I plead guilty...... although I am not wealthy as soon as I saw this headline I began to "conspire" various ways in which the following could perhaps be made a reality? I began to use some variation of the phrase "Unified Theory Theory of Modern World Problems" back in 2010 so....... I see this headline and within seconds a fire storm went off in my head that put this idea together with what I have been studying since 1972 when Evangelist Garner Ted Armstrong got me researching Modern World Problems in order to attempt to apply this advice: Trump Hints at Becoming King of Israel And now to attempt to convince The Don Cherry to perhaps get involved in this proposed project considering that he isn't quite as busy as he was a month or so ago?! People's Party of Canada national leadership race. "We want Don Cherry!!!!! WE WANT DON CHERRY!!!!!! WE WANT DON CHERRY!!!!!! WE WANT DON CHERRY!!!!!!!! WE WANT DON CHERRY!!!!!!!!! (Yes...... to join the People's Party of Canada and rival Mr. Maxime Bernier for the office of national leader of the PPC but....... even The Don Cherry might want to learn from the results of this poll so far. I voted for Mr. Maxime Bernier and The Moi621 cast his ballot for me)!"
President Trump as an actor playing the role of a modern metaphorical King Cyrus of Israel could fit with the Yair Davidiy writings on Moshiach ben Ephrayim. Israel has developed astonishing mega-scale desalination technology that has the potential to actually begin stabilization of the climate but it is difficult to sell us Canadians on a Carbon Tax considering that we produce less than two percent of global atmospheric carbon dioxide. New Mexico biologist Carl Cantrell has put forward an alternative theory on stabilization of the climate that President Trump could use to cause a boom in the economy of Israel, Australia, California and much of the Middle East. The Greenland 2019 melt and forcing M. P. Andrew Scheer and M. P. Bernier to cooperate? Should Canadian and American political leaders talk about rising ocean levels? No 2 vote(s) 33.3% * Yes 4 vote(s) 66.7% Perhaps..... this is political dynamite.... but worthy of discussion 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote and..... P. M. Netanyahu, President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem....