Nazis really are the biggest losers in history.

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by gandrews, Aug 29, 2016.

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  1. orangeaid

    orangeaid New Member

    Aug 16, 2016
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    The Book of Matthew is based on fact and has been proved correct by many top tier academic historians.
  2. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    What is your problem? I am participating on this forum by writing and placing vids or links.

    Can't you do any research on your own and do you really want everything to be handed on a silver plate to you?

    The documentary is only a mouseclick away from play, but you refuse to watch it? Why is that? Afraid that you might stumble upon the truth?
  3. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    The title of the thread might help you!
  4. MRogersNhood

    MRogersNhood Banned

    Jul 20, 2015
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    This really should be the biggest loser thread ever.If by by some reason it is not,there's no reason for that.
  5. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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  6. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    It is quite simple, when someone scratches the surface of your knowledge, you simply ignore the question and post another video.

    Now want to show that the Horton was designed for stealth and not for drag as it actually was?

    Want to show German technology 50 to 75 years in advance?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Gave you the report, apparently you want handed to you on a silver plate, which you accuse others of! Post 109! anytime you feel like catching up!
  7. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    It is lazy to cut and paste other people's work.
  8. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Report? Which report?

    You haven't answered to any of those statements, and that's because you can't.

    But I see, once things get too difficult for you, you hide yourself behind futile matters in order not to give an answer.
  9. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Exactly the same as the Holocaust dear boy!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Post 109 do try to catch up!
  10. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Lol, what a ridiculous statement.

    That's because others have done all the research for others too see.

    What you are saying now is the same as "maths is lazy because it's copy and paste of other people's work"

    Man-o-man... nice trolling tho. :wink:
  11. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    2+2= Try that without copy and paste, we will keep it simple for you
  12. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Let the rest of us know when you have an idea of your own to post. Thanks.
  13. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    NIZKOR Lies about Toxicity of Diesel Exhaust Gas
  14. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Why do you want me to spell it out for you?

    I just posted evidence for it, including a complete documentary which refutes the Holocaust and critical questions to which you don't have answers...
    yet you don't look into the proof because you want me to type it out?

    What you are doing is like a judge who refuses to look into the evidence and only wants to come to a verdict by hear-say.

  15. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    If posting your own ideas is too much of a botheration, I recommend you go to YouTube. On the other hand, if you wish to debate the truth of the Final Solution, you have only to say so. Care should be exercised to stay on the topic of this thread.
  16. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    I've copied these statements and questions from another thread in which I posted some time ago, and can't be refuted:

    - Gas chambers with 'wooden doors' and 'windows' in them (in stead of steel, air-lock doors),
    - No ventilation system to take out the gas... so it would have just drifted out of the building, which was placed at the officers-quarters (in Auschwitz) which would be dangerous for personnel
    - The massively revised death toll of 2,5 million at Auschwitz, but the total number of 6 million still stands
    - No blue staining on the walls inside the alleged gas chambers from the Zyklon-B... however, there is blue staining at the delousing facilities.
    - The chimney at Auschwitz gaschamber is built after the war by the Soviets and is not even attached to the building.
    - At Treblinka it is said that hundreds of thousands of jews were killed with diesel gas..., but, it is very difficult and thus inefficient to kill someone with diesel-gas.. certainly when you're talking about hundreds of thousands of people.
    - The cremation of a body in a high-tech oven takes about 2 - 3 hours to dissolve into ash. Those ovens of 70 years ago were not high-tech.. so how could the Germans cremate 6 million within the timespan of only 2,5 years?
    - It has officialy become known the Germans never made 'soap' or 'lampshades' from the Jews, but this has been told for decades to be true.
    - There's not 1 single "Nazi" document which proves the Holocaust, neither is there any forensic evidence for it....
    - Why were there hospitals in the camps for the inmates if they were all about extermination?
    - Why were there bakeries in the camps to feed the inmates if they were all about extermination?
    - Why were there orchestras, football games, swimming pools, cantinas and even a zoo in the camps for the inmates if they were all about extermination?
    - How come there are so many survivors if they would have been killed anyway? As in that case it would have been more 'efficient' to kill them on the first day right?
    - There is no trace in the ground-samples of bodies at Treblinka, where hundreds of thousands are said to be buried.

