It has been said that everything God Creates is Good .. For as we read on the first page of Hebrew Scripture Genesis 1: 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. If God created everything - and thus God Created Sin and if everything God created is very Good .. then sin is very good.. right !?
Near death experiencer and former Atheist Howard Storm was told some things about his sins.... his errors and flaws...... that in a way did not compute to him at first........ and I have to admit that I had trouble getting my head around this idea at first as well.
i'm a life long atheist and even i think this thread is foolish. yes, i'm being polite here in hopes that i can get through the rest of my time here without any more infractions. sin is an action and not a creation of some overarching intelligence. as an action, like walking or talking, the creation is in the ability to act and not the act itself. i realize you think you're being clever, but all you are really doing is restating the age old dilemma of a creator that demands virtue allowing its creation the free will to choose vice.
The oldest books of the Bible are the most absurd. They were written for simple-minded people. Everything God created "was good" but by the time of Noah, his "good" creation had gone bad, so bad that He, in his wisdom, decided to destroy the whole earth, except Noah and his family. When Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying Him, by eating the fruit from the "tree of knowledge" (heaven forbid), God was so pissed off that he decided to ban all people from heaven. Then God waited 4,000 years to send his son to die a horrendous death on the cross, to show his "love" for the world, and "open the gates of heaven" by a sacrifice to HIMSELF! Sacrifices are always intended to please God the Father. So, God of the Bible is as blood thirsty as the Aztec or Maya gods.