Address my observation, or are you just cowardly afraid of every single "moot" point that kicks your ass?
Hey Scott/Cosmored/David C/Drifty/Rocky, in your time at school, or indeed your travels on planet Earth, have you ever looked at an object from a different angle and concurred that it can't be the same? Then suddenly realize that that thought is beyond moronic? Well that's what happens you see, when you look at something from below, close up with a wide angled lens on a film camera and at distance zoomed in, NOT below, with a totally different lens on a video camera! I thought about putting up an image of a circus clown as a means to show how impressed I was with your pathetic claim.
We can add this to the list of stunningly stupid observations from you! List some of these anomalies you keep spamming about. Do a 10 point bullet list. I guarantee 100% that you will be afraid to do even that! It is because by isolating your crap away from your wall of spam they can be individually targeted and shown to be bullshit!
There are more than ten here.
Do a 10 point bullet list. I guarantee 100% that you will be afraid to do even that! It is because by isolating your crap away from your wall of spam they can be individually targeted and shown to be bullshit! Edit, it its absolutely hilarious that this troll includes the Cernan jump "bouncing soil" with perfect sync parabolic dust wave and the falling battery lid without any air displacement!
It's all been talked about before. All the arguments are in the threads for people to see. Did you bet someone that you could get me to jump through hoops?
It's all been systematically debunked before. I guarantee 100% that you will be afraid to do even that! It is because by isolating your crap away from your wall of spam they can be individually targeted and shown to be bullshit! Yep, you get your ass kicked so many times it must actually hurt. Meh! Hark at you, with your clown antics. You are afraid to itemize your best bullshit 'anomalies" because I can prove that every one of them has been debunked. You have been exposed as a fake. The Apollo missions were mankind's greatest achievement, people like you, mankind's worst.
The launch of Apollo 17 is a continuous unbroken long piece of video. Before the astronauts leave the Moon for the last time Schmitt launches the geology hammer. We see them zoomed in from afar, you can even see the hammer glinting in the sky as it is thrown. Then shortly afterwards, unbroken, we see the same craft launch from the surface. This is where you are afraid to explain yet another piece of ridiculously impossible to fake sequences! And we're done yet again! BUT, according to the forum spammer, it's all "moot". MEH! Have you worked out how to make the video full screen yet - a layman at things children can do.
I was referring to this video when I said I couldn't figure out how to put it on full screen. (post #112) It doesn't work the way YouTube works.
Can you figure out how to respond to posts that end your stupid hoax? You seem to be afraid to be wrong. Post #634 - avoided twice now. The launch of Apollo 17, same identical images, no break in transmission and just before the astronauts outside, one chucking a hammer!
This doesn't end the hoax. Do you think it would have been impossible to make the two scenes look the same? It also doesn't make the anomalies which prove the hoax go away. Let's start with this one. If you know how to put the video in post #635 on full screen, could you please tell me how to do it?
The list of anomalies that you are afraid to detail. This unfakeable scene was taken on the Moon in one continuous transmission. Your pathetic cut and paste response will not alter that fact. You are afraid to address yet another slam-dunk piece of evidence. No coward, let's start with post #634 No. Work it out yourself. The novelty of actually learning something might stimulate you to do it for all your batshit.
I'm not an expert in film-making. Those people know how o manipulate things. It would take someone like this guy to explain the details. Lunar rover on the moon. Was it a RC model? (Extended Edition) A layman's not knowing details that only an expert in the field would know doesn't prove anything. I know it was faked somehow because the anomalies in the footage* prove the missions were filmed in air. *
(from post #624) I tried to find a PDF of the book. A few links came up but when I clicked on them, only previews came up. Until we can actually read this, it's up in the air.
Scott, logically, because you can't find a PDF of a book doesn't mean a thing except you can't find the PDF of a book. Do you actually understand who the experts are? It's not dodgy conspiracy theorists. I have read all the posts between you and @Betamax101. It's like watching a ping pong match. Unfortunately, you are losing badly. It's clear you will never admit that the moon landings weren't a hoax. That's obvious. It's also clear that the information you are providing isn't evidence/proof of anything except that the internet is rife with people who belief falsely that the moon landings were a hoax despite clear evidence that they were not.
I am staggered at how inept you are at finding anything! Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut’s Journeys | Michael Collins; Charles A. Lindbergh | download ( Page 245 "One of the great disappointments of the flight was the fact that there were no photos of my space walk over to the Agena. What with camera malfunctions and John’s understandable preoccupation with keeping us from hitting the Agena (without firing that bad thruster, whatever its number was), all we had was the film from one movie camera, which was pointed straight ahead and which automatically recorded an uninterrupted sequence of black sky a few feet below the Agena." Who's we? I've read it and the only thing up in the air is your head deep in the clouds of ignorance!
I clicked on the link to verify it and I got this. -------------------------------------------------------- This site can’t be reached refused to connect. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED --------------------------------------------------------
Get your own computer! It's not my fault if you are still in the dark ages and using an internet cafe!
Is there a caption under the picture in the book? Is it made clear that it's not an actual picture of the spacewalk?
This is NOTHING to do with NASA, NOTHING to do with Apollo and NOTHING to do with any fakery! It was a purely editorial image on later editions I believe and nothing to do with Collins either!
MOON HOAX: DEBUNKED!: 5.22 How come the EVA photo of Michael Collins is fake? ( I must remember not to reinvent the wheel. Of course this idiotic crap has been debunked before!
This all might turn out to be true but until I can take a look at all the editions to see if there have been any later changes, I can't be one hundred percent sure. ,
The spam response. Xxxx "might turn out to be true". Since you are never going to go looking for anything that reinforces your failure, that is just a bullshit statement! Whatever in your wildest dreams makes you think that anyone gives a damn about your opinion? Try to keep them to yourself huh? Read back what you typed and know that it is 100% correct!