since nobody answered, i think it's appropriate to repost this: …Most ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Can’t Think Apparently many alternative news pundits and Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists are still fixated on the idea that a man named Christopher Rodia was the REAL owner of the black Honda Civic that has been identified as the car of Adam Lanza’s mother and which was found outside the Sandy Hook elementary school. The basis for this erroneous belief is police scanner audio that was picked up from the morning of Dec. 14th and details Connecticut State Police response to the massacre. I obtained the original audio files from I had to pay a small sum for the full files. I have listened to them, and it is pretty clear that it is rather unlikely that the aforementioned Christopher Rodia had anything to do with the Sandy Hook massacre, even if his name and DOB is mentioned in the audio. This doesn’t seem to dissuade the conspiracy nuts though. In fact, it just makes them even nuttier. What so many of these nutty people have apparently missed is the fact that the audio files clearly contain police communications about MORE than just the Sandy Hook event.
Quote, " That's the question I should ask you. How did the "father of victim" feel? He smiled, though in seconds he changed his mood. How do you feel\? [video=youtube;zfxhuapWOKY] [/video] It seems the first thing he did was to open an donation account in Credit Union to collect money and set up a facebook site for advertisement on same day. How do you feel?
Have you seen the stats for Australian mass shootings? Or the UK? It is crystal clear correlation fewer guns and there are fewer mass shootings
Having witnessed more deaths than you have hairs on your backside I will say - people react in odd ways and grieving is different for every single individual Smiling is COMMON - what do you think laughter is for? Laughter is not always because we are happy - it can be a COPING MECHANISM Believe me people CAN and DO smile when bad news is told but it is brief - this is good because it stops the brain from going into a permanent state of depression Next time, instead of supposing someone is not responding the way YOU think they should - ask someone who has actually some knowledge on the subject PS I notice you have dodged answering me - how do you think that a parent who has lost a child would feel reading this thread? Which brings me to the point - for your original conspiracy to hold water SOMETHING must have happened to those children..........
The premise of this thread is a little sickening. I have no doubt that facts have been twisted by sources to meet their agenda but that is government and media for you. This was sadly a tragedy; perpetrated by a sick individual!
I don't really see the sense in this, and I think you are slightly confused. In scenarios like school shootings, the first step when any first responders show up is to wait for police action. No EMT would ever enter a building without a full sweep of the building done. It would need to be completely secure before they ever enter. In this article, the medic even states: And later, to people like you guys: I am not appealing to emotion, I'm telling you exactly how these EMT's feel. This is completely moronic in every sense of the word. The smoking gun was the one that lay in the cold dead hand of the shooter. You are making pathetic connections, disturbing conjecture, made to paint this horrible tragedy as some way to promote an agenda. You have no evidence. There was on student that lived through the shooting, so someone had to be doing their job. The quote below comes from a man who was held out, but states that there were people that went in: Source. Admittedly I haven't found any accounts from first responders. I tried doing some searches for gag orders, but all I get are bull(*)(*)(*)(*) conspiracy theory sites. Everything I have read from other EMT's, or from the one that showed up says that none of them would ever want to relive that day. They have no desire to speak about it, and just because they're EMT's doesn't mean they're immune to feeling. I think it's stupid to believe there is a conspiracy here.
I assume you mean "nutters" like Adam Lanz and his guns? And you still believe your child would be safer around guns? Oh well. . .that's paranoia and delusions can do to someone! It just creates an alternate reality that soon takes over and rejects any effort to logic and common sense!
Picking up pieces, putting them in bags, and piecing them back together in a more "formal" setting is EXACTLY what a coroner / medical examiner does. These parts are also collected for proper burial. I had the unfortunate privilege of viewing the photo remains of at least 163 dead people from a crashed jet airliner. Each photo showed a different metal tray, with a hand-written, number card and literally a pile of parts and meat... some of it unrecognizable as human, some looking like charred piles of pasta and bubble gum. People went through a burned, crashed plane and tried to identify and separate at least 163 individuals by some manner, So clearly, collecting pieces/parts IS the coroners/medical examiners job and for legal purpose they must define the machination/cause of death. Wake up.
How many die from trees? How many adolescents throw themselves from windows to suicide? How many use staircases to get even with a rival gang?
I think this conversation can continue until both sides are blue in the face. The fact remains that there are several kids that grow up around guns, and never have issues. Then there are the one offs who end up killing their parents, taking their guns, and shooting up a school. This can break down to a ban on guns thread, or a conversation about the delusional, crackpot theory that this is a conspiracy. Personally, I've maybe shot a gun 3 times in my life. I don't have anything against them, they just weren't my cup of tea. I think there are great arguments on both sides.
Once they get past the age of 1, the leading cause of death in children is accident. Of these accidents, much more children die from falls than the discharge of a firearm. Car crashes, drowning, fire, falls, and poisoning all happen more frequently in children than death from gunshot wound. But this is not really what this thread is about. This thread is about making reality a little easier to swallow by blaming it on some grand conspiracy.
Well since you have done no real investigation in this case, you really don't know whether the alleged killings were a result of a conspiracy involving one or more persons or if they really even occurred. The OP and others are simply asking questions regarding the inconsistencies that were reported in this case. What the real question is is this: Why are you jumping in here and assuming that there was not more than one person involved in these killings? The ONLY information that you seem to be basing your assertion that one small autistic child with no history of violent behavior was soley responsible for this incredible act of carnage is that the inept and deceptive US media is assuring you that this is the case. The evidence however points to the fact that as usual, we are being fed another line of crap. Your "arguments" are weak and without substance.
The Conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook are disgusting.
The last sentence is true but just because guns are not number one does not absolve them from being implicated in needless deaths
Here you see the mental hoops people jump through to ignore reality. We can disregard any and every investigation as "not real" unless it confirms our pre-existing suspicions. We can ignore the fact that the entire sum of evidence that we use to support our conclusions come from a source that we have to completely discredit in order to make our case (ie the media are a bunch of lying morons that don't know their heads from their posteriors, but my entire argument is supported by what the media said and showed us) I didn't "jump in here" to assume anything. I post here because the implications of your accusations are insulting. They are disrespectful of the victims of this horrible tragedy. They are inhumane affronts against those who lost their lives, and those who mourn them. How would you like to see someone on the internet talking about your loved one's "alleged" death. It's disgusting just how vile these theorists must be in order to promote their agenda. The lies of conspiracy theorists are a sick and twisted fallacy that needs to be addressed so that the actual problems that lead to this kind of murder spree can be mitigated. The only "evidence" that points in any other direction is your refusal to come to terms with the fact that someone with a mental illness could cause such loss of life on his own. Because of this "evidence" you grasp at straws to try and make the story about something else. You invent motives. You assume everyone is lying. You comb through what you think are lies for "clues" that help you support your story and ignore anything that doesn't fit your preconception. A conspiracy theory, by definition, starts as a fantasy. And this particular fantasy is twisted.