mail you shouldn't be. The less time those ballots are in Democrat hands, the better.
Funny...you didn't seem to have a problem with all of the conservatives who posted that they voted early in the 'I VOTED (2024)' thread
Um.....that was the GOP marching order in 2020, but now Republicans were told (by the leader himself) to vote early, and they obeyed. So unamerican.......... Republicans shatter early voting records in battleground states after Trump push https://fortune.com/2024/10/22/repu...ords-in-battleground-states-after-trump-push/ With former President Donald Trump’s encouragement, Republicans are voting early again, flocking to the polls for in-person voting ahead of Election Day and helping break records for ballots cast before November in key states like Georgia and North Carolina. Trump turned against mail voting in 2020, spinning wild conspiracies about the centuries-old process and convincing his supporters to wait until Election Day to cast their ballots. But the party is again pushing its voters to cast their ballots early, and the former president is largely encouraging the change, with a conspiratorial pitch. “I need you to vote and I need you to go to the polls before Election Day because they will try on Election Day to keep you home,” Trump told voters in North Carolina on Monday.
The BS about “finding votes” days after Election Day makes those who aren’t Democrats suspicious. Having an election office “find ballots” in the trunk of his car makes one suspicious. Here’s one for you to defend. In Virginia the election offices were removing aliens who were on the voter lists from the rolls. The Biden administration Justice Department intervened to keep them on the rolls. Why should any non-citizens be allowed to vote in a national election? That is a no brainer. If the Democrats want to make the election look clean and honest, they have no business fighting to keep non citizens on the voter rolls. Yet they did. The Supreme Court ruled that Virginia officials were within their rights to remove them.
Seems not to long ago we knew the results the next day.... what happened... the Democrat governance changed election rules which is suppose to done by the legislation branches... so were the rules changed back.... nope...
Isn't it funny how voting fraud has been proven in only a handful of cases and the majority of those have been people trying to do it in favor of Republicans/Trump
I predict a replay of 2016. Kamala Harris will win narrowly in the popular vote. Donald Trump will win in the Electoral College. As was the case during Trump's first term, he will never have majority support. With his colossal ignorance Trump thinks tariffs will be a painless alternative to the income tax that will benefit American manufacturers and factory workers. If he tries to make the switch his inflation will make Biden's inflation seem mild by contrast.
I'm voting today, too. It's unfortunate but inevitable that the regulations of mail-in voting, which has a positive correlation with fraud, and supported by Democrats, would not go back to 2016 levels. It should only be for people who are in a condition where they cannot make it to the polls, such as being in a hospital or serving overseas, Unfortunately, I don't think we will know who the winner is by tonight, and that is concerning.
The Trump campaign has done everything in their power so that it DOES take forever to count the votes. So it would appear like you're saying that the Trump campaign is helping Kamala win.
It's funny cuz it's made up. You ever notice who are the ones that fight tooth and nail against the securing the process?
They'll know, the delay is more time for our MSNBCNN sponsors to plug more beer, cars, Coco puffs and of course the ever popular propaganda