Funny how so many of these posters seem to assume there are no other people on earth besides 'black' and 'white.'
Economic development and equal educational and employment opportunities for both men and women tend to coincide with declining fertility rates. Women who have more options in education and career development tend, on average, to wait longer to marry - if ever, and have children later in life - if ever. Having children later in life means having fewer of them. Mature economies offer services and opportunities that parents may provide to their children, but at a price; an increasing price. This also drives down fertility rates. This means we need to view immigration as a value, though we need to do a much better job of controlling it and being deliberate about it. This also means we need to treasure stay at home moms and those families willing and able to raise productive members of the next generation. This very much means that all the bullshit some dummies have been crying about over the supposed 'overpopulation' is absolute horseshit.
Black men treat black women as disposable. The knock them up & disapear & us tax payers foot the bill for little Jamaal & Jerome until they are old enough to car jack.
Well, since there's a shortage of Black men, and thus a surplus of the women, they are. Plenty of Caucasian landwhales happy to hop aboard the big black (*)(*)(*)(*) also.
Skin color is meaningless. Beliefs and values are what count. If our values fail because of skin color, what were they worth? Where did we fail in proving the worth of our values?
I wasn't going there, but those are both good points. Do you have any ideas on how to convince people that those are dead-end policies?
Vote Republican ! They are far from perfect, but the Democrats have lost their mind. Aoc, Omar & Tlaib ..... the new 3 stoogettes. Weekend at Bernie’s wanting to give voting rights to Pedophiles, Rapists, Seriel killers & terrorists like the Marathon bomber. Pocohantas is buying votes & Buttigieg is apologizing for saying “all lives matter”, while Beto wants to tear down the wall & open the borders. The Dems are a total dumpster fire.
It would be great if it would be true, but we can't deny the existence of ethnic group neither the fact there is specific culture to them. A lot of white women don't want a kid, they want a career, sometimes they want thereafter a kid, but it's too late. I think that what characterize white people culture today is a kind of apathy. It's kind of interesting to see what's happening in Asia and white majority countries with islamic terrorism. Burma and China react how they know to react, with utter brutality. And white people ? They post a twitter hashtag #noamalgams or #youwontgetmyhate, then they do nothing. White people prefer now to play video games, watch porn, smoke weed and drink alcohol rather living. Basically, they're dopamine addict. That's just decadency. That happen regulary. However, it's one of the first time it happen with people which own nuclear missiles and have to deal with nuclear plants. Some scientists once planted an electrode in some rat brain, in the part that produce dopamine. Then the rats could active that electrode with a small button. What did they do ? They pushed the button constantly, and end to die, they weren't interested anymore in food, sex (so reproducing). We have societies that can produce us a lot of pleasure, some dopamine dosis, we're not that different from those rats.