Meaning that what is supported on the part of yourself is spite and vindictiveness, which will set the precedent for the same tactics being utilized against the next president of the united states by a minority party.
The only excuses I see are yours, trying to cover your inability to prove your point. Now, prove your claim that the gun laws in Canada are are responsible for their gun-related violent crime rate being so much lower than ours.
For the simple fact that every single culture is different and unique, and possesses absolutely no counterpart to anywhere else in the world. No two cultures share the same myriad of minute character traits. It is not simply a matter of comparing apples to oranges, rather it is an attempt at comparing apples to cinder blocks.
The republicans have already shattered every level of decency left in politics. Fight fire with fire. Trump has done more then enough to get impeached and removed and we know 100% if Obama acted this way he would of been impeached. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3M, and has done nothing but divide this country and try to undue everything good put in place out of spite. Why can't the republicans be decent and remove Trump and let Pence who while just as terrible policy wise is at least sane and wont remove us from treaties and be a risk for starting a nuclear war. Trump is the useful idiot of the republican party and democrats should stop his federal appointments until 2020 when he can get voted out
The only factor that matters is stability of government. Europe Canada Australia NZ, SK, JP all have stability and government that have control over the territories. The gun laws effect gun crime. Australia went 22 years with out a mass shooting, UK has not had another Norway has not had another.
You knowledge of history apparently does not extend past 2016. Now, prove your claim that the gun laws in Canada are are responsible for their gun-related violent crime rate being so much lower than ours.
Oh look -- -another- post hoc fallacy. Pretty good at those, you are. Now, prove your claim that the gun laws in Canada are are responsible for their gun-related violent crime rate being so much lower than ours.
If laws don't reduce crime or people from doing something then why have laws at all. Its a stupid argument that serves only to dodge the issue.
yep it would be-why do you keep pushing for crap that only interferes with the rights of legal gun owners?
Here are some questions that will make you think and relies the problem with guns in America 1. If you are knowledgeable about guns, you will pass part one. They teach you, you pass a test. If you can pass that test, good for you, your rights are not being taken away. If someone can not, then why the hell do you want them to have a weapon that they could kill someone with? 2. If you know how to properly operate a gun safely then you can pass part 2. If someone can't why do you want them to have access to a gun when they could kill someone on accident because they can't use one. If someone didn't know how to drive you would not want them on the road. 3. If you are trusted you will have no problem getting a gun. If not then why would you want someone whose friends and family don't even trust them to have a gun. Doctor says they are unstable and you want them to be armed? 4. Constant background check updates. You as a law abiding gun owner is at no risk of being denied because they find something out. Why do you want a criminal to be protected from being revoked. Now you might fall into one of these catagories about not being able to pass and to that I say, no sain person would want to carrying anyway
criminals are going to get guns and not bother with this nonsense. like most gun banners-your goal is harassing honest people
The guns always start from a legal source. This stops that legal source from having such an easy time
In other words it doesn't interfere with my rights one wit. In fact, it could help me retrieve a stolen firearm. Then again I guess if you're dishonest that might bother you.
harassing millions of honest people in the hope it stops a few inept criminals is the start of a police state. No thanks. I prefer laws that punish those who actually harm others.
What are you planning to do with that gun that you need its location hidden. Like seriously. Unless your planning a ducking murder, kidnapping or robbery what is the deal
Since you've been preaching complete firearm confiscation since you showed up, it's not difficult to see why we aren't going to put tracking chips in our guns.