Orlando gay nightclub shooter was a registered Democrat

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by JakeJ, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Still jabbering endlessly about guns I see. Still running away from you’re idiotic question: about “why do gays have to be gay” and “can’t they just grin and bear it” and you’re going to tell me that you’re going to tell me that you are not using guns as a red herring?

    And now- after that - you have the nerve to say “I support the right for someone to have sex with whoever they want, modify their own body however they want.....” as though that makes you some sort of advocate for and defender of LGBT people.? It is just another display of ignorance. You’re demonstrating the fact that you see LGBT people only as folks who have sex and “modify their body” and not as human beings who have human rights. It’s interesting that you focus on sex and body parts, but nothing about discrimination or marriage. Makes me wonder

    It’s obvious that you do not understand what a tu quoque actually is. If you are calling someone a hypocrite- regardless of the soundness of the argument, it is an appeal to hypocrisy so you can stop making crap up right now. And, which argument of mine did you successfully attack the root of.? I missed that. Try again. This time without mentioning guns or the second amendment.

    Now, I will agree that the right to defend oneself is a human right, and the right to own a gun is - arguably - provided for in the constitution. But all constitutional rights come with responsibilities and limits. All states regulate the ownership of firearms to some degree. What I want to know is how the hell is the possession of a weapon of war a human or constitutional right when they are not need for self defense? To say that the right to own an AR 15 is equivalent to the right of an LGBT person to be free of discrimination is a colossal and ridiculous insult to those people and the issue of civil rights in general. Yes, it is still a false equivalence.
  2. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    I'm not the one emotionally jabbering, that's all you, and you're still using pure emotion instead of rational thought.

    I'd suggest you go back and re-read the definition of tu quoque, where a person who has a valid argument is attacked for hypocrisy. You do not have a valid argument for your "no one NEEDs an AR15" argument, which I just explained in great detail.

    The fact remains, no one NEEDS to be gay as much as no one NEEDS an AR15. Neither of these are required to live.

    Your vaunted lifestyle rights are no different than my choices with regards to what weapon I own.

    Your willingness to infringe on the BoR, and the 2A specifically, is no different than someone attacking your right to choose your own sexuality.

    Therefore, your argument is BOTH hypocritical and just wrong.

    The argument that an AR15 is a "weapon of war" is also wrong, since no army anywhere uses a semi-automatic rifle. An AR15 is no more dangerous than a shotgun or a handgun, I explained why quite clearly.

    The 2A is not arguable. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is clear. The 2A is contained in the Bill of Rights. Clearly, it is was intended to protect the individual rights to own firearms, and comes immediately after the Right to Free Speech.

    What weapon I choose to defend myself with is none of your business.

    As far as my last statement on who you choose to sleep with, obviously I'm saying I support an individuals right to choose what is best for them. Do you think being gay is so special and rare that I don't know gay people? I don't see the difference to be honest, celebrating being gay makes about as much sense to me as celebrating being heterosexual. What difference does it make who you sleep with or marry or anything else? Its a non-issue to me.

    What I choose to own and defend my family with should be a non issue to you.
  3. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Interesting how when you guys are out of juice, I get accused of being emotional!! The fact is that I am quite calm, Sparky.

    Thank you for admitting that you don’t need an AR 15 to live. That is exactly why I won this- and now you admit that you don’t need a weapon with a 30 round clip to defend your self- in other words “to live” My valid argument is the logic that these weapons are for the sole purpose of killing as many people as fast as possible and you can’t refute that.

    I will add that owning a gun – any gun – is a choice. Can we agree on that?

    Now, the only way that making that choice analogues to being gay is that being gay is a choice. Is that where you’re at?
    Or, you may think that gay people can make the choice to just not live as a gay person. To repress their identity and sexuality. Is that it? And if that is what your saying – that is not really living. Think about your own life and your own sexuality Bubba.

    People can live without a gun but they can’t live if they are not free to be and express who they are. That is unless you believe that “living” just means eating, sleeping, working, and craping without any social, sexual, romantic aspects to it. It is not just about who you sleep with – it is about the quality of life ,it's about the ability to be honest and open and out without scorn, ridicule or discrimination. Can you possibly understand that? You have not given me any indication that you are able to think on that level.

    Gay people celebrate being gay as a way of asserting themselves, to call attention to the progress that they have made, and to counter the history of denigration that they have suffered. You are free to celebrate being heterosexual if you feel a need to…..but be prepared for the ridicule which will be richly deserved.

    So please stop whining about your damned gun rights- it is STILL a false equivalency. Quite frankly, I’m bored with you,
  4. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    You can say you weren't being emotional there Sparkly but lets face it, we both know your head exploded.

    You haven't won anything, you don't even understand your own quoting of a logical fallacy to me.

    I need an AR15 as much as you need to be gay. You brought up the NEED argument, I was simply pointing out that using that argument strips you of your ability to enjoy living your life the way you want to. Basically, when you use the NEED argument, you open up YOURSELF to persecution, but use it as you will.

    Your NEED argument is irrelevant anyway, since we have the Bill of Rights to protect ownership of firearms.

    People can and have lived without spending a single day of it in true freedom, ask any gay person in Africa. Their quality of life isn't ideal, but it can be done. I'm not suggesting it's pleasant.

    You can keep claiming that one right in the Constitution is more important, and not equivalent, to one you care more about....but that is just reaffirming what I have said and makes your argument look foolish.

