" What do you get when you combine vigorous grain-tax policies, bad harvests with Sralins fear and animosity for the rural population of Ukraine? A man-created murder famine, designed to kill millions of Ukrainian men, women and children. " this video will make many commies upset...in The Hague I hope
Just want to add some informations about the start of these events and about Soviet economical policy toward farmers after 1929 when Stalin's line won in Politbiro, NEP was abolished and the process of collectivization started. During NEP farmers sold only around 20% of their products, around 15% was kept for sowing, around 30% for feeding the animals on the farm and the rest for their own food for them and their families. But when Stalin started his new policy state took around 40% of products. So the normal economy of farmers was completly dismantled and that started the conflict which involved many confiscations and big repression against farmers and which ended in the great famine. Centralization and collectivization under Stalin went also hand in hand. Leaders of Soviet republics which were against one or another were killed in purges. For example Alexei Rykov who opossed Stalin policy about collectivization in 1929 was first deposed in 1930 and then killed in 1938. Fayzulla Khodzhayev who was for a long time one of the main communist leaders in Uzbekistan was deposed and soon then killed in 1937/38 because he was against extreme centralization and argued that Uzbekistan farmers should produce more grain and not so muh cotton thus being more independent. Farmers not producing enough grain was like an excuse for the start of collectivization. Yet we can see in some areas production of grain was limited from the state or in fact by the Soviet communist party. Like in Uzbekistan because production of cotton was making Uzbekistan more politacally tied to Soviet union. Sources: M. Levin Forming of Soviet Sistem, book published in Paris in 1987 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fayzulla_Khodzhayev https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Rykov transcripts of trial from 1938 against so called ''Asiatic nationalists''
the best book on this subject and Kazakh famine of 1932–33 - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kazakh_famine_of_1932–33 The Kazakh famine of 1930–1933, named in Kazakhstan as the Goloshchyokin genocide (Kazakh: Goloshekındik genotsıd, Kazakh pronunciation: [ɡɐləˌʂʲokʲinˈdək ɡʲinɐˈt͡sɪt]) after Filipp Goloshchyokin to emphasize its man-made nature and also known as the Kazakh catastrophe, was a famine where 1.5 million (possibly as many ...
I am sure communist crimes are not really different in nature than crimes of Nazi regime. They punished people so arbitrary and collectively and in such numbers that no real distinction is possible. Communist leaders were rarely put on trial for their crimes against humanity and genocides. However here are two cases when this happened: Khmer Rouge leaders found guilty of genocide against Cham people and Vietnamese living inside Cambodia. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46217896 Communist leaders from Ethiopia found guitly of crimes against humanity: https://johnryle.com/?article=the-trial-of-the-derg-in-ethiopia
Start watching this video at the 34:42 time mark. Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention https://www.bing.com/search?q=Hitle...s=n&sk=&cvid=06F2A14E133D45BC9B95A270B4D3F07A https://www.bitchute.com/search/?qu... the historians neglect to mention&kind=video According to the video Stalin was planning to invade Western Europe. He was selling the grain abroad instead of feeding the citizens and using the money to buy raw materials needed to prepare for the invasion. More here. http://www.flinttalk.com/viewtopic.php?t=12196&start=0
even today a taboo in Belarus, in order to avoid Moscow´s negative reaction , and we talk here about center of Europe ....not about Cambodia or Ethiopia.... Kurapaty - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kurapaty Kurapaty is a wooded area on the outskirts of Minsk, Belarus, in which a vast number of people were executed between 1937 and 1941 during the Great Purge ...
~ Yes indeed. "Political Correct" is the order of the day in U.S. elitist government. Look how the U.N. & U.S. media ignores the atrocities in communist China - not to mention downplaying their responsibility for the Wuhan virus catastrophe .
@litwin concerning the question of war between Germany and Ussr communist controled press in Slovenia was explaining in 1942 that Stalin divided the ''imperialistic bloc'' with his ''great strategy'' making first an agreement with Hitler and waiting then better prepared to combat ''divided and thus weaker imperialism''. Ussr occupied no less than six European countries or parts of them according to this agreement and spread communism by violent means westward. @Mr. James if the Covid-19 is in fact a kind of Chinese communist secret war against Usa should be serious question specially for Americans, since the virus was out months before official recognition by China as for example medical studies in Italy which is having big chinese minority showed, genome of the virus is talking about its Chinese origin and China has indeed very good surveillance system for detecting viruses. The question is also who helped them in the west and for what kind of political purposes this was and can be used.
World revolution - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › World_revolution World revolution is the Marxist concept of overthrowing capitalism in all countries through the conscious revolutionary action of the organized working class.