Penn State

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by montra, Nov 11, 2011.

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  1. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    This scandel keeps getting bigger and bigger.

    Now it seems that Jerry Sandusky's charitable organization, The Second Mile, is in the mix. I just read in the Huffington Post that Jerry is accused of pimping out his stash of children to rich donors to the charitable organization.

    Of course, it only gets better. In 1998 police were alerted to some of Jerry's activity. He admitted on the phone with one of the victim's mothers that he was indeed in the shower naked with young boys and behaving "inappropriately". The mother tried to make him promise he would not shower again with young boys but he refused. He then said he wished he was dead. The police were listening in on the phone call but inexplicably did not pursue charges. DA Ray Gricar refused to pursue further legal action against Sandusky. Of course, as to why we will never know for you see Gricar was reported missing in 2002, never to be seen again, with his hard drive from his computer found in the Susqehanna River.

    Of course, connecting the dots is just plain fun. For example, McQueary, who reportedly told Joe Pa about the molestation, later got a coaching job with Joe Pa. Was it a payback to keep quiet? Then Sandusky "retired" at the prime of his career quietly. Then the scandel only breaks out once Joe Pa has won his precious 409th game, giving him the most wins of any college coach in history. Now all the old man can say is "Go Penn!!" in reference to this Saturday's game against Nebraska.

    So how high does this scandel extend? It appears to me that this may go far beyond Penn State University, who obvioulsy was covering up Jerry's messes in the name of self preservation and revenue. It may extend to law enforcement and perhaps political big whigs. Of course, what of the media? I have heard that by in large some in the media knew about some of these things but failed to pursue it.

    What say you?
  2. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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  3. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    When more of Jerry's kids start comming out, the schools will attempt to coverit up like all public funded schoolos do with most embarassing criminal activity. I just hope the legal system is not in the pockets of the school. This may very well get shuffeled out of the media in the future with no resolution to the verdict.

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