    Oh and I do refute your stance on the AR15, because it's simply wrong, as there are many reasons why the AR15 is factually the best self defense firearm you can own.
  5. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    :roflol::roflol::roflol: By assuming that I'm gay you just destroyed any and all credibility that you might have had and exposed the extent to which your thinking is profoundly defective.

    And, it was you who first brought up "need" with the moronic comment that gays don't need to be gay. And now, you are dodging the question of whether or not you think that being gay is a choice and whether or not gays can or should chose not to be gay. You are just blathering senselessly now while demonstrating the fact that you lack the integrity to be honest about what you believe :omg:

    Furthermore, you are actually suggesting that it would be acceptable to force gay people in this country to live as they do in Africa, while at the same time, bloviating about constitutional rights. Apparently- while claiming that gun rights are human rights- you do not believe that gays are entitled to human rights. Get lost Bubba!
  6. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Interesting chart but I don't understand why Fascism is further up the left scale than Communism. It seems to me, at least based on their economic plans, it should be right below Socialist.
  7. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    I didn't call YOU gay I said "I need an AR15 as much as you need to be gay" The point being NEED is not the question for either of them because they are rights.

    Besides, even if I DID think you were gay, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the argument itself. So....no either way.

    I have a lack of integrity? I'm trying to discuss an issue using rational thought and you're basically just putting in paragraphs insulting me and jumping to conclusions.

    I never said anything was acceptable. I said they "live" under those conditions in Africa.

    Bottom line what I choose to own, or how I choose to live my life is up to me, not you or anyone else.

    The funny thing is that the only person in this discussion between you and I attacking anyone....is you.

    PS I suggest you study up on those logical fallacies, because you're doing it right now.
  8. ChemEngineer

    ChemEngineer Banned

    Jun 8, 2016
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    I did not prepare the chart, but I had never before seen anything so clear and understandable as this! It makes a lie of the Leftist claim that conservatives are fascists, and demonstrates that it is liberals who are much more like fascists than conservatives will ever be.

    Recall that Hitler's political party was the Social Democrats. Hitler banned public gun ownership and really, really liked art. How very liberal of him.
    Oh, and he despised Jews, as the Democrat Party today seems to, judging from all their anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions.
  9. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    This is my final word because, as I said, I’m bored with you.
    You made the moronic statement that gays do not have to be gay- that they could just “grin and bear it” and you have been hiding from that ever since because you can’t defend it.

    You refuse to say if you think that being gay is a choice which is the only way that the right to be gay or have gay rights is equivalent to the right to have a gun- since having a gun is clearly a choice.

    In response to my statement that if gay people cannot live openly and freely, they are not really free and living their lives, you stated that gays in Africa are not free- in effect saying -"oh well that is just the way it is" with the implication being that it would be acceptable here - and now after being called on that – your trying to walk it back, denying that you were saying that is acceptable.

    We are done here Bubba. I know, now is when you- and all those like you will accuse me of running away. Well, I’ll be right here when and if you have something reasonable, rational and honest to say. Until them, get out of my face.
  10. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    As well you made the moronic implication that one constitutional right is more important than another.

    It's perfectly acceptable for you to infringe on one right, but you puff up like a fugu when someone questions homosexuality. THERE's your logical fallacy.

    Self defense is no more a choice than sexuality. How you decide to act on either is no ones business.

    That is the way life is for gays in Africa. I never said it was acceptable, you're just making wild *** assumptions.

    Ok tough guy, macho your way on out of the conversation. Toodles. Come on back if you ever want to actually debate anything.
  11. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    First of all, I am not a conservative christian. Your assumptions make you look foolish.

    I am a non-religious libertarian.

    Secondly, trying to equate one taking their own life, because of what people say, with people who open fire on OTHER people because of what they believe is two completely different things.

    You trying to find some link is just as foolish
  12. ChoppedLiver

    ChoppedLiver Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    ...and/or bite pillows.

    Choosing to be gay IS a choice.
  13. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    And a Clinton supporter. Are are most mass murderers Democrats? Not one time has MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, or NBC mentioned he was a Democrat and Clinton supporter. But they showed an old guy at a Trump rally slug a black guy 1000 times.
  14. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    No one has to engage in homosexual sex either, so your message is nonsense on its face. In your logic a mass murderer has a right to kill because that is who he is.
  15. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    False, see my signature line.

    The latest lie from the Obama administration is that ONLY ISIS is a terrorist organization and ONLY ISIS engages in atrocities against women, LGTBs, and anyone who isn't of their precise religion in how they practice their life.
  16. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    The political affiliation of a criminal only matters when he's a Republican.
  17. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Don't play stupid.
    Everyone knows that it is not illegal for someone who has been "investigated" by the FBI to buy/own a gun.
  18. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Of course!! Because you say so!! Errr..... who the hell are you?
  19. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Mass murders and Islamic terrorists support Hillary Clinton. But, then, she supports them too.
  20. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Oh when did they say that?? Regarding Orlando, they said that it appeared to be ISIS inspired but not directed? If is was al-Qaeda that is what they said. If it was the KKK that is what they would have said. Where is the lie?
  21. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Bovine excrement.! You think that it's all about having sex because you don't place the same importance on same sex relationships- you don't see the value in the love and commitment that they have for each other. You don't respect the need to live as and be who they are and be respected in the same ways that you take for granted. You think that they can and should just choose not to have sex. Maybe so, but they would be deprived of an important part of being human. Owning a gun is a choice, being gay is not so your message is nonsense on its face. And where the hell do you come off insinuating that I believe that anyone has the right to kill???!
  22. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    ALL moose muffins. Link to your total BS? No cleric either...

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