Professor fired because he mixed up names of 2 black students

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by kazenatsu, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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  2. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    I have no problem whatsoever with him mentioning that they are late, and that there are policies about tardiness if he does the same thing to most students who are late. People need to make an effort to be ontime and that reminder is valuable and appropriate. I have no problem with the students correcting him if he gets their name wrong. People need to make an effort to get those names right or they deserve to be corrected to get those names right. I have a problem with the emails - both of them. That was the real inexplicable problem here. Sounds to me like administration did as well.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
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  3. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    Yeah it takes a power trip for these two black students to decide that they should be referred to by their proper names in class and then to get uppity enough to tell the professor and their fellow students what their name actually is. they need to know their place. Maybe they should sit in the back of the classroom for the rest of the semester.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
  4. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Yeah, it sounds to me like a bit of arrogance on the Prof's part--like you said, the email thing is a bit much.

    I've seen incidents like this that went both ways. In one case, there was a student who was late several times, and would come in like he had to be the center of attention. I know that student was close to the classroom before the start of class. What annoyed me was that when he came in late, he always shut down whatever was happening in the class because he liked to be the center of attention. Another time, I had a Prof who made it clear that we were not to come into his class late. I was late one time and had to wait in the hall until breaktime. Another time I was stopped by the dept. Chair just outside the class, and my Prof knew I was there and who I was talking to. He hadn't actually started the class when I walked in, but he pointed to me and said, "Oh, look at him. He thinks he can just walk into my classroom late." I didn't say anything (ok, maybe my eyes said something) but I was really pissed about that. I'm paying that arrogant snot to teach me and he's going to treat me like an adolescent?

    Anyway, because in this case we don't have all the information, the topic story invites us to make assumptions that may be way off-base.
  5. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    That's not what happened though. The students immediately went after the professor's job for a simple mistake.

    And sorry people mix up names.

    When the students are thinking this occurs because of racism or disrespect, they are the ones overreacting. They claimed that he was mixing up their names on purpose because he was a racist and disrespectful. Yes, they were after his job.
    Tell the chair you have a class to get to and you'll set up an appointment for later.
    If the education wasn't worth it and you had nothing but contempt for it, why were you paying for it? Why were you wasting your time?
    Here's more of the story.
    Jarlaxle likes this.
  6. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    Actually it is what happened. He was fired for the first email singling out and embarrassing these students, that he sent to the entire class about their complaint not for the contents in the complaint. That's why the University said it was not about alleged racism. He should never have referenced the complaint or the students by creating an email about a confidential process that was supposed to remain exactly that. It was a nothing burger to administration beyond a simple explanation from him - until he made a big deal out of it in front of the whole class in that first email.

    They get to file a complaint with administration about his behavior, even without the administration finding the content had merit ( which they did not find), without having the professor figuratively turn on the flashing lights and the siren and spray painting their names on the side of the car as he circles the campus. Got it now?
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
  7. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    I don't think we have the full picture, but it does sound like this professor has some issues with getting along with people and not being a pain in the ass. Racism, or a fight against it, doesn't seem to be an issue except fear of it (or feigned fear of it) prompted the black students to complain.

    Face discrimination is done by comparing the face to your database of faces in your head. So any unfamiliar group will all look the same. I've even noticed it with animal faces. If you grow up around litters of puppies, you can more easily tell (new and old) individual dogs apart than somebody who has no experience with that type of dog. And I even remember this anti-racism clip that kept repeating "all asians look the same" showing various faces of asians that are supposed to look different. But to me, they did all look the same, lol. But after coming to California I see many asian people, and can tell them apart more easily now.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
  8. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    The students singled themselves out by coming late to class and making a big deal out of the misnaming. If the students were embarrassed by their behavior, perhaps they should have behaved differently.

    The university has not made any official statement about why the firing occurred. Most likely, the administrator was upset that the professor took up for himself. Instead the administrator wanted an apology ceremony where the professor would kiss the big toes of the students involved. So yes, the firing definitely was about complaints by black nationalist bigots.

    And yes, your diatribe of the professor has nothing to do with reality.

    Got it?
  9. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    I believe they did in fact discount racism as an issue in the termination and beyond that refuse to comment. Yes he was unhappy that the professor 'took up for himself' insofar as his method of choice was to inform the entire class that the complaint had been filed, who had likely filed it. He can take up for himself just fine via an email directed at the very people obliged to investigate the complaint namely the administration who brought the matter to him. The process is supposed to be confidential. He breached that confidentiality to embarrass the students who complained. And that is why he was fired.
  10. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    The incident happened over 30 years ago, so I can't tell the Chair not to talk to me. And even if it was happening right now, the fact that I was only a few seconds late simply wasn't worth the prof getting upset over. He had just stood up to start class as I walked in. He is the one who held up and disrupted the class, not me.

    As for the contempt, I don't know how you got that idea. I was angry at the prof for his mocking comments, but my education was worth every penny.
    Jarlaxle likes this.
  11. Bob Newhart

    Bob Newhart Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2021
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    You kept a grudge for thirty years?
    You called one of the professors who taught you an arrogant snot.
    kazenatsu likes this.
  12. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Many professors ARE arrogant snots.

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