I think Obama is a rotten POTUS, but if you think the U.S. economy is going to 'take off like a rocket' with Romney, Gingrich or Santorum in the WH...I guarantee that you will be at least somewhat disappointed. They will all spend a less then Obama...but not much. And I guarantee you the deficit will continue to be WAY too high ($850-900 billion minimum), the debt will keep growing, the Fed will keep interest rates WAY too low and the economy will continue to stumble along in mediocrity...waiting for the fiat currency of the greenback to slowly collapse. Imo, the Dems and Reps are just two different heads of the same monster.
Agreed, it is past the point of no return. We will soon be bartering or dumpster diving like Grease. Not sure when, but in the near future.
So funny. It's wing nut porn!! They close the bedroom door and look at negative Gallup numbers with hand lotion and a box of Kleenex!!
Say what? Republicans have the senate in the bag, and with it gives them the entire sweep of all three, the presidency, the congress and the senate.
I'll respectfully disagree. American entrepreneurs are amazing individuals, and just waiting for the environment to get a little safer. I think you're going to see a hiring spree start the day ofter Obama loses. Yes, it won't be easy, but with a bold decision maker, with a good attitude toward business, this country is ready to roll. If we can get Obama out now, and get his healthcare law thrown out (hopefully by the Supremes), we have a good shot at a quick recovery.
And I will have to respectfully disagree as well. Has any candidate (other then the pipe dream Paul) come out and promised to force the Fed to raise interest rates AND cut spending enough to realistically balance the budget within their 4 year terms AND shown EXACTLY how they will do it? Not to my knowledge. All I have heard from them is vague or wildly unrealistic promises. And so long as the Fed keeps interest rates artificially low and the government runs massive deficits - then that will keep the economy dependent on the government teet. Which - as it sounds like you know - ruins free enterprise and stifles the economy in a sea of cheap debt and slowly rising inflation. The Fed MUST be purged of Helicopter Ben-style Keynesians and the federal government must slash spending (which DOUBLED between 2001 and 2012) or the American dollar as a fiat currency is - imo - doomed. It may take 5, 10 or even 15+ years...but it will be doomed.
no worries once the $10,000 taxpayer subsidy for VOLTS and $8,000 taxpayer funded recharger get rolling then VOLTS will be flying off the lots and GM will hire everyone
The official unemployment numbers are not comparative unemployment numbers. It's all a grand lie to cover up the President's failure. It didn't start with Obama, but his team sure has cornered the market in intellectual dishonest manipulation of the numbers. Until you start counting those people who quit looking for work in this economy, you are doing nothing but lie about the numbers.
Paul's an idiot for the most part. A few good ideas, and then utter craziness. We need a Reagan republican in office, not a Paul republican. Paul couldn't even bring himself to admit the success of Reagan because he was so addicted to his own ideas. It clouded his judgment and he's never recovered. We can grow ourselves out of this mess, if we sufficiently get out of the way of our businesses.
The best part about these polls is that don't even count people who haven't been working for an extended period of time.
That they dont........or the people that have given up entirely..... Labor Force Participation Rate Since President Obama An ever shrinking labor force.......this is what liberals call a "Recovery". . . .