Newly Identifed Human T-Cell type discovered that destroys most known types of cancer.

Discussion in 'Science' started by Monash, Feb 19, 2020.

  1. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Early days yet but researchers in Cardiff have discovered a new class of T-cell (immune cell) that had the capacity to identify and destroy every type of cancer cell they tested them on. At the same time these T-cells did not attack 'normal' cells. Unlike other types of T-cell the cancers were not able to evade detection. The research obtained these cells from multiple test subjects indicating that most, if not all humans should have them.

    The big question now is why if they are so efficient at identifying and attacking cancer cells the T-cells concerned don't prevent people from getting cancer to begin with. Apparently there is lots of interest from other cancer research groups in this development. Lets see what 4 or 5 years of further research shows.
    Falena and wgabrie like this.
  2. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    And why don't they eliminate cancer if you get it?
    Falena likes this.
  3. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Yes that's the 10 million dollar question. One key issue is that these t-cells are rare, hiding the background among the sea of more 'common' T-cell- types. It could be simply that there's no real evolutionary pressure at play that forces these cells to become more common.

    Cancer is by far and away normally a disease of the elderly i.e. those who are past their prime reproductive period. So while there is selective pressure towards things that keep you fit and healthy while young there's not so much at play once you are older and not passing on genes. (This is just my idle speculation BTW.) Alternately there may well be some basic, underlying physiological reason why these cells are not more common.

    The good news is that the technology for harvesting and reproducing t-cells en mass outside of the body is understood if not perfected. So that means now these cells have been identified and assuming we do all have them it should be relatively simple matter to extract them from any cancer sufferer, grow a medical grade supply and reintroduce them to the patient.

    Lots of work still to do of course but it does open up an entirely new and unexpected line of attack on cancer.
    Falena likes this.

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