    There you have it, in writing. And proves there's a lot wrong with the Holocaust-story.

    Now what?
  17. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    You posted too many claims to answer in the space of a Political Forum post. Perhaps you could choose one at a time, cite your source, and state how it supports or detracts from the topic of this thread.
  18. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Well, the Holocaust is a very important subject in this matter, because if it didn't happen, then it would be a complete different ballgame once it comes to discussing the "terrible Nazis" who don't seem to be so terrible then, you know?

    Anyway, because it seems that you are too lazy to look anything up yourself, I'll source them myself:

    - Gas chambers with 'wooden doors' and 'windows' in them (in stead of steel, air-lock doors),

    - No ventilation system to take out the gas... so it would have just drifted out of the building, which was placed at the officers-quarters (in Auschwitz) which would be dangerous for personnel

    - The massively revised death toll of 2,5 million at Auschwitz, but the total number of 6 million still stands

    - No blue staining on the walls inside the alleged gas chambers from the Zyklon-B... however, there is blue staining at the delousing facilities.

    - The chimney at Auschwitz gaschamber is built after the war by the Soviets and is not even attached to the building:


    - At Treblinka it is said that hundreds of thousands of jews were killed with diesel gas..., but, it is very difficult and thus inefficient to kill someone with diesel-gas.. certainly when you're talking about hundreds of thousands of people.

    - The cremation of a body in a high-tech oven takes about 2 - 3 hours to dissolve into ash. Those ovens of 70 years ago were not high-tech.. so how could the Germans cremate 6 million within the timespan of only 2,5 years?

    - It has officialy become known the Germans never made 'soap' or 'lampshades' from the Jews, but this has been told for decades to be true.

    - There's not 1 single "Nazi" document which proves the Holocaust, neither is there any forensic evidence for it.... (speaks for itself)

    - Why were there hospitals in the camps for the inmates if they were all about extermination?

    - Why were there bakeries in the camps to feed the inmates if they were all about extermination?

    - Why were there orchestras, football games, swimming pools, cantinas and even a zoo in the camps for the inmates if they were all about extermination?

    - How come there are so many survivors if they would have been killed anyway? As in that case it would have been more 'efficient' to kill them on the first day right? (speaks for itself)

    - There is no trace in the ground-samples of bodies at Treblinka, where hundreds of thousands are said to be buried.

    So there you go, all sourced.

    Now what?
  19. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    And naturally this turns into yet another holocaust denial thread with the jew haters regurgitating their debunked nonsense once again.

    of course they never notice that there hasn't been ANY advancement in their "body of evidence" in the past dozen years or so and almost all of their "scientific" investigations have proven to be outrageously wrong.

    Seems all they can do is throw out fake objections and regurgitate lies.

    I notice the nonsense about ventilation but nothing from them about dispersal times for the gas.
    I notice the old canard about 6 million dying in the gas chambers when there isn't ANY historian that claims such.
    I notice the even more unscientific nonsense about prussian blue. Apparently chemistry and application have no bearing on what they want to believe.
    I notice that when the gas chambers were "reconstructed" they became 'fake".

    As for treblinka why not hear the words directly from the snake's mouth, so to speak.


    An informative 7 part interview with Franz Suchomel.

    As for finding human remains and ash at Treblinka, you obviously are referring to that idiot Krege's attempt to use gpr at Treblinka one afternoon. Even Mottogno had to back away from krege's idiotic nonsense, which is proven by the fact that although promised he NEVER published his findings. But actual scientific investigation has revealed them.

    And to top it off, I'll leave you with another source:

    It would appear as though I know one helluva lot more about holocaust denial than you do, since I've been involved in rebutting such nazi jew hating propaganda for decades.
    Maybe you can get back to us all after you yourself have researched the denialists claims in detail instead of simply regurgitating them without thought or analysis.
  20. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    The Treblinka Archeology hoax:


    And the SS guy must have been bought and paid for, or forced in another way to confess, just like they tortured confessions out of German soldiers prior to Nuremburg.

