I won't need your luck, we've got common sense! Windmills are the most expensive form of energy. Takes a lot of petro to make them work.
This is no big deal. He was asked to perform, I have to assume for money. Some people take these petty issues too seriously and personal.
Common sense? Wind power is one of the lowest-cost electricity sources per unit of energy produced and cleaner. Hypocrisy is associated with ones integrity and that seems to not be very important to some.
Considering the amount of narratives and fiction that MAGA needed to get Trump reelected, I can't help but wonder who actually has the problem thinking on their own.
Interesting. Are you saying that Dems care about working people? Results show that they are worse off under Dem control. Did you ever think your party would cause so much harm to the working class that someone as awful as Trump had a snowballs chance of being elected?
Hypocrisy is associated with ones integrity and that seems to not be very important to some I agree, but not everyone gets to pick who their boss is.
The View's Anna Navarro calls Snoop Dog a "trained seal". https://x.com/townhallcom/status/1881814097823707142
FFS. Im pointing out that republicans are still loosing the black vote by large margins. So how do you get to "Once 51% of blacks start voting for republicans" ? Oh I know, the same way you got to "j6 was just some people walking around taking pictures"....i.e. Lying to yourselves
Let me see if I have this right: Whitey doesn't vote for Harris = racism and sexism Blacks vote almost exclusively for blacks and there's nothing to see here. Do you remember how the left treated Mia Love and Allen West? I do.
Um ... maybe this is a dumb question, but how does enthusiasm for bitcoin equal aligning with MAGA? They aren't the only people who invest in crypto currency.
I don't know if this is helpful or information but snoop Dogg was banned from Australia. At least for a little while.
Especially when it comes to black folks. They are afraid blacks will figure out they were never allowed to leave the Plantation.
Please keep forcing your "nut jobs" our way. We welcome their support and the inside dirt they provide about the Democratic Communist Party.
The left don't seem to understand that it is THEIR POLICIES that have caused people to flip to Trump. Trump was just preaching common sense and a reverse of course away from the path Biden and Harris were taking us down. That road is a dead end. We tried it for 4 years and it's been an absolute disaster and now we need strong leadership to come in, make the hard but CORRECT choices and prosper from those choices. Those choices might make you sad. They might not be popular. But they are the correct choices.
Yes, Australia is into banning people, preventing freedom of speech, chilling freedom of thought to "protect" its citizens. Keeping people out for a "lack" of character as Australian elites perceive it. Its their country. Each country has the autonomy to control it borders. Not sure if his being banned temporarily in 2007, only matters now that he performed at Trumps Inauguration..... pretty sure it wouldn't have been a thought if he hated Trump.
Yes, and lack of charactor and his lyrics. Which is fine, they have the authority though apparently it was for a "show of their authority" as they allowed him in later. But again...the subject only comes up because some people disprove of him performing at the Trump inauguration. If he was a Trump hater, perhaps you wouldn't have mentioned how he was temporarily banned from entering Australia.
He was barred due to convictions for drugs and firearms offenses in the United States at that time (2007). Not for his lyrics or character. I've mentioned it a few times over the years.
You want to talk about hypocrisy I would relate to you a story. In the 80's I was involved in closing down a few abortion clinics. One of the songs we chanted went like this..... "Be a hero save a whale, kill a baby go to jail" The left at that time put the life of a whale above a human life. Now you sing the virtue of windmills. Seems like you don't even consider the massive increase in whale deaths they cause. That's not to mention the amount of petroleum it takes to maintain their short life span.
I am saying the Democrats care much more about the working class than the Republicans. Your simplification of the working class problems to a political party is ignoring reality and globalization. Manufacturing had brought most to the middle class and now our economy has shifted to a service economy which pays less with less benefits. Businesses left for cheaper labor. Its called capitalism. I think they were commenting on the current values of society, although I don't agree with it. It never ceases to amaze me that your ilk can make partisan evidence free statements as long as they fit your agenda. Is that intentional or through ignorance? "Yes, wind turbines use fossil fuels to produce the materials they are made from, transport them, and lubricate moving parts. However, wind turbines have some of the lowest greenhouse gas emissions of all power generation technologies" On whales, read here and here I would be happy to read any conflicting evidence you have.
Careful there Edna. That is a violation and you know it. Rather than report it, I would like to discuss the idea you really think I am ilk. Would you like to remove me from planet earth? Could you even acknowledge that I am honest and have put a degree of logic and thought in my posts? Did you factor in the "greenhouse" emissions involved in producing and maintaining them? I think not. They have a bout a 6 year life expectancy then the blades and other parts must be disposed of. Have you thought about how they could be recycled? No one else has. We are leaving globalization and skirting around "slave labor" by bringing manufacturing companies back to America. Americans can and will do the work. That is very good for the working class. Remember, Mamala never really worked at McDonalds!