They lie and give us the bad news: Climate change will kill us all War! Pres. Putin is deranged [insert name of any national leader except our own here] is mad Mass shooting Crime hits suburbs World-wide terrorism! Water shortage! World-wide recession Inflation highest in decades and due to rise further The debt bomb will explode We must have more weapons or we are sitting ducks Only we - your government - can save you from all those evil countries out to kill us.
Politicians need really bad news to show how well they are doing - that if the gov was an employee of ours they would still have a job. Because although they failed to negotiate well, and there is a war, it is a little one. And although there is a deficit it is less than 50% of the national budget. And the birth rate is above replacement level because couples know their financial future is secure.
Post 1 is things the politicians are claiming could happen or will happen if they don't rescue us. Post 2 is their optimistic version of what they have achieved. Post 3 is a more accurate version. The war is only little compared with a world war, of the NATO-trained army in Ukraine 100,000 have died and twice that number have been injured and are not available. The fiscal budget was planned to be 51% funded from taxes, it has grown and now over 50% will come from expanding the money supply and creating more debt. The birth rate is above replacement in Nigeria and Israel, but not here. The news is covering up the true situation, as you might expect, exaggerating how bad things could be and understating how bad things actually are.
Is there good news? Not much the politicians can take credit for, but in the real world there's tons of good news. People are comparing now with the Great Depression, there is really no comparison between now and the Great Depression. How many hours a person had to work to earn a bicycle or washing machine or an hour on the telephone, have all come down a lot. But outside of manufactured goods, is the trend still true?
With the essentials becoming so abundant, how will the elite be able to rip us off? Reduce food production; that started this year. Interrupt manufacturing supplies; a faction in the US is attempting to start a conflict with China. Start a war - the border between Catholic and Orthodox faiths runs through Ukraine. They'll also do that for good measure. over and out.