    Since there's a lot of Jews making quite the contradictory statements regarding the Holocaust:

  21. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    I cannot reply in detail to all the stuff you wrote so I will address the first item. Honestly, I cannot see how the doors in the Auschwitz death camp either support the contention that the Nazis were "the biggest losers in history" or not. Supposing the Nazis never spoke of the Final Solution or never attempted to carry it out, might they not still have been the biggest losers? As for the doors on the gas chamber, you posted a link to some pictures taken by whom I cannot tell of a room which he claims was a gas chamber which could not be a gas chamber because the doors opened inward. I cannot tell if these photos are what they purport to be.

    There is the sentence: "David Cole pointed out, on the TV show, that both doors in the alleged gas chamber in the main Auschwitz camp opened inward." The main camp at Auschwitz was not a death camp and there were no gas chambers, except for a makeshift one for Russian POWs in September 1941. Auschwitz I was for prisoners of war, communists, other political prisoners, and some workers among whom were some Jews. It would be no surprise for doors there to open inward or even outward and the present doors could well have been fitted by Poles during the Soviet times.

    Thankfully, the video did not play for me.

    As for the death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, are we to infer from your mention doors that there was no gas chamber there?
  22. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Because that's Chamberlain began to actively go to Hitler. It's just a fact.

    Perhaps the French would help, because they were close to Germany, but ..... intervened active Chamberlain (due to the English Channel).
  23. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    To all posters in this thread!

    Why Did Germany Lose World War II?
    Hitler Was An Awful Manager.
    The lesson here is that even the most powerful army in the world can’t survive bad decisions.

    Yes, Germany lost the Second WW for a number of reasons. Number 1, it was completely outnumbered... probably at least 1 : 10.
    In hindsight one can more clearly identify the other causes that resulted in the surrender of the Wehrmacht.

    Here are the decisions Hitler made that cost him the war.

    He did not prepare for resistance or intelligence.

    Hitler’s army was the best way to crush another army. Even on the retreat the Germans were so disciplined and so experienced at fighting and had qualitatively better weaponry that they could inflict horrific casualties on you. But fighting is not a monolithic thing. Once the tanks are burning in the fields and the cemeteries are filled with nameless faceless soldiers, the fighting goes on. It just changes. Any kind of resistance is a fight. The French waitress understands German and the inebriated SS officers don’t know it. Passing their drunken musings as tips is a form of resistance. Cutting a Nazi office telephone line is resistance. Spying, like breaking the Enigma Code for example is resistance. Stabbing a Wehrmacht guard to death in the middle of the night is resistance. Conspiring to kill the Fuhrer is resistance. Sabotaging supply lines and shipping is resistance. Hiding the intended target of an attack is resistance. It astonishes how the Germans failed to realize that killing a hundred innocent people as punishment for some crime creates 200 more dissidents. But the cumulative effects of the resistance movement were key in bringing down the Reich.

    Resistance came from all sides, particularly in the intelligence field. The Enigma code machine was decrypted at Bletchley Park in 1942. The Japanese encrypted code was broken in the US at around the same time. The German officer corps on vacation in France was an information sieve. Wilhelm Canaris of the Abwehr German intelligence group wanted Hitler dead and out of power, so he helped to deceive him, until he himself was discovered. Canaris prevented the Germans from taking Gibraltar based on bad information fed to him by Abwehr, that was by then, an adytum for disillusioned German defectors. It’s a bad portend when your top intelligence agencies want you to lose. It’s worse when your best response is a bullet to the head.

    We talked a lot about deception in the North African desert. There, British magicians literally fooled the Luftwaffe into believing that there were tank battalions were there were none at all. Perhaps being fooled by inflatable fake tanks was too puerile a mistake to admit to Hitler. Operation Mincemeat convinced the German High Command planners that the Allied second front was going to happen not in Normandy but at Calais instead. It was partially achieved by installing fake invasion documents on a dead body dressed as an Allied officer. The Nazis seemed unable to respond to this. Hitler dismissed this as all desperate measures by losers. He was so wrong.

    The Nazis were incompetent administrators as well. Yes, they kept copious and meticulous records. But that isn’t managing people. Their management style was a contest to see who could be crueler than the last precept. What this did was create hatred and resistance that bit them in the tuchalesim. When people hate you, they will do everything they can to make you stumble.

