Crapola. You make it sound like Chase has announced plans to go into some emergency mode a month from now. What's really going on is a ordinary marketing change, that's all. They are changing the services offered with certain types of business accounts. Account holders have the choice of switching to a different class of account if these limits are important to them. Or, of course, they can take their business elsewhere. Here's what Prof Watson's BS disinformation was based on (from his site):
Yes it does. That's what the Repubs are claiming is the 'concession' they have won. The Dems handed them this fig leaf earlier in the week by saying a couple of times that the sequestration should be reversed. When you clobber an adversary who is out of options, it's good tactics to give them some way to save a little face....
Yes those evil repubs who tried to get Obama to stop his nation destroying spending, oh the humanity. Now the POS is still demonizing them. He is the worst president we have ever had. Instead of being a leader he will give a speech and rub it in. Lets see if I am correct shall we? Any libs here want to state Obama wont attempt to rub it in and prove himself a non-leader?
So I don't get the claim about spending increases when a lower sequester level was what was agreed to.
Seems that was George Bush's idea. It wasn't mine. If my kids and grandkids want government services but refuse to pay for them (as their parent's generation did), that's their problem. Really? I don't care where I'm buried, but a pagoda sounds nice.
You gotta be a little smarter than that. Your boy Fred Thompson is still talking about people slapping reverse mortgages on their homes. That is exactly what Bush did when he started $4,000,000,000,000 worth of wars (without paying for them) and handed out tax breaks like they were cocktail burritos. All Ovomit has done is become the first pres in 50 years to reduce discretionary spending. Reagan didn't do it, Bush 41 didn't do it, Bush 43 didn't do it. And you do know what 'discretionary' means, correct. I'll help you out here. It is the only spending a president has any control over.
Are serious? WTF. Here lets turn on the alarm clock for you since you refuse to expend any energy. Post the debt when Obama took office, and post what it is now. Then justify that amount of spending. In lieu of the fact you cited squanderin a surplus. He didnt squander anything. He took a bad situation and turned it into a nation destroying nightmare. Now post the two numbers or lose your argument.
Who said anything about he debt? Post the deficits, employment situation, and GDP when Obama took office. Now post those numbers or lose your argument.
To everyone reading this, I told you he would not answer the question. The liberal mind will not write the numbers out because they dont want to acknowledge reality. You lost your argument. Face plant style.
That statement by Ron Dreher on American Conservative bears repeating: This is a crossing of the Rubicon, a declaration of GOP civil war. Either the Tea Party will be crushed and marginalized, or they will succeed in their takeover of the GOP. It's going to be bloody, in either case.
Republicans lost their game, but won a fine consolation prize. The Republican Shutdown Home Game (tm) Navigate around a treacherous board, where hazards involve - following a crew of Republican lemmings off of a cliff - getting stuck at a Tea Party (lose 2 turns) - attending an all-night Cruz filibuster of his own bill (lose 3 turns) - landing on a "tantrum card" square. Most "tantrum" cards involve the House rejecting a clean bill and going back to the start. A few involve record low Republican approval numbers, which advances the player towards the finish (unless an opponent uses one of 3 "public opinion denial" cards to counter it). Non-hazardous neutral squares contain angry parrots squawking various inconsequential phrases, such as "train wreck", "failure", "socialist", "Obummer", and "Kenyan". If you win the game, awaiting you at the finish line is the Republican Cave, inhabited by a pathetic drunk weeping creature.
The fight is not over, you are delusional if you think it is. And it is only going to get worse because it is the insanity of the democrats intransigence which is causing all the problems. If it is self-funding then there would have been nothing to fight over. The self-funding propaganda is as big a lie as, lower premiums, free heathcare, keeping your insurance, keeping your doctor, lower co-pays, medicare savings, and the big one, no death panels. You really don't understand how democracy works then, because there are checks and balances and the congress is supposed to help limit the power of the other two branches, not abdicate to them. You could say that the Tea Partiers are taking hostages and I can say that democrats kill babies. Or we could talk about issues and not demagogue the issues. If the country default it is both parties fault. For now, the republicans are the only one compromising as you yourself have acknowledged. That is what they are elected to do. Stop Obamacare. It is a big job killer and a costly welfare program that the country cannot afford. See: Deficit; Debt. Dude, that is all fantasy. Democrats promise to cut spending, but then raise it 10% every year. They always want to increase taxes, and they never want to reduce them. Ever notice that? The democrats ultimate goal is to crash the economy and have a complete socialist take over of society. You are but a pawn in their plan. They are playing you like a fiddle. Well everything you said is true, if you only watch and believe what is said in the democrat controlled media. I know that you want to repeal the second amendment. It is in the Constitution that gives the republican controlled house the right to determine what to fund. But you don't really care about anything in the Constitution anyway.
What a joke the Republicans >>>MOD EDIT: INSULT<<< have been demanding nothing short of the full repeal of Obamacare since it was passed. These >>>MOD EDIT: INSULT<<< asked for defunding and delaying but that was just a cover up for what they really want which is the eventual total repeal. Obama won 2 elections on Obama care. Why don't the >>>MOD EDIT: INSULT<<< remove it legitimately by winning elections that put them in a position to do so. They're not fooling anyone but their supporters.
And the USA won the greatest prize of all.... one step closer to total progressive/liberal rule... one step closer to being another Detroit Clean my car, liberal voter!!!!
Wow. Death panels? What demagoguery! Oh, you're going to stop the lies and demagoguery now? Good! Whoops. Well, that sure didn't last long....
I see three instances of insulting a group in the above post which is apparently against the rules. We did win the election legitimately in 2010 and 2012 giving us control of the House of Representatives. We are in a position to defund Obamacare even if we can't repeal it.
All in all, all that's at stake are american assets in china getting nationalized there when the u.s. govt becomes insolvent on debt repayments. One variant of the endgame.
The death panels are real; he was using demagoguery; and democrats do want to crash the economy and have a socialist take over of the society. So now you know.
aww cute. He didnt answer it for the same reason you cant. Reality is on my side not yours. If that wasnt true you should have no problem typing it. Prediction you wont either.
Then why would Republican Policy be aimed at increasing the debt? Reagan and Both Bushes increased deficits with their policies. How come Democrats are the only ones who actually bring down the deficit? Clinton and Obama reduced deficits with their policies. Or are you focused on an alternative universe? Or on a fantasy political game, where tax cuts balance budgets, and unicorns are real.....
Madame Defarge will be a Democrat knitting at the beheadings of the Republicans, if there are any left that are identified as having a backbone. ***** Everyone should make sure how their representatives voted, because Republicans just came out chickens: Rep. DeSantis: Defund ObamaCare Now (Sep 19, 2013, Press Release) ***** If the debt ceiling has to keep rising at what point would a default be better?
You want someone to say the debt is higher? Sure it is. Now let's see if you have the courage to address what he said and not move the goalposts to something you can reach. I bet you won't.