    He left the European theater of battle.​

    When the war began Hitler invested four or five out sized divisions to North Africa, ostensibly to take the Egyptian oil fields and feed the Nazi war machine, and secure a southern flank to Germany and Italy their ally. In early fighting, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel did really well, outmatching the maneuvers of Claude Auchinleck and Archibald Alexander, and decimating the first American Expeditionary Force in decades at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. It was Auchinleck that first drove the Afrika Korps back. But it was Bernard Montgomery commanding the British and the French and the US that trapped Rommel in Tunisia. After the British 8th Army rolled up Rommel, Hitler held back supplies to Afrika Korps. The fact of the matter is that Erwin Rommel was more of a folk hero to Hitler than a winning general. Yes, Rommel was a dynamic and brave general and he impressively wielded his Prussian maneuver warfare…until he ran out of gas. Or rather, Hitler deprived him of it. And he was not receiving reinforcements or new tanks. In fact, at some point in 1943, Hitler decided that North Africa was a red herring and decided instead just to get his gas and oil from the Caucasus Mountains. There the factories were more modern than Egypt’s old oil infrastructure and had a high capacity for production. Essentially he abandoned North Africa as a strategically important target and therein abandoned Rommel. This abandonment no doubt played into the decision by Rommel to have Hitler assassinated.

    When the Allies invaded Sicily staging assets out of formerly Nazi North Africa, it never occurred to Hitler that the reason he didn’t have North Africa was because he abandoned it. The point here is that he could have devoted forces to taking North Africa from Gibraltar to the Red Sea, and he could have made the Mediterranean his own lake. This would not have lasted forever, but without depleting his army in Russia, he probably could have fended off attacks to Greater Germania for decades. If he had kept North Africa, he would have had the reserves to build up the Atlantic Wall and keep any significant invasion force off shore. The reason he had to pinpoint where the Allies would land is because he lacked the troop strength to fight the Russians and simultaneously stop a second front and third front from opening.

    If the worst happened and Hitler owned continental Europe, and the Brits and the US and the Canadians continued combat operations and strategic bombing, he could have at least negotiated for a Greater Germania. That empire, that Reich that would have included Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia.

    Instead, when he changed his mind midstream, and left North Africa to head east, he shot himself in both feet. His commanders often thought he was an idiot and stormed out of his office. He deucedly made last second impulsive changes to well planned endeavors.

    He invaded Russia.​

    I think about Barbarossa a lot. I guess this is because it was the largest event in contemporary human history. About 9 million people were on the same battlefield that stretched over 800 miles from the Baltic to the Black Sea. During World War II, the Nazis suffered almost 6 million combat deaths and over a million civilian deaths. Most the combat casualties were in the Soviet Union. After the Finns defeated the first Soviet invasion in the Winter War, Hitler is said to have quipped about Russia, “We have only to kick in the Soviet Union’s doors and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.” It did. And inside it was most of the Wehrmacht.

    The force that invaded Russia was divided into three parts. Army Group North, Army Group Center and Army Group South. The supplies for Army Group North alone filled thirty trainloads per day, and after combat losses, sometimes more. This is an amazing and operose supply line to maintain behind an army fighting this hard. It left little room for error because an infantry company that is out of ammo is out of ammo. Imagine the thousand miles the Germans fought through. Imagine going halfway across Central Asia and still not seeing the end of it. Knowing that home is that far behind you. Imagine that they defeat a force of about 3 million men and then have to face another force that’s even bigger, better equipped and more determined.

    Hitler’s own racism prevented him from seeing the Bolsheviks as anything but animals. But their determination to keep their homes, and drive out invaders was more than the Wehrmacht could resist. It also surprised Hitler when he saw the appearance of great weapons from the Russians, like the Sturmovik Il-2 attack plane. This armored strike aircraft from Ilyushin was almost impervious to German small arms fire, and the Soviets built 38,000 of them. The Germans couldn’t shoot them out of the sky fast enough, and they were devastating on German armor units. The Mk.VI Tiger I that no one could stop on the battlefield was thoroughly shred by 23mm and 20mm cannon fire from the IL-2.

    Hitler also could barely believe that the Russians made a tank that was formidable, fast, and well armored. The T-34 was no match for Tigers or King Tigers in front facing exchanges. But from the side or rear the T-34s were very effective. The Germans built 1200 some odd Tigers and less than 800 King Tigers. Compare that to the Soviets that built 40,000 T-34s by the end of the war. The upgraded T-34-85 had an 85mm high velocity gun that could trade with any Panzer tank. And for every one the Panzers destroyed, ten more came over the hill.

    “Quantity is a quality all its own,” Stalin said.

    ...... read in link below.


    Convinced that he was a modern Napoleon, Hitler ordered generals around and made rash last minute decisions.

    Operation Typhoon, a German attack on Moscow had to wait until more Tiger V Panther tanks could be produced. Panzer commander Heinz Guderian wanted to move with what he had, but Hitler insisted that they wait for his new toy. Later he re-directed half of Guderian’s force south to help bolster a battle forming around Army Group South. By the time the force returned to Army Group Center the Russians had bolstered their defenses so robustly that the Germans never took Moscow.

    Hitler would allow no one to retreat. ​

    This of course is a ridiculous strategy as troops that survive and retreat often win the day or the war in the end. This resulted in horrific casualties, not the least of which is the famously infamous German 6th Army that surrendered in Stalingrad. Field Marshall Von Paulus and his emaciated, frozen and starved 95,000 Germans were taken prisoner and death marched to a prison camp. Only 5000 returned home. Further north, surrounded by Russians in the Sworbe Pocket in Estonia, Hitler lost thousands of troops who were not allowed to pull out when overrun by Red Guards. When the Battle of Kursk fizzled and the Germans were halted, Von Manstein retreated into Kharkov and was told to hold it. He left it against Hitler’s orders anyway, making him one of the few Nazis who openly defied Hitler and lived through it.
    All over the world Hitler made long distance decisions and his God-like power guaranteed that most Germans would stay and die for him.

    Someone talked about Donald Rumsfeld’s disasterous management of the Iraq invasion calling him “the 8000 mile screwdriver.” Once the screwdriver is in the slot, the operator is so far away from the solution that any turn of the tool becomes iffy and uninformed.

    Hitler moved regiments around like chess pieces, not realizing the depth of bloodshed that each move wrought. The new target of the move into Russia would be the oil fields in and around the Caucasus Mountains. Hitler felt he could kill two birds with one stone: interdict Russian oil supplies and feed his own diesel hungry Army. German Chief of Staff Franz Halder knew better than to argue with Hitler and even once quipped, “it does no good. He just foams at the mouth and yells,” obviously referring to Hitler’s insistence that his own council would he ever keep regarding battlefield command. Halder didn’t feel comfortable enough to point out that the Wehrmacht had already lost 1.1 million men killed or wounded, plus an additional 500,000 men just sick or frostbitten. Most of the infantry divisions were at about half strength. There had been 24,000 vehicles destroyed, many just from the cold and only about 2400 replacement vehicles. Of the pack animals the Wehrmacht drove in or rode in or pulled in, 180,000 of them had perished and they had expropriated about a tenth of that number to replenish the need. Halder felt that the troops were exhausted and desperately needed to rest and re-supply. Hitler would have none of it.

    Read on here:

    I look forward to your opinions and corrections as well as suggestions.:smile:

    I think Hitler was a decent human being. Unfortunately, that is of little value when dealing with treacherous, deceiving, sly and brutal opponents.
    I also think he was headstrong and unable to appreciate the opinions and advice of studied, trained and battle-smart generals. To my knowledge Hitler never attended a military academy... he was just a low-ranking soldier from WW1.
    Truth is, he was caught between a rock and a hard place. The others hated the Germans and were determined not to let Germany come to the top again. He had little time to prepare for battle as we only lately have found out.
    Right now Germany has again risen to the top in Europe... it is the strong engine of the EU. But look, what is happening?
  24. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    He delayed at Dunkirk, did not see that up there. He could of taken the British out of the war completely.
  25. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    And operation mincemeat was part of the Italian campaign, nothing to do with D-Day
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